Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cathy Sherman -- Donald Trump, Islam, Terrorism and Insanity

Cathy Sherman -- Donald Trump, Islam, Terrorism and InsanityWhen the beliefs and opinions of someone’s god causes them to force their beliefs and opinions unto his brother through threat of death, the basis of religious freedom is eroded. It is no longer the national bedrock and that “religion” that has become a warring force ceases to be just belief and opinion. It has become a murderous force for domination of the stronger over the weaker – a totalitarian state. For America, that is not what the founders had in mind, obviously.

Is this so deep a discussion that US leaders cannot grasp it? How simplistic it is - a respect for the beliefs and opinions of others has been eliminated with the swipe of a sword. This has become an ideology which will sound the death knell of so-called “religious freedom” because it is no longer about freedom.
This is Islam, a murderous dictatorial ideology, not a religion worth respect and fighting to save. Once this is agreed upon, then the question becomes, “What to do with the followers and proponents of this ideology?”
Donald Trump caused a firestorm in early December by suggesting that the US screen out those who call Islam their religion and prevent them from entering the country. He bases this on the premise that a good percentage of these immigrants will be terrorists, and since we cannot determine which ones, and until we can determine which ones, it makes sense to prevent them from entering the country.
One’s freedom of religion ends where another’s rights to freedom of religion begin. There is no room in a free country for a group whose “Bible” (Koran) teaches that one religion – Islam – is superior to all. If one should innocently ask “How do we know that Islam instructs followers that it is a superior religion and for the sake of all people, they should accept the submission to Islam’s god?” Read the Koran. For those of us who cannot read Arabic, that would mean we need to read an English translation of the Koran. Here’s a teaser – I’ve done the basic work for you:
From Koran, Ayat 3:
19. The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent there from except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account.
20. So if they dispute with thee say, “I have submitted my whole self to Allah and so have those who follow me.” And say to the People of the Book and to those who are unlearned, “Do ye (also) submit yourselves?” If they do, they are in the right guidance, but if they turn back, Thy duty is to convey the Message: and in Allah’s sight are (all) His servants.
21. As to those who deny the Signs of Allah and in defiance of right, slay the prophets, and slay those who teach just dealing with mankind, announce to them a grievous penalty. (bolding by author)
22. They are those whose works will bear no fruit in this world and in the Hereafter nor will they have anyone to help.
This is just one of many such passages. The criticism of Trump’s call to bar entry to the Muslims included a claim that to do so would just increase their anger against the US for such discrimination against them. Liberals also fear that barring a group of immigrants based on their religion violates everything the US stands for. In this argument, the Muslims are cast in the same mold as the Pilgrims, and most ludicrously, the Jews fleeing the Nazis.
However, for those who know Islam, they realize that it is just the opposite scenario; it is the weakness shown by the appeasing pandering of the liberals which has increased the aggression of the Muslims. For appeasement is like adding fuel to the fire, giving it more energy and power. The Muslim always wants more, and appeasement proves to them they’re on the right track. So rather than dissuade, it encourages.
For those who don’t believe this, all one need do is look at Israel’s example. When the UN recognized the Jewish state in 1948, the Arabs who had stayedthere during the war were given citizenship. Others moved in to take some of the many jobs available in the fledgling state. But the Arab states that attacked Israel the day after statehood was announced set up the scenarios that would challenge Israel for generations. Israel’s mistake was to appease the Arabs, rather than sending them packing. Such appeasement is still being forced on Israel by the UN, the US and Europe. Nothing has created as much conflict as this weak behavior, and Israel’s attempts to eliminate the terrorists from Gaza, Lebanon etc. have always been stymied by the US who starts yelling “restraint” every time complete victory looks possible for Israel.
Is it such appeasement and restraint which has planted the seeds for ISIS? There is plenty of evidence for this, and one would think world leaders would learn from this and start doing the opposite, answering fire with stronger fire, not holding back, but attacking the terrorists until they are too weak to prevail.
In a sane world, all the tenets of Islam would be evaluated, as would the current behavior of its followers. The most ludicrous proof this isn’t happening is the second reason for slamming Trump’s suggestion. This is the erroneous comparison of today’s Muslim migrants to the plight of the Jews fleeing the Nazis. Yes, Assad has murdered hundreds of thousands of citizens. Yes, Syrian women, children and elderly need a place to sit out the war. Normally, the young men might get involved in the fighting rather than flee, if they cared about saving the country. But if we don’t accept that, and we agree that young men also need a safe place, the most commonsense solution for all of these people would be the rather nice tents that sit empty in Saudi Arabia, used only for the pilgrimage to Mecca.

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