Saturday, September 3, 2016

Thomas Ertl -- Donald Trump: Champion For Christians

Thomas Ertl -- Donald Trump: Champion For Christians

The following is a list of the political resolves and policy positions Donald Trump has made in support of the Christian faith and the Christian community.
On May 18, 2016 he announced his list of potential judges to fill any future Supreme Court vacancies. This list was viewed by knowledgeable conservative jurists as men and women who take a strict view of the Constitution, thus protecting Christian liberty. The contrast to potential Clinton nominees could not be greater.
Prior to the Republican Convention, some members of the Council on National Policy (CNP is a Christian leadership organization) served on the GOP platform committee. They were very pleased with the result and the support of the Trump campaign for a conservative and pro-life platform.
After Trump got the evangelical positions accepted as part of the official Republican National Committee platform, he asked the evangelicals, “What else can I do for you?” No other president or candidate in modern time has incorporated evangelical positions in the official party platform to that degree.
Donald Trump openly draws attention to persecuted Christians in parts of the world being decapitated, burned alive, and drowned. Other key Republican politicians never focus on these atrocities and bring them to the forefront of discussion. Trump vows to be a strong protector of Christians, at home and abroad.
Kellyanne Conway is a dedicated Christian and member of the Council on National Policy. On August 17, 2016, Trump appointed her as his campaign manager.
1- AMERICAN INDUSTRY/JOBS/TRADE: Would not his strong position to bring back American industry help Christian men better able to support their families and the work of the Church?
2- SEAL MEXICAN BORDER: Trump’s insistence on sealing the Southern border can prevent anti-Christian radicals from entering the country.
3- ANTI-ISLAMIC POLICY: Trump has championed this policy to greatly limit or eliminate Islamic immigration. He has stood alone on this issue. Islam and Christianity are not compatible.
4- SECOND AMENDMENT: Gun rights are another critical issue for the Church and Christian families is to be able to defend themselves from attack, foreign and domestic.
5- REDRESS FOREIGN POLICY: Trump’s non-intervention, non-nation-building anti-Bush wars foreign policy would bring stability back to the Middle East with much less loss of innocent life. This is an important pro-life issue. Our Christian sons will not need to be sacrificed in these destructive neo-con wars of aggression. Trump’s commitments will defeat the Islamic rebels in these areas, restoring peace to the millions of our Christian brothers in these Middle-Eastern countries.
6- PRO-LIFE: Over the past 10 years, Donald Trump has admittedly moved to a pro-life position, and he has publicly and repeatedly stated that he is pro-life. His precise position as a candidate is that he is against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, or danger to the life of the mother. While some Christians would not include these exceptions, Donald Trump has taken a strong public stance to defend life in the womb. The biblical command against the “shedding of innocent blood” takes our pro-life position to other areas of life as in the killing of innocents in unjust wars of aggression. Trump’s non-nation building, anti-wars of aggression stance would save millions of innocent lives especially considering the bloody Bush/Obama Middle East, North-African wars of the past two decades.
Much has been said and criticized in the Christian community about Trump’s tone, language, attack style, and overall aggressive nature. Christians forget that an aggressive, alpha male characteristic was very evident in our Lord, the Apostles, and Protestant Reformers. Christ whipped the “investment bankers” in the Temple and name-called the Establishment Jewish leadership – “white-washed tombs, brood of snakes, father was the devil.” Our Protestant faith was founded by aggressive alpha males of the likes of Zwingli, Farel in Switzerland, and Knox in Scotland, and of course the triple alpha male, Luther. Aggressive male leadership in defense of the truth and the people of God is a Christian virtue, not a character defect.
This key theme of Trump’s campaign, “Americanism not globalism,” is his most important political position, yet the one least understood by Evangelicals. Globalism, the work of the unelected global elites, is the direct source of so many of America’s political, economic, social, and cultural troubles. Trump’s “Americanism not globalism” theme is a direct assault on the worldwide financial elites’ plan for global governance.
Trump has changed the political narrative from the older, outdated, and co-opted. “Conservatism vs. Liberalism” to “Americanism not Globalism.” This change directs the conservative attack on the real enemy of American sovereignty, our Christian heritage and the work of the Church. This is a huge, critical political breakthrough.

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