Thursday, September 22, 2016

Devvy Kidd -- The destroyers who control Congress, the White House and media

Devvy Kidd -- The destroyers who control Congress, the White House and media

Back in 1992, less than a year after I began my journey of learning the truth about who really runs this country, who the traitors are and how deep the corruption runs, Bush, Sr. began promoting a new world order. As a matter of fact, he used that term 162 times while he was president. [1] Those of us who tried to explain the planned destruction of America were called the usual names: wackos, anti-government this or that. The same year, Joe Biden, traitor to this republic, openly on the senate floor outlined the 'Wilsonian Vision' for a new world order.
One world government. New World Order. Just code words for anti-government, "disenfranchised" kooks writing all those books because they hate President Clinton. No, make that Bush, Jr. No, make that Marxist Obama/Soetoro. Millions like me have given up precious time with our family, fun is a word of the past and forget any paychecks - just because we don't have have anything better to do! What I learned in the first year of my research scared the hell out of me and that took care of the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. There was a job to do and that was try and reach every American who would listen. Back then, there were few. Now, we are on the brink and the destroyers no longer hide their intentions:
The usurper talks about uniform international monetary regulations. What Comrade Obama speaks of is a component of one world government: One world banking system. All but a fait accompli and it will destroy what's left of our economy and our sovereignty. It will end up reducing us, our children and grand children to poverty like third world countries. Watch Joan Veon's concise explanation on video. To defeat your enemy, you must understand them and always remember: He who controls the money and the gold controls everything.
One world government means one world religion and that's where the Rick Warren's of the world come into play. Warren's mission is "modern religion." His crusade is to build a "unified theology" which pushes "civility". I've watched him and he's very slick. There is a huge effort world wide to "blend" the world's religions, ending up with some wacky version the "New Age" baloney. The number one goal, of course, is to destroy Christianity in this country. It is essential in fostering communism because communism can only flourish in a Godless nation. Global domination under a brutal, communist, totalitarian force is the ultimate goal.
One world military. That would be all nations troops put under the control of the communist UN.

No more sovereign nations, no more borders. Regionalizing all the nations on the globe while sacking and looting the more prosperous ones, beating them into the ground while subsidizing "poor" countries and enriching brutal dictators around the world. (Obama to donate $400,000 to Charities run by Gadhafi's children - that's OUR money.) Get in the way of the destroyers and you will find yourself on the other end of a US missile or other ordnance full of depleted uranium. Brute force.
If it weren't for other dedicated Americans who also spent decades trying to reach people like me, I would never have found the truth. In the past, there were courageous members of Congress who tried to warn the American people who were not listening back then. It was sex, drugs, rock and roll and good times while the destroyers were hard at work:

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