What the GOP and DEMs are doing is insuring the destruction of the entire political process in order to move the election process into a new process which is that of a member committee to elect the next ranks of leadership. It is the very same process as the United Nations has employed- LEADERSHIP APPOINTMENT BY COMMITTEE VOTE…and why our elections have turned into chaos. All of this is to convince the public that elections are not to be done by a people and Super PACS and instead must be done by sound judgment of (corrupt) leader members elected by who? Corrupt puppet masters? The same who developed this system in the UN are the same ones behind the chaos to bring this about in our American political system? WAKE UP AND SAY NO! INSTEAD REMOVE THE CORRUPTION! Yes, I know that I am the very first to tell you this…but please hear it. For it is fact.
Look and see what this same establishment elite have done to control the middle east elections…all the nations they have tumbled and in their place have arisen western establishment owned, designated, and appointed men from the ashes. Laugh…laugh loudly….spit if you must…but see it. See it all for the fraud it is and has been! The truth shall set you free.
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