Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit Blamed for Market Upset, But Is It So?

Brexit Blamed for Market Upset, But Is It So?

'm sorry, for all the rhetoric, it is the EU that is in trouble financially.
GB has been propping up the EU to the tune of 10 billion a year, try fixing that hole in their wallet. No wonder they didn't want them to leave.
Unmitigated immigration is the problem.
Just wait for all the bombs going off with 10,000 terrorists already in the EU.
And our President, is bring in 10,000's of thousands here.
Is this some black flag for our takeover.
Take our guns away, right when we need them most?
That was predicted 200 years ago.
When they try to take them away, will be when we will need them most.
The debate on Capitol hill is NOT about guns (as the media wants you to believe ) it's about how do we fight terrorism.
The mistake is that the Elite of Brussels thought they had it all under control.
Subjugation of all those people with no accountability.
That my friend, is called TYRANNY.

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