Tuesday, January 12, 2016

UN “Green” Agenda vs. the Constitution

UN “Green” Agenda vs. the Constitution. Make no mistake: The globalists behind the dangerous “green” agendas — sustainable development, global warming, and more — fully intend to subjugate the United States and the world.

Right at this instant, glob­alists at the United Nations and in Washington, D.C., are busy forging the chains of tyranny. They intend to shackle all of us with them. And the “environmental” agenda being used to justify it, while it must be understood in the context of everything else that is happening, will play a crucial role in their broader agenda: Global totalitarianism.
But as Americans, we still have a variety of tools at our disposal to stop it, including the truth and the U.S. Constitution. We must use those tools.
First of all, the entire agenda, from “climate” alarmism to “sustainability,” is built on a foundation of pseudo-science and brazen deception. That gives us a tremendous advantage in this battle. As Lord Christopher Monckton said in Paris, they have “the money, power, and glory, but we have the truth, so they have nothing, and we have everything.”

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