Thursday, April 28, 2016

TPP — Trilateralist Power Politics

TPP — Trilateralist Power Politics

David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and their fellow CFR/TC/Bilderberg internationalists began then, in the 1970s, to translate their schemes into the political and economic policies that resulted in the massive transfers of American capital and technology to transform China from a pathetic Third World basketcase into a First World economic and military power. Now they are moving to implement the next phase, enact and implement the TPP, which would later be expanded to converge with Communist China in the already-announced Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP).

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Article V Convention: What are they not telling you? - YouTube

The Article V Convention: What are they not telling you? - YouTube

Ron Ewart -- When Government Comes Calling, What Can You Do?

Ron Ewart -- When Government Comes Calling, What Can You Do?

The inviolate duty of the American federal government is to protect the American citizens from all enemies, foreign and domestic and to preserve, protect and defend each citizen’s individual, unalienable rights, that is, if the American federal government complied with the mandates of the U. S. Constitution and the battle cry of the Declaration of Independence.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Stop the Steal, July 18-21! The GOP is "flipping the bird" to We the People, trying to deny Trump the nomination. Here is how we stop them first! ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Stop the Steal, July 18-21! The GOP is "flipping the bird" to We the People, trying to deny Trump the nomination. Here is how we stop them first! ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Stop The Steal

Stop The Steal

Is it possible to get 100,000 Trump supporters to Cleveland? Or More?  It is worth it .. to restore freedom and our rights, and to loosen the grip the corrupt globalizers have on our Nation.  These evil people will do everything to stop us and our Candidate.

Rev. David Whitney -- The Answer to Gender Anarchy

Rev. David Whitney -- The Answer to Gender Anarchy

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Information Age? Or Age of Lies and Deception?

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Information Age? Or Age of Lies and Deception?

I often ask people for their definition of truth and most have to think before they give a response. They often reply “factual.” Here is my definition: Truth is that which does not change. There is only one thing that never changes. It is God, the only entity that is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Jesus Christ told us He is “the way, the truth and the life.”

For the low-information (so-called) conservatives who still believe that Donald Trump is a liberal, READ (and share) THIS!.... ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

For the low-information (so-called) conservatives who still believe that Donald Trump is a liberal, READ (and share) THIS!.... ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

NOW, tell us; what’s not “conservative” about any of the following items of which Trump plans to accomplish as POTUS. What exactly?
• Making America Great Again
• Closing our open and porous Southern border
• Building a border wall making Mexico pay for it
• Deporting all illegals
• No amnesty
• Lowering taxes across the board/instituting a fairer tax plan
• Stopping trade deficits with countries, especially China
• Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate from the highest in the world at 39% to 15% which will:
• Bring back American companies
• Bring back American jobs
• Bring back American dollars
• Bring back American investments and investors
• Stimulate the growth of new companies and create new jobs
• Ending the H-xB visa and Green Card abuses that has been giving American jobs to foreign workers
• Ending outsourcing for jobs Americans can do.
• Strengthening and supporting our military
• Supporting our Vets
• Fixing the broken VA care system and taking care of our wounded vets
• Saving and strengthening Social Security and Medicare and rejecting its elimination or “phase-out”
• Defending and enforcing 2nd Amendment rights
• Relaxing gun laws and allowing concealed carry in all 50 States
• Signing the oil drilling and fracking contracts
• Putting America on the path to true energy independence
• Making America the greatest energy exporter in the world
• No more Foreign Aid for unfriendly countries
• Reversing our trade imbalances with China and other nations
• Getting the GDP to at least 6%
• Ending NAFTA and other trade deals that are unfair to America and American interests
• Ending the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
• Ending the North American Union Deal
• Ending Obamacare and replacing it with a privatized health system where insurance companies compete across state lines
• Tort reform
• Rescinding all illegal Executive Orders
• Ending all illegal Executive gun control legislation
• Fixing the broken Iran deal and making better foreign deals for America’s interests
• Blowing ISIS to hell
• No deals and no negotiation with terrorists and terrorism
• Supporting Christianity in the U.S. and throughout the world
• Supporting our friend Israel
• Ending Common Core
• Pro-life
• Anti-Global Warming
• Putting America and Americans FIRST for a change.
• Created an immigration plan lauded by his contemporaries
• Created a Border plan lauded by his contemporaries
• Created a tax plan lauded by his contemporaries
• Created a 5-point plan to spur job and wealth creation for Americans
• Barring Islamic immigration UNTIL the possible dangers can be examined
• Actually balancing the budget and getting rid of the deficit
• Cutting government spending, make it stay within its budget restrictions.
• Shutting down wasteful unneeded govt agencies (EPA, Dept of Kleptocracy Education, etc.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Major Media Takes Notice of Constitutional Sheriffs and Their Campaign

Major Media Takes Notice of Constitutional Sheriffs and Their Campaign

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), which The New American has been reporting about for at least five years, has come to the attention of the major media. In an April 18 news report, NBC News reposted an article about the group originally published by The Center for Public Integrity, a Washington, D.C.-based investigative news organization, headlined, “The army to set our nation free."
The title is a direct quote from former Graham County, Arizona sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the CSPOA, who used it to describe his organization. The article linked to Mack’s webpage, in which he described his mission. Among his statements:
Right now, it is vital that we restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our own federal government. If America is conquered or ruined it will be from within, not a foreign enemy. [Emphasis in  original.]
Mack summarized his purpose as follows: 
I am deeply committed to the belief that government should exist to protect the freedoms of the individuals whom it serves. We must return to those principles that our country was founded upon! [Emphasis in original.]
The Public Integrity article started with the story of Liberty County, Florida Sheriff Nick Finch, who became embroiled in controversy back in 2013, when he ordered the release of a man who had been arrested for carrying a concealed firearm without a license. Finch justified his action by saying: “I know what law rules the day, and it’s the U.S. Constitution.”
After his deputy complained about his actions, Republican Governor Rick Scott ordered Finch’s suspension.
Following that suspension, Mack and his CSPOA rallied to Finch’s defense. The New American published several articles about Finch’s ordeal: “Liberty Co Sheriff Arrested, Suspended by Governor”;  “Trial of Liberty County, Florida Sheriff Nick Finch Begins”; and “Sheriff Nick Finch Acquitted, Immediately Reinstated by Governor.”
The last of those articles, published on October 31, 2013, described Finch’s vindication:
Justice has been served.
Minutes after noon on Thursday, October 31, an eight-person jury acquitted Sheriff Nick Finch of both charges against him. Finch, the sheriff of Liberty County, Florida, was accused of official misconduct and falsifying records. Finch maintained that he was simply standing up for the right of the people to keep and bear arms as protected by the Second Amendment.
The jury agreed, reaching its verdict in fewer than 90 minutes. Within minutes of being found not guilty, Sheriff Finch spoke with Governor Rick Scott, who reinstated Finch within hours.
In an interview with The New American afterwards, Finch said: “I am so grateful for all the support from patriots all across the country. I am thrilled to be back to work.”
Finch continues to serve as Liberty County’s sheriff.
The Public Integrity article said that his support on behalf of Finch “wasn’t the only occasion in which Mack, a former public relations director of … Gun Owners of America, has intervened on behalf of someone who prominently contested the enforcement of laws.” The article noted:
Mack first made it to the national stage in 1996 as a sheriff from Arizona, when he and a sheriff from Montana challenged a provision of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act before the U.S. Supreme Court. Using attorneys subsidized by the National Rifle Association, they argued it was unconstitutional for the federal government to require local chief law enforcement officers to run background checks on prospective gun buyers — and won, in a 5-4 ruling that struck down that provision of the act.
The article noted that during CSPOA’s 2014 annual convention, Finch and 40 other sheriffs signed a resolution declaring that they would not tolerate any federal agent who attempted to register firearms, arrest someone, or seize property in their counties without their consent. This declaration represented the very essence of the concept of federalism.
Over the past few years, The New American has reported about the activities of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association on many occasions, since CSPOA has often taken a position on controversies between local and federal officials. In one such article, Mack granted an exclusive interview with The New American.
In that interview, Mack highlighted the successes that members of his organization had in resisting unconstitutional challenges by the federal government and declared that with these successes, “We are taking back America one county at a time!”
Among the sheriffs across the country who are CSPOA members and who have kept their oath to uphold, defend, protect, preserve, and obey the U.S. Constitution have been:
• Sheriff Tony Desmond of Schoharie County, New York, a champion of the Second Amendment, who said: “If you have an assault weapon which under the state’s [new] SAFE act is considered illegal, I don’t look at it as being illegal just because someone says it is.”
• Sheriff John Cook of Weld County, Colorado — one of nine sheriffs who sued the state of Colorado over its draconian gun control laws passed in 2013, who insisted: “It’s not [legislators’] job to tell me what I can and can’t enforce. I’m still the one who has to say, ‘Where do I put my priorities and resources?’ And it’s not going to be there [enforcing gun control laws].”
• Sheriff Tony DeMeo of Nye County, Nevada, who told his deputies that cattle seizures by federal agents were prohibited and that any federal agents attempting to confiscate cattle from Nye County resident Wayne Hage’s ranch would be arrested. Shortly thereafter BLM agents arrived at Hage's ranch, whereupon one of DeMeo’s deputies informed them that they could not seize any of Hage’s cattle. When federal Bureau of Land Management agents told DeMeo’s deputy that they would arrest the sheriff and use armed force to take Hage's cattle, Sheriff DeMeo advised the federal agents that their SWAT team would be faced with DeMeo’s own SWAT team if they proceeded. DeMeo explained that his deputies were empowered to refuse unlawful orders if the orders violated the U.S. Constitution, the Nevada state constitution, local laws, or policies.
The feds apparently took DeMeo’s words seriously because they never pursued their armed confrontation.
As The New American’s interview with Sheriff Mack concluded, he noted that in every case in which a constitutional sheriff or peace officer has challenged federal authorities, the federal authorities have stood down. He couldn't recall a single instance in which any member of CSPOA was forced to stand down in the face of unconstitutional federal pressure.
While the Center for Public Integrity’s article was by no means supportive of the CSPOA’s mission (and even tried, in places, to associate their work with certain violent elements within the “sovereign citizen” movement), the fact that the article was picked up by NBC News will help publicize the sheriffs' work and perhaps attract other constitutionalist law-enforcement officers to their ranks.

Bradlee Dean -- Don’t Get Rid of Guns - Get Rid of Criminal Politicians

Bradlee Dean -- Don’t Get Rid of Guns - Get Rid of Criminal Politicians

America, these “terrorists” (Terrorism was originally defined in the OxfordEnglish Dictionary as “Government by intimidation”) attack the gun owners, who would obstruct their way from violating constitutional law. That is why the real terrorists, like Hillary Clinton, are attacking law-abiding citizens. Why do Americans put up with this?

Edwin Vieira Jr. -- Donald Trump and The Militia

Edwin Vieira Jr. -- Donald Trump and The Militia

As anyone with 20-20 political vision can see, America’s domestic enemies have taken off their velvet gloves to reveal the iron fists underneath, by employing against Trump directly, and America ultimately, the modern Bolshevistic strategy of socio-political destabilization through so-called “non-violent direct action”, “weathermen” tactics, and “color revolutions”—all in line with the old Leninist/Stalinist slogan, “there are no fortresses which Bolsheviks cannot storm”. Please refrain from chiding me that the contemporary Establishment is not, to one degree or another, made up largely of Bolsheviks. The opposite is obviously true. Some are retreaded Trotskyites (who call themselves “neoconservatives”). Others are watered-down Mensheviks (who call themselves “social democrats” or “moderate socialists”). Others are the equivalent of NEP-men (better known here as “corporate socialists”, because they rely on governmental intervention in the economy to guarantee profits for themselves, while offloading losses onto the backs of the general public). And all of them are doctrinaire Leninists, inasmuch as they subscribe to his notion that “[t]he scientific term ‘dictatorship’ means nothing more nor less than authority untrammeled by any laws, absolutely unrestricted by any rules whatever, and based directly on force”. Vladimir I. Lenin, “A Contribution to the History of the Question of the Dictatorship, A Note” [1920], in Collected Works (Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Progress Publishers, 4th English Edition, 1966), Volume 31, at 353. None of these people gives a tinker’s dam for the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution—indeed, they believe themselves to be “untrammeled by any laws”. And all of them enthusiastically promote the present-day global “war on terrorism”, under color of which apara-militarized police-state apparatus, “absolutely unrestricted by any rules whatever, and based directly on force”, is being built up within this country in order to wage a domestic “war of terrorism” against the American people. See my book By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of “Martial Law” for the particulars on this.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Donald Trump: Cruz Staged 'Attack' In Georgia To Steal Delegates

Donald Trump: Cruz Staged 'Attack' In Georgia To Steal Delegates

You can readily see that any politician, including Cruz, have accepted lying, cheating, misleading, and ignoring the will of the people is ingrained in a politician.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Chuck Baldwin -- Liberal/Neocon Domination Killing America

Chuck Baldwin -- Liberal/Neocon Domination Killing America

The past seven presidential administrations (Bush, Sr. - Obama) and congresses (Republican and Democratic) have taken the United States to the brink of oppression--and maybe destruction. That's 28 years (counting 2016) of continuous domination by liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans. And make no mistake about it: there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans. They work in tandem. Best buds. Same agenda. Twins. Same parties. Same golf outings. Same clubs. Same money-grubbing. Controlled by the same people. Ad infinitum.
Under these liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans, the United States has become the most spied on country in the history of mankind. The brute-force of Washington, D.C., has all but expunged the Natural Law principles that founded this nation. Pulpit and pew; people and priest; magistrate and citizen; professor and student; newscaster and viewer: for the most part, they have all fallen in lockstep with the establishment Democrat and Republican parties. Hardly anyone understands the principles upon which our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were founded--including, and especially, the miscreants in Washington, D.C.
Beyond that, liberal Democrats and neoco

Friday, April 15, 2016

Oh What Tangled Webs Have Been Woven – 'Nox

Oh What Tangled Webs Have Been Woven – 'Nox

This election is proving to be a pivotal point in our history much like 1776.  Its time our government and political parties’ hairy legs were removed and “we the people” wake up to reality.  The value of a web is only as important as that which created it.

(99) Robbins Paul - On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election”...

(99) Robbins Paul - On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election”...

On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election” without voters. Delegates were chosen on behalf of a presidential nominee, yet the people of Colorado were not able to cast their ballots to say which nominee they preferred.
A planned vote had been canceled. And one million Republicans in Colorado were sidelined.
In recent days, something all too predictable has happened: Politicians furiously defended the system. “These are the rules,” we were told over and over again. If the “rules” can be used to block Coloradans from voting on whether they want better trade deals, or stronger borders, or an end to special-interest vote-buying in Congress—well, that’s just the system and we should embrace it.
Let me ask America a question: How has the “system” been working out for you and your family?
I, for one, am not interested in defending a system that for decades has served the interest of political parties at the expense of the people. Members of the club—the consultants, the pollsters, the politicians, the pundits and the special interests—grow rich and powerful while the American people grow poorer and more isolated.
No one forced anyone to cancel the vote in Colorado. Political insiders made a choice to cancel it. And it was the wrong choice.
Responsible leaders should be shocked by the idea that party officials can simply cancel elections in America if they don’t like what the voters may decide.
The only antidote to decades of ruinous rule by a small handful of elites is a bold infusion of popular will. On every major issue affecting this country, the people are right and the governing elite are wrong. The elites are wrong on taxes, on the size of government, on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy.
Why should we trust the people who have made every wrong decision to substitute their will for America’s will in this presidential election?
Here, I part ways with Sen. Ted Cruz.
Mr. Cruz has toured the country bragging about his voterless victory in Colorado. For a man who styles himself as a warrior against the establishment (you wouldn’t know it from his list of donors and endorsers), you’d think he would be demanding a vote for Coloradans. Instead, Mr. Cruz is celebrating their disenfranchisement.
Likewise, Mr. Cruz loudly boasts every time party insiders disenfranchise voters in a congressional district by appointing delegates who will vote the opposite of the expressed will of the people who live in that district.
That’s because Mr. Cruz has no democratic path to the nomination. He has been mathematically eliminated by the voters.
While I am self-funding, Mr. Cruz rakes in millions from special interests. Yet despite his financial advantage, Mr. Cruz has won only three primaries outside his home state and trails me by two million votes—a gap that will soon explode even wider. Mr. Cruz loses when people actually get to cast ballots. Voter disenfranchisement is not merely part of the Cruz strategy—it is the Cruz strategy.
The great irony of this campaign is that the “Washington cartel” that Mr. Cruz rails against is the very group he is relying upon in his voter-nullification scheme.
My campaign strategy is to win with the voters. Ted Cruz’s campaign strategy is to win despite them.
What we are seeing now is not a proper use of the rules, but a flagrant abuse of the rules. Delegates are supposed to reflect the decisions of voters, but the system is being rigged by party operatives with “double-agent” delegates who reject the decision of voters.
The American people can have no faith in such a system. It must be reformed.
Just as I have said that I will reform our unfair trade, immigration and economic policies that have also been rigged against Americans, so too will I work closely with the chairman of the Republican National Committee and top GOP officials to reform our election policies. Together, we will restore the faith—and the franchise—of the American people.
We must leave no doubt that voters, not donors, choose the nominee.
How have we gotten to the point where politicians defend a rigged delegate-selection process with more passion than they have ever defended America’s borders?
Perhaps it is because politicians care more about securing their private club than about securing their country.
My campaign will, of course, battle for every last delegate. We will work within the system that exists now, while fighting to have it reformed in the future. But we will do it the right way. My campaign will seek maximum transparency, maximum representation and maximum voter participation.
We will run a campaign based on empowering voters, not sidelining them.
Let us take inspiration from patriotic Colorado citizens who have banded together in protest. Let us make Colorado a rallying cry on behalf of all the forgotten people whose desperate pleas have for decades fallen on the deaf ears and closed eyes of our rulers in Washington, D.C.
The political insiders have had their way for a long time. Let 2016 be remembered as the year the American people finally got theirs.

Our prediction that the Colorado heist would result in a net negative delegates for the Canadian is spot on. Cruz is dropping like a rock ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Our prediction that the Colorado heist would result in a net negative delegates for the Canadian is spot on. Cruz is dropping like a rock ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Chuck Baldwin -- Washington D.C. Neocons Are The Greatest Threat to World Freedom

Chuck Baldwin -- Washington D.C. Neocons Are The Greatest Threat to World Freedom

All over America, pastors such as John Hagee are egregiously misinterpreting God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that says, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (KJV), and applying it to the modern Zionist state of Israel. They completely ignore Galatians 3 that clearly and emphatically explains that the promise to Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and in those who have faith in Him. The promise to Abraham has absolutely nothing to do with the modern Zionist state of Israel. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
So, what has happened to the United States since 1948, when the United Nations created modern Israel? Has America been “blessed” by becoming little more than a vassal state of and war machine for Israel? What has been the result of allowing the Zionist/Neocons to assume control over so much of America? What have the John Hagees of the Christian world accomplished by brainwashing millions of America’s Christians with their “Israel-First” heresy?
Are our families better off since 1948? What about education? How are we doing in that department since 1948? What about U.S. jobs? What about our public and private debt? What about our social mores? What about crime? What about substance addiction? What about child molestation? What about aberrant sexual behavior? What about teen suicides and even veteran suicides? What about general honesty and integrity? How do all of these compare to 1948? Is the United States of America more blessed now than it was in 1948? Answer that in your own heart.

Harvard’s Muslim Brotherhood propaganda fest

Harvard’s Muslim Brotherhood propaganda fest

Thursday, April 14, 2016

JB Williams -- The End of the American Presidency

JB Williams -- The End of the American Presidency

Following the War of Independence separating America from Great Britain and establishing a new free sovereign nation, our Founders set a course to establish a Constitutional Representative Republican form of self-governance, of, by and for the people of the newly formed United States with the passage of the U.S. Constitution.
Ever since, political powers here and abroad have sought to undermine, dismantle and destroy the United States and eliminate it as the world’s most free, prosperous and powerful nation on earth.
Two hundred years later, trapped in a growing global shift towards a One World system of global governance based on communist principles of social justice, the United States would soon find itself in a silent battle for its sovereignty and security emanating from within…
Fast forward to 2004 – when a totally obscure new Illinois State Senator was paraded on to the national stage by none other than Sen. Ted Kennedy, (who had very close ties with Vladimir Putin, then head of the Russian KGB) – strangely upstaging the intended star of the show, Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry. Four years later, the man with no verifiable past would become the first truly anti-American occupant of the Oval Office under color of fraud.
His name is Barack Hussein Obama and Barry Soetoro and Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah. He was born to a Kenyan Father and a young American mother, in Hawaii as the story goes, and grew up an Indonesian citizen for a time. He has more than twenty Social Security numbers attached to his name[s] – and six years later, all records sealed, not one American citizen can tell you for sure who or what this person really is…
But we have watched him destroy our country at light speed for six years – stirring up racial divides, seizing more and more dictatorial executive powers, taking over entire private economic sectors, importing illegal aliens and illegal Islamic “refugees” at a record pace, driving our nation to nearly $20 trillion in debt, setting records in Military KIA and WIA under suicidal ROE, losing Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Pakistan and numerous others, undermining every constitutional concept, installing Muslim Brotherhood members throughout federal offices and national security agencies, as well as in numerous Middle Eastern nations by directly interfering in their elections, and swapping old U.S. allies for old U.S. enemies and placing our oldest Middle Eastern ally on the chopping block, Israel.
If the goal is to destroy the United States, no one has ever done it better than Barack Hussein Obama.
Our Founders made it possible for us to prevent such events, by placing very narrow and specific requirements for the Oval Office in Article II of the Constitution… all the American people had to do to prevent this disaster was enforce the Constitution.

JB Williams -- Texas Refuses to Answer Cruz Question

JB Williams -- Texas Refuses to Answer Cruz Question

In a letter dated March 10, 2016 and received by the Texas Secretary of State on March 15, 2016, The North American Law Center asking the following question –
“In light of the attached official citizenship records for Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz in Calgary, Alberta Canada, dated December 22, 1970 (attached) and a document confirming the renunciation of his Canadian citizenship dated May 14, 2014 (attached), is it your official opinion as the Chief Elections Officer for Texas that U.S. Senator Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz was in fact a legal citizen of Canada in November of 2012, when he ran for, was elected and certified by the Texas Secretary of State as the new U.S. Senator representing the good people of Texas, as a legal citizen of Canada?”
As of today, March 29, 2016, Texas Secretary of State has declined to respond to this one simple question with only one possible honest answer…. YES
The official Canadian document accepting and affirming Sen. Ted Cruz’s wish to renounce his Canadian citizenship documents two very important facts…
1. Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz became a legal citizen of Canada on December 22, 1970, the day he was born in Calgary, Canada.
2. Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz remained a legally documented citizen of Canada until Canada accepted his request to terminate or “renounce” his legal citizenship in Canada on May 14, 2014.
This means that Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz was indeed a “legal citizen of Canada” when he sought a seat in the U.S. Senate in 2012 and accepted that sworn office in January of 2013. It also means that Sen. Ted Cruz defrauded Texas voters in 2012 by never disclosing this fact and not allowing Texas voters to decide whether or not they wanted a Canadian citizen to represent them in the U.S. Senate.
Today, the GOP race is looking more like a shootout at the OK Corral than a political primary process. At present, two out of seventeen GOP contenders remain in the race, Trump with 739 delegates (61.4%) and Cruz with 465 delegates (38.6%).
I find it very interesting that Cruz supporters claim that Ted is “the only one who can beat Hillary” when Ted can’t even beat Trump. I also find it very interesting that Cruz supporters claim to be “constitutionalists” who support our nation’s best “constitutionalist” – a man who was a legal citizen of Canada at birth, and remained a legal citizen of Canada until May 14, 2014, a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution regarding Oval Office eligibility.
The documented facts surrounding the legal citizenship of Ted Cruz create a serious problem not only for the Cruz presidential campaign, but for his seat in the U.S. Senate as well.
One document alone sinks the Cruz ship… the official Canadian documentaccepting Senator Cruz’s request to renounce his legal citizenship in Canada. On that document, it states that Ted Cruz became a legal citizen of Canada on December 22, 1970, his date of birth, and during a time when Canada did not allow any “dual citizenship.” It also states that Ted Cruz remained a legal citizen of Canada until he officially renounced on May 14, 2014.
This document alone proves that Ted Cruz was NOT a citizen of the United States at birth, much less a “natural born Citizen” of the United States, that he was NOT a “dual citizen” at birth and that he was indeed a legal citizen of Canada in 2012, when he misled Texas voters in his campaign for the U.S. Senate. Texas voters had no idea that Ted was a legal citizen of Canada in 2012… they were misled by Ted.
In December of 2013, North American Law Center asked Ted to do the right thing in a letter. A letter which Ted Cruz has never responded to…
In March of 2015, I wrote about a Republican Party official from Texas who heard Ted Cruz state face-to-face, that neither he nor Barack Obama are eligible for the Oval Office. The name of the witness remains protected still today, due to concerns over vicious backlashes against his family from blind Cruz loyalists.
Interviewer: “Hello Mr. Cruz, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is (redacted). I am a (redacted) County GOP Precinct Chair and you have my support and vote. I have one question for you if I may?”
Cruz: “Sure, go ahead.”

Interviewer: “What is your understanding of how one becomes a natural born Citizen?”
Cruz: “Two citizen parents and born on the soil.”

Interviewer: “Not exactly, but as I don't have enough time to fully explain how one does become an natural born Citizen, based on your understanding, would you agree that Barack Obama is ineligible to be POTUS?”
Cruz: “I would agree.”

Interviewer: “So when we get you elected, will you expose him for the usurping fraud he is?”
Cruz: “No, my main focus will be on repealing Obamacare.”

Interviewer: “But Mr. Cruz, if he is exposed as the usurping fraud he is, everything he has done will become null and void. Everything!”

Interviewer: “At that point, Cruz reiterated his main concern, so it was obvious the conversation was over as far as Cruz was concerned. I thanked him for his time and wished him success in the runoff.”
People have written asking about this witness numerous times since. The above dialogue is held by North American Law Center in the form of a sworn affidavit. The witness is willing to go public only when Texas, a court or congress has opened an investigation on Cruz lies and fraud. Until then, they wish to remain anonymous with good reason. I have witnessed the vicious nature of Cruz supporters myself, many times now.
Because Cruz defrauded Texas in 2012 and is currently defrauding the nation in his presidential campaign, collecting millions in a fraudulent bid for the Oval Office, we do not expect to ever receive any answer at all from the Texas 

Kelleigh Nelson -- Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum Torn Apart by Cruz Supporters

Kelleigh Nelson -- Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum Torn Apart by Cruz Supporters

Dissidents are pro Constitutional Convention and Cruz Supporters
These six women are against Schlafly’s opposition to a new push for a Constitutional Convention via Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) as well as the Convention of States. Schlafly has always fought a Con-Con, and was at our side in the early 80s to defeat the call then when the same ruse of a BBA was used.
As of January, 27 states had passed resolutions calling for a constitutional convention, most relying on model legislation drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council and the Convention of States, a little-known group founded by Michael Farris.
Five of these six women are also Cruz supporters, and Cruz is all for a Constitutional Convention. He needs a Convention in order to pass the North American Union which his wife, Heidi, so diligently worked on at the CFR for five years. Supporter Glenn Beck, and David Barton who heads up the Keep-the-Promise Cruz PAC, are both pushing a Con-Con.
From the Convention of States website come this: Ted Cruz immediately declared his support for Mark Levin's book, The Liberty Amendments upon its release. He posted a link on his Facebook page and wrote, "Mark's book sparks an important discussion about how to fix the problems that face our Republic." As well, check out Ted's article in the National Review where he promotes a Convention.
Really Ted Cruz? You really believe a Constitutional Convention will fix the problems our Republic faces? Excuse me Ted, but the founders gave useverything we need. The problem is that the legislative, executive and judicial branches of our government do not want to follow what they've sworn an oath to.
Cathie Adams, gave an interview to the Dallas Morning News, critical of Schlafly’s endorsement of Trump. I fully believe Cathie Adams and Ann Cori have spearheaded this entire takeover of Eagle Forum, the ousting of EdMartin, as well as eliminating founder, Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis rescinded her endorsement of Cathie Adams to be vice chair of the Texas GOP after Adams’ interview with the Dallas Morning News.
Here is the letter Phyllis wrote after this phone meeting was finished:
I have just released the following statement to the press and our members:
"At 2:00 pm today, 6 directors of Eagle Forum met in an improper, unprecedented telephone meeting. I objected to the meeting and at 2:11pm, I was muted from the call. The meeting was invalid under the Bylaws but the attendees purported to pass several motions to wrest control of the organization from me. They are attempting to seize access to our bank accounts, to terminate employees, and to install members of their own Gang of 6 to control the bank accounts and all of Eagle Forum.
"The members of their group are: Eunie Smith of Alabama, Anne Cori of Missouri, Cathie Adams of Texas, Rosina Kovar of Colorado, Shirley Curry of Tennessee, and Carolyn McLarty of Oklahoma.
"This kind of conduct will not stand and I will fight for Eagle Forum and I ask all men and women of good will to join me in this fight."
Ed Martin stated, “When people don’t return your phone calls or give you a straight answer about what they’re doing, Phyllis knows enough to recognize that’s pretty hostile.” Martin also cited an instance where an EF member who was also working for Ted Cruz, took a membership list and gave it to the Cruz campaign for marketing. “The Cruz campaign backed off using the list,” he said, “But we have a few incidents and the EF members who have endorsed Cruz are not happy with Phyllis’s endorsement of Trump.”

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Film Exposes Communist Roots of “Sustainability” Agenda

New Film Exposes Communist Roots of “Sustainability” Agenda

Dr. Ed Berry -- How Donald Trump will beat the GOP Establishment

Dr. Ed Berry -- How Donald Trump will beat the GOP Establishment

The Darth Vader GOP Establishment not only fixed the Wisconsin election but threatens to do the same in New York. DJ Lewis reported on Twitter,
"I was 5 feet from Priebus when he said 'Use the Diebold program in New York to keep Trump under 50 percent.'"
Wisconsin is littered with voting machines, most of them Diabold. Wisconsin voters reported voting machine problems in 2014.
Here is a map of Wisconsin counties that Trump and Cruz won.
Here is a list of the voting machines in Wisconsin. You can match the counties with no or few voting machines with the counties Trump and Cruz won.Trump won every county that did not use voting machines.
What is other evidence of vote fraud?
Compare the final results with the good polls. Ignore the bad polls like WSJ because they are purposely biased because Murdoch hates Trump.
The final vote results should not be more than ten percent different from the good polls. In the states that Cruz won, his votes were up to four times his poll data. The probability of this happening is about the same as winning a lottery. This happened in Wisconsin.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Border Patrol Union Says It Was Ordered to Release Aliens “Still Wet” From Crossing Rio Grande

Border Patrol Union Says It Was Ordered to Release Aliens “Still Wet” From Crossing Rio Grande

We have apprehended illegal aliens just north of the border who are still soaking wet from crossing the river. If they claim, as increasingly they are doing, that they have been here since January 1, 2014, we will process and then release them.
They are still wet from the river and miles from any civilization and on their word alone we release them unless we physically saw them cross the river. This policy de facto creates an open border with Mexico for any illegal alien who wants to claim that they were here before 2014.
The Washington Times, which broke this story, explained that the January 1, 2014, date is not specified in any law, but, rather, is part of President Obama's enforcement priorities laid out in November of that year, designed to save most illegal immigrants from any fear of deportation.
The Obama plan was roundly criticized almost immediately after it was unveiled. In an opinion filed on December 16, 2014, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, federal Judge Arthur Schwab said Obama’s immigration actions were invalid because they were effectively “legislation” from the executive branch, and concluded that they are “unconstitutional.”
In rendering his opinion in the case, United States of America, Plaintiff v. Elionardo Juarez-Escobar, Defendant, Judge Schwab cited and quoted from President Obama’s November 20, 2014, nationwide address announcing his executive actions related to granting “deferred deportation” to millions of aliens living in the United States illegally.

Globalists Plan Crisis Just Before Brexit Vote?

Globalists Plan Crisis Just Before Brexit Vote?

Milfuegos: Was the father of presidential hopeful Cruz involved in the JFK assassination? by Wayne Madsen Report

Milfuegos: Was the father of presidential hopeful Cruz involved in the JFK assassination? by Wayne Madsen Report

Rafael Cruz, A Pro-Batista, CIA Connected Cuban In Exile? Really Ted? – THE MARSHALL REPORT

Rafael Cruz, A Pro-Batista, CIA Connected Cuban In Exile? Really Ted? – THE MARSHALL REPORT

In an article written by David Zephyr, he  has exposed the connection between Rafael Cruz the father of candidate Ted Cruz and the Bush oil connection.  Interesting facts have arisen connecting him to Lee Harvey Oswald. Interesting  that Mr. Zephr has discovered the CIA connection that many of us have suspected of Rafael Cruz for a long time.
I have written several DU’ers by private email over the last months about my research into Ted Cruz’s father’s inconsistent personal histories he has provided over the years. Rafael Cruz’s stories didn’t add up. Then there was the Dallas / New Orleans connection…and then Rafael’s fleeing to Canada and disappearing for years before returning to the US where his son wound up employed by the Bush Crime Family

Charlotte Iserbyt -- Only Way to Save America is at the Local Level

Charlotte Iserbyt -- Only Way to Save America is at the Local Level

Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are Communist and straight from Marx. Know this, by keeping the establishment in place this agenda is and will continue to be rammed down our throats.
(1) Every school, repeat "every", will become a corporate/government school geared to communist/fascist lifelong global workforce training, NOT academics for the upward mobility of your children.
(2) Post-secondary (college/university) will be tied into elementary and secondary schools for smooth transition to this totalitarian lifelong workforce training system.
(3) All, repeat "all" services womb-to-tomb will be included in this birth to death government school. ABCs of DumbDown: WOMB TO TOMB
(4) There will be no locally-elected school boards. Property tax funding of schools will be moved to the state level. Agenda for local education will be crafted and dictated at the state level. Local schools will be "managed" by teachers trained in transition from academics to workforce training, behavior modification, and change agent skills. We will have a national school board, to which local and state levels will report, made up of carefully selected community, corporate and education leaders, et al, hooked into UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and OECD (Office of Economic Cooperation and Development), Paris, France, and elsewhere.
If you want to know first hand what this kind of education/workforce training is, take a trip to Cuba. Less expensive than going to Europe, China, or elsewhere.
I have racked my brain to figure out how to get Anita Hoge's impeccable research to the public in order to stop UN Agenda 2030 in its tracks. Agenda 2030 cannot proceed as planned without brainwashing/assessment component and use of tax-funded school choice/charters, with unelected boards, all of which are covered in Anita's presentation.
Here's a suggestion:
Contact the following groups and request they invite you to speak and to present Anita's video at their next meeting: local school board, home school groups, private and religious schools, churches, Women's Club, Garden Club, Kiwanis, Rotary, et al.
When and if you do get an invitation, be sure announcement of your talk and showing of this video is published in local papers and advertised on local radio/TV well in advance. Be sure to confirm press coverage in advance of your meeting.
Be sure, after the showing, to follow up with the above groups to make sure they are on board with you, and to plan future activities to STOP this anti-American, anti-child, anti-academic teacher agenda.

Monday, April 11, 2016



Now I am not sure what kind of Soviet style Marxist agenda you are running in Douglas County Colorado but I would say by the time my E mail leaves my home in Navarre Florida it will be in the in box of about 500,000 people across this nation after its re forwarded etc..

GOP Says No Trump. Why? Whereas Donald Trump Would Derail The New World Order Plans… – THE MARSHALL REPORT

GOP Says No Trump. Why? Whereas Donald Trump Would Derail The New World Order Plans… – THE MARSHALL REPORT

If you ever had any doubt what this election was all about…now it is perfectly clear. It is about placing a puppet who will allow the establishment elite to sweep ahead with their world order plans.

Frosty Wooldridge -- Hillary Rodham Clinton: An Exceptionally Dishonest Life

Frosty Wooldridge -- Hillary Rodham Clinton: An Exceptionally Dishonest Life

It’s Not About An Election, It Is About The New World Order! – THE MARSHALL REPORT

It’s Not About An Election, It Is About The New World Order! – THE MARSHALL REPORT

Devvy Kidd -- Ted Cruz Not On NJ Ballot - Will Hearing Today Finally Expose His Con Game?

Devvy Kidd -- Ted Cruz Not On NJ Ballot - Will Hearing Today Finally Expose His Con Game?

A message for Cruz supporters. Please read this and know that our courts to date have not ruled on the merits of the law, but on corrupt politics.
For Ted Cruz to remain on the ballot is just another gigantic fraud against we the people facilitated by the gutless cowards in the Republican Party who have allowed not one constitutionally ineligible candidate to usurp the office of president, Obama, but have again allowed Ted Cruz to remain in the race stealing votes and delegates he has no legal right to during the primary process...
Despite the massive amount of legal research based on court cases and historical documents defining natural born citizen, buffoons in the media, print and electronic, as well as boob tube experts, talk show biggies and the corrupt machines called the RNC and DNC continue to distort the truth by declaring only one parent must be a U.S. citizen. Wrong. BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens at the time the child is born.
Not one of those lawsuits was ever decided on the merits of the law. All were dismissed for political expediency. At this time there's no proof Ted Cruz is even a naturalized U.S. Citizen so I ask again: Just what country does he claim citizenship under?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Democrat Prosecutors Pursue Climate Skeptics

Democrat Prosecutors Pursue Climate Skeptics

The ghost of Stalinist “science” is back with Lysenkoism 2.0. When top climate experts such as MIT's Richard Lindzen and former NASA climatologist Roy Spencerridiculed the alarmist movement as the “climate cult” and “global warming Nazis,” they were a lot closer to the mark than even they probably realized. Instead of explaining whythe satellite and weather balloon temperature record shows that there has been no warming in over 18 years, in defiance of every United Nations “climate model,” the warmists have decided to simply prosecute and terrorize their critics with threats of fines, jail time, and even executions. Seriously. Now the threats are becoming reality, with Democrat alarmists and Rockefeller-funded activists leading the way.
This has frightening parallels to the campaign of firing, imprisonment, sentencing to gulags, and even execution waged against Soviet scientists who questioned the pseudo-scientific views of Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko, who was supported by Joseph Stalin.
With the man-made global-warming theory increasingly becoming the subject of ridicule, Democrat attorneys general in over 15 states are taking it to the next level. They call themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.” Among other schemes, the “law-enforcement officers” are plotting a massive legal attack on climate skeptics, science, free speech, constitutional government, imaginary boogeymen, and of course, common sense. But the plan is almost certain to backfire, big time — even in the remote chance that the prosecutors succeed in duping or strongarming a jury into fining or jailing climate heretics who have helped expose the absurdity of climate alarmism.
Ironically, the infamous “Gore effect” was right on time. In New York, where the attorneys general and discredited activist Al Gore made the announcement about the plan last week, record cold is wreaking havoc. Northern New York even saw sub-zero temperatures this week, shattering daily and April records. That hardly put a chill in the alarmists' jihad on climate infidels, however.  
The bizarre effort to intimidate scientists and criminalize skepticism of the government-backed anthropogenic (man-made) global-warming theory, known as AGW, has already drawn numerous comparisons with the Inquisition. Indeed, the conductor of the alarmist train, former United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change boss Rajendra K. Pachauri, admitted in his resignation letter that his crusade was actually his “religion.” He resigned due to sexual harrasment charges, and is now facing serious charges in his native India.
As mentioned above, the ongoing witch hunt involves state attorneys general in some 16 states, plus discredited climate guru Al“no more Arctic ice cap” Gore and other AGW fanatics with a vested interest in the failed theory. Their radical plan: Intimidate and prosecute those who point out the flaws in their own pet theory — crucial to the globalist agenda — by claiming the skeptics are committing “fraud.” The opposite, is, in fact, closer to the truth, as mountains of evidence and testimony continue to show.
A 2014 Pew survey revealed that just 40 percent of Americans even believed the AGW theory, so it is clear that billions in propaganda and the frequent lectures from President Obama are not helping. Perhaps the new alliance of attorneys general hopes those numbers can be brought up a bit by prosecuting some dissenters and using what prosecutors call the “deterrent” effect. For now, though, despite the fact that virtually all of Big Business and Big Oil are in the tank for AGW alarmism, the climate inquisitors claim to be focused on companies that allegedly promote or allegedly have promoted skepticism of the AGW theory. Eventually, individuals may face the inquisitors, too.
With virtually every major oil company reliably touting and even funding the climate hysteria, the first to be targeted is oil giant ExxonMobil. Prosecutors in New York and California have already started “investigations” into the firm, while attorneys general from Massachusetts and the Virgin Islands announced last week that they would join in. In a statement, the company blasted the claims by the coalition of officials as “preposterous.”

An Open Letter To Reince Priebus | kazmierskireport

An Open Letter To Reince Priebus | kazmierskireport

Wisconsin Results & RCP Average

Michael Savage DESTROYS and Exposes Ted Cruz - 3/10/16

Ted Cruz - Wolf in Sheep Clothing!!! Christian Video Channe



What the GOP and DEMs are doing is insuring the destruction of the entire political process in order to move the election process into a new process which is that of a member committee to elect the next ranks of leadership.  It is the very same process as the United Nations has employed- LEADERSHIP APPOINTMENT BY COMMITTEE VOTE…and why our elections have turned into chaos.  All of this is to convince the public that elections are not to be done by a people and Super PACS and instead must be done by sound judgment of (corrupt) leader members elected by who?  Corrupt puppet masters?  The same who developed this system in the UN are the same ones behind the chaos to bring this about in our American political system?  WAKE UP AND SAY NO!  INSTEAD REMOVE THE CORRUPTION! Yes, I know that I am the very first to tell you this…but please hear it.  For it is fact.
Look and see what this same establishment elite have done to control the middle east elections…all the nations they have tumbled and in their place have arisen western establishment owned,  designated, and appointed men from the ashes.  Laugh…laugh loudly….spit if you must…but see it.  See it all for the fraud it is and has been!  The truth shall set you free.