Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Uniparty (D&R) Tries To Carpet Bomb The Donald – 'Nox & Friends

The Uniparty (D&R) Tries To Carpet Bomb The Donald – 'Nox & Friends

It is amazing that The Donald is fighting against not only the Democrat Nazi Party, owned and operated by and for George Soros – Nazi collaborator and fugitive from justice, (how appropos for the DNC to have a criminal as the boss) but the entire DC Cartel as well. The reality of the War on Trump is that the full weight of the GOPe scumbags, the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street crooks, K/L/M Street lobbyists, the Dems and their Useful Idiots, the Liberal Lapdog Lickspittle Media, clowns like David “the crease in Obama’s trousers gave me a chubby” Brooks, other nitwits who kiss GOPe ass in the professional political pundit cocktail party class, and of course the two communists, The Hildabeast and Grandpa Depends the Welfare Grub.
Why the attack? Because Trump and the American people are working to kick over the apple cart that these maggots have been feasting on for over 50 years. The GOPe and the DNC are two sides of the same counterfeit coin. Trump threatens the Entitlement Crowd, which includes but is not limited to, the GOPe and DNC who line their pockets at our expense, welfare leeches, special snowflakes in the college crowd (when they’re not running for their “safe spaces,” and the rest of the Cocktail Party crowd inside the Beltway.
Can these idiots in DC get anymore disconnected from the American people? Hell no. Which is why Trump is stepping on their necks and grinding his heel in and why we dig it.
As Patton put it:  “Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big-league ball players and the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time.”(And that is something the GOPe gave up doing long ago).
Again, why Trump has such a large following. He doesn’t tolerate the bullshit that we’ve been getting fed from DC for the last 50+ years. How many times were we in the US Military put in harm’s way not for American interests but the interests of the elite? Vietnam? The elites banked mucho coin while the poor/middle class got slaughtered and THEN the DC elites cut and run and left us holding the bag! Bush 41 left us with another war to fight after letting an affirmative action idiot (Colin Powell) negotiate a cheesedick peace treaty that was a joke. We knew it. Saddam knew it. Who voted for Iraq and Afghanistan? The elites. Who went? The usual. Who died? The usual. Who did the VA piss on? The usual. BTW, let it be noted that Welfare Leech Grandpa Depends Sanders was the Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee as vets were treated like shit for years and years and Grandpa Sanders did nothing.
The bombardment by the enemy (DC Cartel) on The Donald is staggering. They GOPe and their allies in the DNC have thrown off their masks and cut loose with an intense personal assault against Donald Trump, the likes we’ve never seen before, even against Bush 43. Case-in-Point: Huma Weiner nee Abedin, Hillary’s longtime gay lover, literally shoved another woman who got to close to The Clot and nothing was said or done about it (that was a case of Assault and Battery) yet Trump’s guy, Lewandowski, is now Public Enemy #1 because he grabbed Field’s wrist! THE. HORROR. He actually left a bruise! OH THE HUMANITY!

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