Monday, January 11, 2016

Stockman Exposes Jobs Report Lie: Only 11,000 Created

Stockman Exposes Jobs Report Lie: Only 11,000 Created

Since it is fact that this Obama based administration bypasses Congress, tell the Supreme Court how to vote and make threats to them if they vote against the administration, violates the essence of the Constitution and is tromping all over the Bill of Rights, why would anyone believe a word that comes out of Washington DC as we know they are nothing but liars for one reason or another. Unless we have a major change in the direction of this country we will no longer have the freedoms and rights only as far away as 2020, unless the citizens, Black, White, Yellow, Red, and Brown, start pulling on the same end of the rope, elect honorable people into office and end the corruption, lies, deception, and troubles we have in our nations capital. Never in my life span of nearly 70 years have I ever seen any one person cause so much rise in racism, tax so high, national debt go so high, utter disregard for our military and diplomatic core, so many lies being told by people we pick to lead us through these troubling times, so much disrespect for the USA, and lack of leadership that is needed to ensure a free world. Why did America put such a fool in office? His skin color? His silver tongue? His broken promises? Yet he just keeps on spending us into oblivion and putting us all at risk and for what reason other than to cause the ultimate collapse of the USA as we have known it over our life times.

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