Friday, July 1, 2016

Lee Duigon -- EU Exit: It’s a Religious Issue

Lee Duigon -- EU Exit: It’s a Religious Issue

The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, teaches that the origin of sin—of hate, for instance—is from within, arising from the human heart. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) And Jesus taught that it’s not what goes in that defiles a man, but what comes out (Mark 7:18-23)—every kind of strife and wickedness, originating in the heart.
But humanists, globalists, and EU bureaucrats reject the Bible’s teaching. They don’t believe it. The human heart is basically just fine and dandy, they think. It’s what’s all around us—our society, our culture, our social, political, and economic institutions—that defiles us. All that need be done, by the ineffable wisdom of Science and the raw power of the state, is to tweak and tinker with our surroundings. Just keep on meddling and coercing, and silencing the expression of wrong opinions, and eventually they will hit upon just the right combination of regulations and restrictions and taboos that will render our surroundings absolutely perfect—and voila! You get perfected human beings, incapable of hate or greed or any other failing.
This is the progressive dream, the liberal delusion. We are not the problem! It’s the way we live, it’s everything around us—that’s the problem. And we the elite, who are so dazzlingly smart that we could just hug and kiss ourselves all over—we can solve the problem! All we need is the power and the money—and for the rest of you to shut up and do as you’re told.

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