Executive Directives versus Truth and Community Safety
By Uriel | June 22, 2016 | ADMINISTRATION SCANDALS:, Asshat Alert, Barack Hussein Obama, CONGRESS:, CONSTITUTION:, Crime in America, Islam in America, LAW ENFORCEMENT:,NATIONAL SECURITY:, Political Correctness
As crime increases, as families are disrupted, as young and old live in fear or poverty, and finally as loss of synergy and economic decay set in.
— We cease to exist as a republic—
This is not Europe folks. Our constitution provides us with an understanding that our government is supposed to be for and controlled by the populace not an elite group of money changers and one world government bloodsuckers.
Our local governments need to stop lying, stand on their legs, grab their shovels, and straighten their spine to stop the erosion of all that we hold dear.
If someone will not stand up and hold people to account that deliberately lie, hold their local citizens in contempt or deflect when inferring that raping a child is okay or that we as citizens don’t need to know more — then the government representatives do not deserve to be called US citizens. Send them to live in Germany where Merkel and her strangled press refuse to use words like Muslim or call people Islamaphobic when they question the horrific acts against them or are told THEY have to conform to a barbaric group of savages rampaging through their streets killing and raping at will.
WND posted a story along with other sites today about the RAPE of five year old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho. No child should have to go through such an atrocity. But this one in particular is horrific and points up the insanity of the liberal spiel on Islam and genuflecting through censored wording by government. You know the one where people are being warned not to use a huge list of words for offending or angering so-called peaceful, cheerfully assimilating people from countries in the Middle East that kill Christians and practice an archaic hate religion.
I first read the story from Sharia Unveiled then WND and later from those in local government in Twin Falls. I am sickened by what I read of the act and just as sickened by the cover-up and lies of officials in that town.
Here is the original story Suzanne Shattuck from “Sharia Unveiled” wrote:
“On 2 June, 2016 a five-year old girl with special needs was playing outside her home at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, Idaho when she was taken by knife point to the shared laundry facilities on the premises by three boys from two refugee families, ages 13, 9, and 8 years old who sexually assaulted and urinated on her. The eight year old is also reported to have cut another young child’s arm with his knife a week before school was adjourned.
According to the victim’s mother, a trusted neighbor discovered her daughter with the three boys. Her clothes had been stripped off by the boys who were also naked and the 13 year old had a phone which allegedly held video of the incident. The mother and father of the victim promptly arrived on the scene after being alerted by the neighbor.
The video on the phone displayed the sexual assault of the five year old girl according to the father who viewed it, and reportedly shows the older boy coaching the younger ones during the assault and attempted rape of the little girl as well as urinating in her mouth and over her body as they pinned her against a wall.
The mother took the victim home immediately, stating she was going to call the police. Shortly after arriving home the mother of one of the attackers showed up at the victim’s home demanding in broken English, “No police, everything ok.”
WND more cautiously wrote, “Although not yet confirmed alleged perpetrators — migrant boys ages 14, 10 and 7 — appear to be from refugee families.” They pointed out that it was true the boys weren’t Syrian but were said to have been Sudanese and Iraqi Muslims.
MagicValley.com is appears to be a local web news site. Earlier today their reporter Nathan Brown wrote about a town meeting that had just ended concerning the refugee issue and in particular the rape of this innocent child.
“TWIN FALLS • The City Council should have better handled reports of a young girl who was sexually assaulted by boys at a Twin Falls apartment complex earlier this month, said many residents who addressed the board at its meeting Monday night.
A crowd packed the chambers to hear a briefing from Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury about false reports circulating about the incident, which contrary to claims on anti-Muslim websites did not involve Syrian refugees.
Residents said the Council should have released more information more quickly or expressed sympathy for the girl’s family, while others criticized Islam, refugee resettlement, the media or Prosecuting Attorney Grant Loebs.
“We need to know what’s going on with this case,” said Davis Odell
The video below shows how some city councils appear to be confronting refugee issues after liberals, Obama, Lynch and the others have ranted, censored, and threatened people. It’s thirty minutes long but worth listening to. Perhaps others will recognize the same level of arrogant stupidity. I bet Hitler would be proud of these methods being forced upon us.
In the video, while politely stated, the obvious note was “move along – we know nothing and want to hear nothing that is contrary our prepared script on the influx and settlement of Obama’s people.” They are under our protection even though the citizens have been given not one clue on how many, safety concerns, or any other item that might settle fears.
Folks this is happening in our country from rural to large city. Obama is within his rights according to the law (thanks to congressional zombies) to settle a reasonable number of refugees by Immigration Law so not even congressmen have a right to question or object.
This is wrong on so many levels given that these people are being moved into areas without much, if any, vetting. It also appears every drop-off has far more Muslims than Christians. Those pictured also suggest that most are able-bodied healthy men in the 20-50’s, not women, children, or infirm. Given the heightened fears and tragedies across the country from attacks on our soil, it is reasonable if you are a decent leader to at least speak up, gain control and give assurances.
Where does the emergency alert code stand right now? Elevated Threat. What part of elevated do liberal government authorities not get? We should not be admitting a single refugee right now, especially ones coming from areas of the world that have already stated that terrorists are infiltrating groups. We have not thoroughly adhered to our vetting standards or lessons learned here and abroad. Obama’s attitude and directives along with actions of his tightly controlled agencies leave no doubt after Orlando that they are deliberately turning a blind eye and refusing to keeping us safe and secure.
To have the Twin Falls council say they are not aware of issues in their community is idiotic. So are they like the three monkeys–so long as the city receives its portion and they are not specifically targeted nothing is wrong? Get real. Twin Falls is not that big an area. From their own statistics we know that farming and a modest uptick in incoming businesses are their chief claims to fame.
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