Friday, June 17, 2016

Laurie Roth - Evil Everywhere: Prepare yourself in every way to survive

Laurie Roth - Evil Everywhere: Prepare yourself in every way to survive

Agenda #2 – Use all the Islamic attacks to blame the Christians, hate, Islamaphobia and the big boy….guns. They must come for our guns or the growing Islamic caliphate in America cannot survive.
Agenda #3 – Copy Hitler’s style of creating disasters then blaming someone else. We have seen almost before we could take our next breath the false blame narrative surge through the leftist media, from the ACLU, Obama and Hillary’s mouths. This wasn’t radical Islam or ISIS fault; it was the Christians, our hate and Islamaphobia who did this. Any talk of identifying the real enemy is instantly called hate and Islamaphobia. Obama reminds us that more surveillance of Islamics or daring to stop the surge of unvetted and potential murderous Syrian refugees that ISIS is infiltrating, is simply not the American way.
Agenda #4 – Obama hates America and is committed to our destruction. He has bought and paid for allies all over the House and Senate it seems with their lack of action. His mainstream media bows down low.

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