Tuesday, January 5, 2016

An Independent Perspective from the Rally in Burns by an Anonymous Activist

An Independent Perspective from the Rally in Burns by an Anonymous Activist

I do believe this for much for sure; This president thinks that it is acceptable
to write Executive Orders limiting or taking away "rights" that are codified in
our Constitution as Creator-Given Rights, that no government can take away.
Congress is not doing its job to reign him in. The Supreme Court thinks it
writes law/usurps states' individually enacted laws. A Formal Redress of
Grievance was provided to local and state officials, asking them to investigate
The Hammond's Case. They are required by law to reply. No reply was given by
any officials. We wrote letters, signed petitions. At what point, as a people,
do we acknowledge that our government is irreversibly no longer functioning in a
workable manner? Remember, any law or authority not given specifically in our
Constitution is to be considered Null and Void. I would recommend people start
reading our Founding Documents, to really understand what they say.

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