There's no doubt because I have made myself clear in many columns I believe Ted Cruz is a conniving liar. He knows he's not eligible to run for president but he's not going to let that interfere with his personal ambitions. After all, wasn't it Glen Beck who announced Cruz was the 'anointed one for this time'? Know when I absolutely knew Cruz knew he was constitutionally ineligible to be on the ballot? When he said this on August 22, 2013 at an appearance: “I am secretly a citizen of Ethiopia.”
The crowd got a big laugh out of that one right along with Ted the liar. What he did was copy the fraud in the White House with his born in Kenya jokes. Right out of Saul Alinsky's play book: Mock your enemies openly to distract from the subject at hand and keep doing it so eventually people will believe it.
The Republican Party has allowed three ineligible candidates to run for president this year: Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Why? Because of their complicity in allowing Barry Soetoro aka Obama to usurp the office of president. No way are they going to open that can of toxic worms. Rotten.They're all rotten to the core and Americans by the millions so far have continued to vote for their incumbents in the GOP controlled Congress who have allowed that massive fraud to stand.
On the day before I arrived back in W. Texas I was tuned into Sean Hannity's radio show just to see what was being spoon fed to his audience. Hannity did not use Montgomery's name while talking about the DC Madame and theNational Enquirer piece which I haven't read. You know, that publication who printed the truth about JFK's affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer (who was murdered), John Edwards, Tiger Woods and so many others. Anyway, Hannity mocked Montgomery and proclaimed there was no truth to Cruz being one of Palfrey's John's.
Hannity scoffed when telling his audience Montgomery had posted all the information on 815 of Palfrey's Johns and phone records of 40 other similar operations in the Washington area on four servers around the globe and that if anything happened to him the information would be immediately released. One has to remember that Montgomery was restrained by the court from releasing what he has and when you threaten powerful people or ones that know where the bodies are buried (former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel for serial adulterer Bill Clinton; both murdered) you are risking your life. Shallow Sean can laugh all he wants but I find him to be a pitiful example of someone who claims to be a truth seeker.
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