All over America, pastors such as John Hagee are egregiously misinterpreting God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that says, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (KJV), and applying it to the modern Zionist state of Israel. They completely ignore Galatians 3 that clearly and emphatically explains that the promise to Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and in those who have faith in Him. The promise to Abraham has absolutely nothing to do with the modern Zionist state of Israel. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
So, what has happened to the United States since 1948, when the United Nations created modern Israel? Has America been “blessed” by becoming little more than a vassal state of and war machine for Israel? What has been the result of allowing the Zionist/Neocons to assume control over so much of America? What have the John Hagees of the Christian world accomplished by brainwashing millions of America’s Christians with their “Israel-First” heresy?
Are our families better off since 1948? What about education? How are we doing in that department since 1948? What about U.S. jobs? What about our public and private debt? What about our social mores? What about crime? What about substance addiction? What about child molestation? What about aberrant sexual behavior? What about teen suicides and even veteran suicides? What about general honesty and integrity? How do all of these compare to 1948? Is the United States of America more blessed now than it was in 1948? Answer that in your own heart.
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