Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit Win Ushers in Hope

Brexit Win Ushers in Hope

But keep in mind that not only did the Insiders construct the European Union, they also wrote the accompanying law and proceedings that encompass leaving the EU. So leaving the EU is not a "done deal" for the British people by any stretch.
The win so far has been symbolic. The vote results are hard evidence that the globalists have been pushing too hard, too fast. While the results are welcome, the Prime Minister needs to officially trigger the divorce by implementing Act 50. Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that he won't be the one to do this, but will let the next PM do this on his/her timetable. Cameron will be stepping down in October.
Why the long lead time? This gives the pro-EU forces time to create additional hurdles and use whatever loopholes it has to slow the process down and make it as hard as possible for Britain to actually leave the EU. Once Act 50 is started, two years is the amount of time specified to untangle a member state from the EU.

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