Sunday, April 17, 2016

Chuck Baldwin -- Liberal/Neocon Domination Killing America

Chuck Baldwin -- Liberal/Neocon Domination Killing America

The past seven presidential administrations (Bush, Sr. - Obama) and congresses (Republican and Democratic) have taken the United States to the brink of oppression--and maybe destruction. That's 28 years (counting 2016) of continuous domination by liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans. And make no mistake about it: there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans. They work in tandem. Best buds. Same agenda. Twins. Same parties. Same golf outings. Same clubs. Same money-grubbing. Controlled by the same people. Ad infinitum.
Under these liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans, the United States has become the most spied on country in the history of mankind. The brute-force of Washington, D.C., has all but expunged the Natural Law principles that founded this nation. Pulpit and pew; people and priest; magistrate and citizen; professor and student; newscaster and viewer: for the most part, they have all fallen in lockstep with the establishment Democrat and Republican parties. Hardly anyone understands the principles upon which our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were founded--including, and especially, the miscreants in Washington, D.C.
Beyond that, liberal Democrats and neoco

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