Wednesday, April 6, 2016

JB Williams -- Priebus Strategy vs. GOP Voters

JB Williams -- Priebus Strategy vs. GOP Voters

But Trump is someone the establishment is truly scared of… not because he is the wild-eyed ego-maniac they claim, but because he is truly an establishment outsider who threatens the status quo in the Republican Party and Washington DC. They can’t control him… and they don’t like anyone they can’t control.
Democratic Party strategist Pat Caddell who gained fame all the way back in the Jimmy Carter upset of the DNC establishment has stated he believes the GOP Establishment is “using Cruz as a cats-paw.”
“Look, you don’t really think that Jeb Bush, and Lindsay Graham, and some of those who have endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio … you don’t really think they want Ted Cruz, do you?” Caddell asked. “They’re using him to stop Trump.”
No one is worried about John Kasich. He has only won his home state and even if he did win, he is a long-time GOP RINO insider no different than Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan. No one is worried about Canadian Ted Cruz either, easily taken down by releasing proof that he is not even a legal US citizen, much less anatural born Citizen eligible for the Oval office.
The threat is Donald Trump… a self-made billionaire political outsider capturing the imagination and anger of millions of conservative GOP voters, but also independents and even many pro-American blue dog democrats. Unlike Cruz and Kasich, both of whom are career taxpayer employees, Trump is a total wild card… He is somewhat predictable, but totally uncontrollable.
Priebus isn’t alone… the Fox News group is clearly pro-Cruz, despite his obvious lack of constitutional eligibility, or his habitual lying. As reported CDJ News, “The Fix is in” as far as the GOP elite are concerned. Kasich knows he is playing spoiler to Trump and Cruz, but Cruz still actually thinks the GOP elites will allow him to become the nominee after they destroy Trump.
Libertarian Wayne Allen Root explains exactly why everyone in DC fears Trump in this short video… which is why GOP establishment shill publication Newsmax is predicting House Speaker will be the GOP nominee, even though no one in America will have voted for Paul Ryan.

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