Wednesday, January 6, 2016

BREAKING: Obama's Gun Control Plan BANS Guns for These People...

BREAKING: Obama's Gun Control Plan BANS Guns for These People...

More information is yet to come out on this stripping of your rights. This is not an emotional issue as he would feign but is an all out power grab against the liberties of a free people.
Beneficiaries who meet the criteria of “mental impairment” as demonstrated by a partial inability to handle their own benefits will be added to the National Instant Criminal Background System, therefore they will no longer be able to purchase a gun.
This, my friends, is big government absolutely running amok, caring little for the constitutional rights of citizens, and abusing their power and authority in order to push a radical agenda.
The right to own a firearm for self-protection comes directly from God, therefore, the government has absolutely no authority to infringe upon it, regardless of what their twisted ideology says.
Banning someone from owning a gun who isn’t a criminal or completely mentally incompetent absolutely goes against the original intent of the Second Amendment and is a measure that should be fought against tooth and nail.
The reason Obama is peddling this crap as executive orders is because there’s no way on earth it would pass in Congress, because it’s not what the American people want.
This is truly a bold, new step forward for tyranny in 21st century America.

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