Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Devvy Kidd -- Trump Should Move On This: Cruz, Rubio and Secretaries of States

Devvy Kidd -- Trump Should Move On This: Cruz, Rubio and Secretaries of States

Both liberal and 'conservative' heavies in print and electronic media continue to push the big lie regarding presidential eligibility: a 'natural born citizen' is a child of one U.S. citizen at the time of birth. That is not true, but they don't care. The Republican National Party and their elites allowed a constitutionally ineligible candidate, Barry Soetoro aka Obama, to run twice, get on the ballot in all 50 states and accepted the electoral college vote based on fraud. The Republican Party did nothing when Nancy Pelosi and her coconspirators committed fraud by submitting documents proclaiming Barry eligible to all the Secretaries of States.
There is NO question Marco Rubio is ineligible. NO question since neither of his parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. Rubio's parents were foreign nationals when he was born. Rubio's parents didn't become U.S. citizens until he was four years old. His name should not be on any ballot in any state.
Ted Cruz knew two years ago this was going to be a problem, just like the criminal impostor in the White House knew. Soetoro was born with dual citizenship: A British citizen and U.S. citizen. That's also the legal issue here with Cruz.
Cruz legally renounced his Canadian citizenship. Cruz wants everyone to believe that since his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time he was born, that makes him a 'natural born' citizen. It does not. Both parents must be U.S. citizens at the time the child is born. Ted Cruz's father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth.
Next came the revelation there is no evidence proving Cruz's parents filed a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. Cruz refuses to produce that legal document. No different than the fraud in the White House hiding and then producing a forged birth certificate. What is Cruz hiding? This is Barry Obama all over again. Cruz was eager to plaster revocation of his Canadian citizenship all over the Internet and for the press, so why not the Consular Report of Birth Abroad - one certified and stamped by the State Department ? If the document exists, release it, but it still doesn't make him eligible.
And, finally, I believe the final nail in Cruz's web of lies has now caught up to him. JB Williams broke this in his recent column and here's the exact text from the Government of Canada's official web site regarding citizenship [Emphasis mine]:
Canadian Citizenship Act [January 1, 1947]

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