Friday, March 4, 2016

Kelleigh Nelson -- GOP Spreads Vicious Lies About Trump

Kelleigh Nelson -- GOP Spreads Vicious Lies About Trump

The establishment has had a foothold on American for a number of years...These are globalists aligning the US with the UN via agenda 21 , Immigration rules, and many other programs. This also fits in with the plan to do away with our type of government, a Constitution Republic and phase our country into the NWO which is a world government run by a few is an evil empire they are trying to usher in....we cannot allow this to happen....we are losing our country and its freedoms fast.....we are broke, lost, no jobs, no fiscal restraint, poor education through common core, etc....and a government by a few called the establishment. They could give a hoot about our opinions and that is causing them to force their way onto America. We cab see this every day. Do as they say or else!
It is time for all Americans to pull together to save our Republic. It can only be done if we are together; for our enemy is powerful and evil.
The GOP says, "Donald Trump is not a Conservative." This is code for saying, "Donald Trump is not a globalist like us." Obviously the GOP, who is in bed with the left's agenda, wanted to run Jeb Bush on the ticket. Since Jeb is out of the picture, they'll destroy their own top candidate to get Hillary in the White House so the New World Order plans will continue. Donald has totally upset their apple cart.
A GOP consulting firm has been hired to research an independent presidential bid in case Trump wins the nomination, and that's why Willard Romney is waiting in the wings. The independent ballot document, stamped "confidential," was authored by staff at Data Targeting, a Republican firm based in Gainesville, Florida. The memo notes that "it is possible to mount an independent candidacy but will require immediate action on the part of this core of key funding and strategic players." [Link]
This is how much the GOPe hates Trump....they'd rather throw the election to Hillary than allow the GOP front runner to win. Remember, they have been planning this NWO for decades and they're not about to let Donald destroy it.
The Media's David Duke KKK Lies

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