Thursday, June 30, 2016

Corrupt Banking System Exposed. Trump Calls Sinister Plans. – The Real Strategy

Corrupt Banking System Exposed. Trump Calls Sinister Plans. – The Real Strategy

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is totally controlled by the special interests groups,” Trump said during his Wednesday rally in Bangor, Maine. “They’re a special interest that want to have the deals that they want to have. They want to have TPP—Trans Pacific Partnership. It’ll be the worst deal since NAFTA. It’ll drive the rest of your businesses out of Maine, believe me. It‘ll be the worst deal since NAFTA.”
Trump explained that the Chamber does not care about the working men and women of the United States. The Chamber is “controlled totally by various groups of people that don’t care about you whatsoever,” Trump told the audience.
Trump described that the Chamber of Commerce’s opposition to his desire to make better trade deals for American workers as “pretty sinister”.
“Why would anyone be against what I’m saying?” Trump asked.
“Because here’s what I’m saying: we have to make great deals for our country…. What I really want is very simple: I want to make great deals for our public, I want to make great deals for the United States… I want to bring jobs back to our country, I want to bring money back to our country, I want to get rid of the deficit, I want to start paying off debt, and they’re against it. “

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

At Today's "Three Amigos" Summit, NAFTA Leaders Are Worried About Brexit

At Today's "Three Amigos" Summit, NAFTA Leaders Are Worried About Brexit

Today’s U.S.-Canada-Mexico summit in Ottawa will see a shift in focus in the wake of the Brexit vote across the pond. The so-called “Three Amigos” summit among the three NAFTA members was supposed to focus on the usual globalist laundry list of agenda items, such as reducing carbon emissions and ensuring the passage of the contentious TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), which has so far been ratified by none of the three governments. In a word, business as usual for NAFTA, which, after successfully selling itself as a free trade agreement to secure ratification in the United States two decades ago, has spent most of its time enacting new transnational regulations, whittling away at sovereign border controls, and, in general, setting the stage for an international political bloc such as the EU — just as its founders intended it to. But now, with the crippling blow dealt to the EU by the Brexit vote, NAFTA leaders are scrambling to reorder their priorities.
Particularly concerned with the turn of events across the Atlantic is Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto, whose impoverished, crime-ridden, terminally socialist country has long benefitted economically from membership in NAFTA — at the expense of its two northern partners. For 20 years, American and Canadian corporations have been moving manufacturing south of the Rio Grande to take advantage of Mexico’s much lower wages and labor standards. Laxer border standards, meanwhile, have been an unalloyed boon to millions of Mexicans willing to enter the United States (and, increasingly, Canada) illegally to work and send the proceeds back to the cash-strapped motherland.

Benghazi Probe: Obama Officials Refused to Address Gun-running

Benghazi Probe: Obama Officials Refused to Address Gun-running

While the report did highlight certain blatant lies by the administration — the deliberate lie about a “spontaneous protest” over an “anti-Muslim video,” for example — critics blasted the congressional probe as a whitewash and a wasted opportunity. Even some lawmakers spoke out.

Crucial to understanding the attack is understanding what was happening in Libya before the attack. Unfortunately, the congressional report sheds little new light on that question. Perhaps that should not be surprising, considering the fact that GOP leaders failed to uphold their oath of office by failing to rein in Obama when he illegally announced his UN-approved war against Libya. Only Congress has the power to declare war under the U.S. Constitution, and UN resolutions purporting to commit American troops to a war hold no legitimate authority. Instead of stopping Obama, though, Congress allowed him to launch an illegal war and said practically nothing, with a few notable exceptions in both parties who pointed out that it was an impeachable offense.
Another crucial element to understanding Benghazi is understanding the nature of Obama's illegal war. As has been thoroughly documented by this magazine and numerous other sources, the Obama administration sided with known al-Qaeda terrorists and their affiliates in their war on Gadhafi, whom they viewed as an “apostate” Muslim.
Another critical element to the Benghazi story is the Obama administration's illegal gun-running schemes — both into Libya when Obama was supporting jihadists against Gadhafi, and out of Libya after the fall of Gadhafi when the globalist establishment was backing jihadists against Syrian strongman Bashar al Assad. The report touches on the issue, and, apparently, the congressional panel spoke to at least one person who “raised the possibility that the U.S. was overseeing some sort of weapons shipping.” Indeed, countless media reports and government officials in recent years have highlighted the fact that the administration was running guns from the Port of Benghazi to jihadists in Syria — many of whom were fighting for al-Qaeda, and many of whom would later become the Islamic State.
Documents also show the administration was running guns to jihadists in Libya. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a key player in the illegal war on Libya and the subsequent Benghazi cover-up, was a fervent supporter of illegally arming jihadists on the State Department's own list of terror organizations.
The gun-running operation to Libyan jihadists was purportedly authorized by a “Presidential Intelligence Finding” — yes that is a real thing, though totally unconstitutional — and was apparently known as “Operation Zero Footprint.” The Islamic dictatorships ruling Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, along with NATO, also played a key role in the program. The guns were flowing straight to well-known jihadists and terrorists, some of whom had previously battled U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
While direct evidence linking the gun-running machinations to the Benghazi attack has not yet surfaced publicly, top U.S. military and intelligence officials with the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi concluded that, “it is a certain fact that had the Obama administration not switched sides in what was then called the Global War on Terror (GWOT), jihadist rebels never would have succeeded in overthrowing the West's erstwhile ally, Muammar Qaddafi, in the first pla

Trump: TPP Trade Deal Is 'a Continuing Rape of Our Country' - Breitbart

Trump: TPP Trade Deal Is 'a Continuing Rape of Our Country' - Breitbart

Jake MacAulay - From Brexit to Liberty

Jake MacAulay - From Brexit to Liberty

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump declared, “The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all peoples”, and that “they have reasserted control over their own politics, borders and economy.”
The God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the source of this sacred right of Liberty as written in British foundational freedom documents such as the Magna Carta and later in our own American freedom document, the Declaration of Independence.
When speaking with my wife about “Brexit” she made a very observant comment. “Right action with the wrong foundation can become destructive action.”
As I pondered this statement, I reflected upon the dialogue of pundits, politicians, and even citizens, and there has been a missing component: the mention of a Biblical foundation for Independence.
As Americans, we at one time determined to dissolve the political bands which had, quoting the Declaration of Independence, "joined us with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.”
The foundation of our call for Independence was the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.
Since the early 1600’s, America was known as the place where people could go to start a new life with freedom of religion, the liberty to choose your own occupation, and a place of refuge from oppressive governments.

Bradlee Dean -- The Line is Drawn, America! Warn the Rulers With Resistance

Bradlee Dean -- The Line is Drawn, America! Warn the Rulers With Resistance

This is all coming from the administration that arms “terrorists” to do their biddings for them to pull down and overthrow governments internationally.
It was this administration that implemented “Fast and Furious,” which was responsible for putting weapons into the hands of Mexican drug lords whomurdered over 300 Mexicans only to blame the American people for the crimes that Obama and his administration were responsible for.
Obama and his minions are the same people who are attempting to “brain wash” Americans through their use of lies and propaganda.
To counter the actions of this present day tyrant-dictator, let’s counter the lawlessness and misunderstandings as to why we, the militia, are an armed people. By the way, it has nothing to do with deer.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." -Amendment 2 of the Bill of Rights
"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined..."
- George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790
"What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty .... Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins." - Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, I Annals of Congress 750, August 17, 1789
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country."

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

UN Gaining Control of US Border, Warns Border Patrol - Tea Party News

UN Gaining Control of US Border, Warns Border Patrol - Tea Party News

One of the Border Patrol agents said UN personnel are already present at various detention facilities in the American Southwest, according to Hodges, and are working with Homeland Security agents in “gathering MS-13 gangsters, captured from different roundups, patch worked together as a group and then shipped together to various locations on the perimeter of the United States.”
“I objected to admitting MS-13 gangsters into the U.S. and I was told that we have our orders to treat them like anyone else,” the other agent told Hodges.
Hodges says that he asked one of the agents how they knew the immigrants were MS-13 and he told him they could tell “by the tattoos.”
“He recounted the fact that MS-13 operatives will have a tattoo with tears on their face which represents a person that they have murdered in the commission of their drug related duties,” Hodges reported. “He said he processed an MS-13 member who had nine tears on his face and he was told to process him as an ‘unaccompanied juvenile refugee.’”
Since then, police have been encountering MS-13 in increasing numbers, including the leader of a Houston area gang who was convicted of hacking a 14-year-old boy to death with a machete near Katy, Texas.
“The Houston Chronicle reported the man is a citizen of El Salvador but did not list his immigration status,” Breitbart reported.
The UN’s involvement on the border is also alarming given how the EU is now proposing a European superstate in which current EU nations, such as Germany, France and Greece, would morph into a dictatorship ran by an unelected bureaucracy much like the UN.
Many of the technocrats in the EU also hold positions of power at the UN, and in 2005 the Council on Foreign Relations, which helped create the UN, met with the Mexican government to discuss the implementation of a “North American Union” in which the U.S., Mexico and Canada would morph into one entity like the EU.
“We are asking the leaders of the United States, Mexico, and Canada to be bold and adopt a vision of the future that is bigger than, and beyond, the immediate problems of the present,” CFR member and former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister John P. Manley wrote. “They could be the architects of a new community of North America, not mere custodians of the status quo.”
An EU-style North American Union would be easier to implement if the U.S. lacks effective borders, which explains the UN’s interest in the US border – which exceeds its “humanitarian” cover story –
and why the establishment keeps attacking presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Frosty Wooldridge -- Open Borders: Our Plight in 21st Century

Frosty Wooldridge -- Open Borders: Our Plight in 21st Century

The left wing liberal socialist rogues have pretty much taken over our government,” said Phelps. “They are intent on forcing the philosophy of diversity and multiculturalism on and within our country.
“They have even advocated ‘open borders’ to allow anyone in the world to enter our country freely and without being questioned as to their intent, health, hygiene practices, levels of education, work skills and so on.
“This is a catastrophe to any modern, civilized nation such as ours. And that same philosophy or ideology is occurring in Europe as well.
“Assimilation is not on the minds of these migrants. They will and are bringing with them their old cultures that have proven to be disastrous in their countries and regions of origin.
“One example is the Muslim culture. It is contrary to the culture of our country in many ways including Sharia law. Allow me to show you some pictures of cultures that could enter a country of open borders.

Diane Kepus -- Have You Ever Seen A Muslim Try to be A True American?

Diane Kepus -- Have You Ever Seen A Muslim Try to be A True American?

Abdullah Omar Naseef is also the founder of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) and the secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL) which has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology.” The MWL is also considered the mother of the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) all Saudi government funded organizations.
And Mama – she currently lives in Saudi Arabia and runs the Journal for Muslim Minority Affairs as well as being a dean at a woman’s college there. There never has been a vetting done in regard to the connection between Huma, Clinton’s, Clinton Foundation and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news network's that day. Strangely, how the very "moderate" Muslims who's butt’s you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.
Lying is ok isn’t it Mr. Obama as long as you are lying to gain your own agenda! Everyone around you lies and most have an agenda of their own. They can’t stand you either but you serve a purpose for them.

Frosty Wooldridge -- Open Borders: Our Plight in 21st Century

Frosty Wooldridge -- Open Borders: Our Plight in 21st Century

The left wing liberal socialist rogues have pretty much taken over our government,” said Phelps. “They are intent on forcing the philosophy of diversity and multiculturalism on and within our country.

“They have even advocated ‘open borders’ to allow anyone in the world to enter our country freely and without being questioned as to their intent, health, hygiene practices, levels of education, work skills and so on.

“This is a catastrophe to any modern, civilized nation such as ours. And that same philosophy or ideology is occurring in Europe as well.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Gun-registry-loving Obama Security Advisor Refused to “Record another Muslim”

Gun-registry-loving Obama Security Advisor Refused to “Record another Muslim”

"A Muslim doesn’t record another Muslim," said Gamal Abdel-Hafiz (shown). This might not have been noteworthy except that Abdel-Hafiz was an FBI agent at the time and was refusing to do his duty, which at that moment involved taping a Muslim suspect.
That was 2002, and this is now. And now the Cairo-born Abdel-Hafiz has moved on to bigger and perhaps better things — he’s a homeland-security advisor to Barack Obama. And while recording a single Muslim is a problem for him, putting every single American firearm owner on a gun-registry he fancies a good idea. reports on his idea:

Brexit Blamed for Market Upset, But Is It So?

Brexit Blamed for Market Upset, But Is It So?

'm sorry, for all the rhetoric, it is the EU that is in trouble financially.
GB has been propping up the EU to the tune of 10 billion a year, try fixing that hole in their wallet. No wonder they didn't want them to leave.
Unmitigated immigration is the problem.
Just wait for all the bombs going off with 10,000 terrorists already in the EU.
And our President, is bring in 10,000's of thousands here.
Is this some black flag for our takeover.
Take our guns away, right when we need them most?
That was predicted 200 years ago.
When they try to take them away, will be when we will need them most.
The debate on Capitol hill is NOT about guns (as the media wants you to believe ) it's about how do we fight terrorism.
The mistake is that the Elite of Brussels thought they had it all under control.
Subjugation of all those people with no accountability.
That my friend, is called TYRANNY.

Brexit Win Ushers in Hope

Brexit Win Ushers in Hope

But keep in mind that not only did the Insiders construct the European Union, they also wrote the accompanying law and proceedings that encompass leaving the EU. So leaving the EU is not a "done deal" for the British people by any stretch.
The win so far has been symbolic. The vote results are hard evidence that the globalists have been pushing too hard, too fast. While the results are welcome, the Prime Minister needs to officially trigger the divorce by implementing Act 50. Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that he won't be the one to do this, but will let the next PM do this on his/her timetable. Cameron will be stepping down in October.
Why the long lead time? This gives the pro-EU forces time to create additional hurdles and use whatever loopholes it has to slow the process down and make it as hard as possible for Britain to actually leave the EU. Once Act 50 is started, two years is the amount of time specified to untangle a member state from the EU.



One of the projects that have been hidden from us in plain sight is the Wildland’s Project for sustainable development agenda 21.  Hillary  and Bill’s Foundation have been on board and wielding it in lock step!  Not only the Wildland’s but the entire agenda of one world everything.  Please read the following from a PDF of the United Nations General Assembly UN Enviornmental Programme (UNEP)  and their sinister plans.
In December 1972, UN Resolution 2997, which created the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), was adopted by the UN General Assembly. It is the catalyst for the whole movement toreorganize society under the guise of “saving the environment.” This group has remapped the whole world into bioregions, and is responsible for virtually all of the environmental policy changes that have occurred globally in the last two decades.

Devvy Kidd -- The Next Orlando: Americans Will Still Be Unprepared

Devvy Kidd -- The Next Orlando: Americans Will Still Be Unprepared

How was it Mateen was able to walk right through the front door with a gun that has a 16" barrel? It's summer time in Florida and no one walks around in a heavy long coat unless you're trying to hide something. There's also the credible eyewitness accounts of victims who are certain there was more than one shooter. This from Janiel Gonzalez:
"He said he heard another gun from a different direction, so he wonders if there were two gunmen...<>“In a moment of desperation we were all crawling on the floor trying to find a place to exit. I looked to my right and I could see people going through some curtains. We were digging through the curtains and found a door. " But he said the door was blocked by a man. He wasn't sure if it was a club security person or an accomplice to the gunmen.

The Enemy – 'Nox & Friends

The Enemy – 'Nox & Friends

“The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.
Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.
Controversially member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders, including the procedure for admitting and relocating refugees.
The plot has sparked fury and panic in Poland – a traditional ally of Britain in the fight against federalism – after being leaked to Polish news channel TVP Info.”
And one reads through the article it is very apparent that the elites/Globalists were seriously working to subjugate the entire continent, including the UK, and put it under the control of unelected bureaucrats who have little or no accountability, not unlike the UN in NYC!
But then, at the end of the article, cometh the weenie…
EXCERPT:  “And Emmanuel Macron, France’s economy minister, wants to go even further and set up a common eurozone treasury which would oversee the permanent transfer of funds from wealthier northern Europe to shore up Mediterranean economies.”
In other words, the successful countries will be raped to support the idiots in socialist crapholes like Greece, who have blown through hundreds of billions of dollars, are massively in debt, and their economies are toast.
Oddly enough, Obama, Hitlery, Grandpa Depends Sanders, and the usual morons were on the side AGAINST Brexit and only Trump was FOR IT and continues to support it.

Kelleigh Nelson -- Donald J. Trump, Braveheart and Freedom

Kelleigh Nelson -- Donald J. Trump, Braveheart and Freedom

America’s North American Union
Henry Kissinger, Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and former world bank president and Goldman Sachs boy, Robert Zoellick, were three of the many CFR members who helped to draft “Building a North American Community.” Heidi was a member of the CFR for five years, yet Ted Cruz has said the CFR is, “a den of vipers.” Remember too that Heidi Cruz worked for Condoleezza Rice, who is a member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential race, but his wife has still not gone back to work at Goldman Sachs. Dirty tricks are expected by Cruz and the GOP establishment at the RNC Convention in July.
The globalists from both parties in America are certainly unhappy with the results of England’s vote to withdraw from the EU. This puts a huge damper on their plans for the North American Union.
The People Rise Up
Finally, anger over the destruction of their country through EU demands made the British people stand up. This is about the very fundamentals of society, and the people being utterly disgusted with the politicians running their country and robbing them of their future. They have had enough. Their strong vote arose not out of fear and pique, but out of love for country and pride of place.
In America, it is much the same. People are rising up with the new revolution of Donald Trump supporters. Trump received more votes in a nominating contest than anyone previously. American citizens who love their country also do not want their culture changed, and neither do they want more job losses with the cheap labor invading our country, and our culture being destroyed with the influx of Islamic refugees.
The establishment giants on both sides of the aisle, but especially on the so-called right have viciously and violently attacked Trump in every way possible. They want to draw monies away from Trump, so they have created a “shadow operation” where they are trying, in every conceivable way, to destroy him.
This “shadow operation” is nothing more than globalists from both sides of the aisle getting together in smoky back rooms laying out plans to eliminate Trump from the race. They’ve infiltrated the rules committee, which meets the 16th and 17th of July, two days before the convention starts. They own the media which disparages Trump every chance they get. They form groups who say, NEVER TRUMP! They do everything in their power to stop the peoples’ choice.
The Cost of Freedom
The shadow operation is siphoning monies away from the large contributors who might have donated to the Trump campaign. And the only way he can win is if the little people contribute — thereby thwarting the power elite’s attempt to control the outcome of the election.

Welcome to Tea Party

Welcome to Tea Party

Know this: Sedition has infested our government and a diabolical scheme to commandeer America has been exposed. Our citizen-driven Republic is being turned into a totalitarian state right under our nose!  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- An Open Letter to the Republican Establishment, Part 1

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- An Open Letter to the Republican Establishment, Part 1

In short, the behavior of politicians in Brussels and Washington, D.C. is tyrannical. When people go into the voting booth, however, they throw political correctness to the wind, recall your tyranny, and vote their conscience. It is equally true that some vote their lack of conscience.
Most people care little whether their attitude toward supporting illegal immigrants is politically correct. They have watched their parents work hard, contribute to the system, and save money for retirement only to learn Social Security funds are being used to pay illegal immigrants and give free medical care to illegals and those who choose not to work. Their reaction is “Screw what Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell and their lap dog politicians say is right or wrong. I know the difference and they are wrong!”

Kissinger: "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer."

Kissinger: "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer."

During a secret meeting on March 10, 1975 in the Turkish Capital of Ankara with Mehli Esenbel, Turkey's Foreign Minister, Kissinger, then Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, told Esenbel: 
Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer." [laughter]  But since the Freedom of Information Act, I'm afraid to say things like that. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Kelleigh Nelson -- Establishment Piranhas in a Feeding Frenzy Over Trump

Kelleigh Nelson -- Establishment Piranhas in a Feeding Frenzy Over Trump

The FBI Suspected Bill Kristol's Dad of Consorting With Soviet Spies

The FBI Suspected Bill Kristol's Dad of Consorting With Soviet Spies

1000+ ideas about Electing Donald Trump is necessary to Save our Country on Pinterest

1000+ ideas about Electing Donald Trump is necessary to Save our Country on Pinterest

Former FBI Official Risking His Life - Just Exposed Obama In A HUGE WAY!

Former FBI Official Risking His Life - Just Exposed Obama In A HUGE WAY!

The very mosque Mateen had attended was once under FBI investigation. The investigation was ended … by none other than Hillary Clinton.......

Former FBI Official Risking His Life - Just Exposed Obama In A HUGE WAY!

Former FBI Official Risking His Life - Just Exposed Obama In A HUGE WAY!

The very mosque Mateen had attended was once under FBI investigation. The investigation was ended … by none other than Hillary Clinton.......

Thursday, June 23, 2016



12 ways free trade is ruining nation

12 ways free trade is ruining nation

Kelleigh Nelson -- Please Donate to the Man With Integrity, Donald J. Trump

Kelleigh Nelson -- Please Donate to the Man With Integrity, Donald J. Trump

Trump turned down $300 million to accept former Speaker of the House, Gingrich as VP! This ought to confirm, for the Trump doubters who don't believe he's a genuine conservative, that he most certainly is, and more than that…he’s true to his own honorable principles and integrity. We need to support this man monetarily as he needs $2 Billion to help defeat Hillary Clinton.
There are a few reading this who I know don't understand that Newt Gingrich is a slick talking globalist politician and CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) member. Most folks don’t even understand that since the 70s he’s been anAlvin and Heidi Toffler Third Waver. He’s a loyal globalist and New World Order puppet. Bottom line, Newt is just another neo-con Trotskyite.

Chuck Baldwin -- How To Spot A False Flag Event

Chuck Baldwin -- How To Spot A False Flag Event

It's time for those of us who have been reluctant to consider the possibility that our own government (and the governments of Israel and Great Britain) could actually be complicit in domestic terrorism in order to further a nefarious agenda to at least stop accepting the government and media’s version of these tragedies at face value. For the most part, the mainstream media is little more than a propaganda ministry for the federal government. We haven’t seen true objective investigative journalism since before the death of John F. Kennedy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Donald Trump Attacks Clinton In Speech – 'Nox & Friends

Donald Trump Attacks Clinton In Speech – 'Nox & Friends

Executive Directives versus Truth and Community Safety – 'Nox & Friends

Executive Directives versus Truth and Community Safety – 'Nox & Friends

Pleas watch vido

Executive Directives versus Truth and Community Safety – 'Nox & Friends

Executive Directives versus Truth and Community Safety – 'Nox & Friends

Executive Directives versus Truth and Community Safety

As crime increases, as families are disrupted, as young and old live in fear or poverty, and  finally as loss of  synergy and economic decay set in.
— We cease to exist as a republic—
This is not Europe folks. Our constitution provides us with an understanding that our government is supposed to be for and controlled by the populace not an elite group of money changers and one world government bloodsuckers.
Our local governments need to stop lying, stand on their legs, grab their shovels, and straighten their spine to stop the erosion of all that we hold dear.
If someone will not stand up and hold people to account that deliberately lie, hold their local citizens in contempt or deflect when inferring that raping a child is okay or that we as citizens don’t need to know more — then the government representatives do not deserve to be called US citizens. Send them to live in Germany where Merkel and her strangled press refuse to use words like Muslim or call people Islamaphobic when they question the horrific acts against them or are told THEY have to conform to a barbaric group of savages rampaging through their streets killing and raping at will.
WND posted a story along with other sites today about the RAPE of five year old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho. No child should have to go through such an atrocity. But this one in particular is horrific and points up the insanity of the liberal spiel on Islam and genuflecting through censored wording by government. You know the one where people are being warned not to use a huge list of words for offending or angering so-called peaceful, cheerfully assimilating people from countries in the Middle East that kill Christians and practice an archaic hate religion.
I first read the story from Sharia Unveiled then WND and later from those in local government in Twin Falls. I am sickened by what I read of the act and just as sickened by the cover-up and lies of officials in that town.
Here is the original story Suzanne Shattuck from “Sharia Unveiled” wrote:
“On 2 June, 2016 a five-year old girl with special needs was playing outside her home at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, Idaho when she was taken by knife point to the shared laundry facilities on the premises by three boys from two refugee families, ages 13, 9, and 8 years old who sexually assaulted and urinated on her. The eight year old is also reported to have cut another young child’s arm with his knife a week before school was adjourned.
According to the victim’s mother, a trusted neighbor discovered her daughter with the three boys. Her clothes had been stripped off by the boys who were also naked and the 13 year old had a phone which allegedly held video of the incident. The mother and father of the victim promptly arrived on the scene after being alerted by the neighbor.
The video on the phone displayed the sexual assault of the five year old girl according to the father who viewed it, and reportedly shows the older boy coaching the younger ones during the assault and attempted rape of the little girl as well as urinating in her mouth and over her body as they pinned her against a wall.
The mother took the victim home immediately, stating she was going to call the police. Shortly after arriving home the mother of one of the attackers showed up at the victim’s home demanding in broken English, “No police, everything ok.”
WND more cautiously wrote,  “Although not yet confirmed alleged perpetrators — migrant boys ages 14, 10 and 7 — appear to be from refugee families.”  They pointed out that it was true the boys weren’t Syrian but were said to have been Sudanese and Iraqi Muslims.  is appears to be a local web news site.   Earlier today their reporter Nathan Brown wrote about a town meeting that had just ended concerning the refugee issue and in particular the rape of this innocent child.
TWIN FALLS • The City Council should have better handled reports of a young girl who was sexually assaulted by boys at a Twin Falls apartment complex earlier this month, said many residents who addressed the board at its meeting Monday night.
A crowd packed the chambers to hear a briefing from Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury about false reports circulating about the incident, which contrary to claims on anti-Muslim websites did not involve Syrian refugees.
Residents said the Council should have released more information more quickly or expressed sympathy for the girl’s family, while others criticized Islam, refugee resettlement, the media or Prosecuting Attorney Grant Loebs.
“We need to know what’s going on with this case,” said Davis Odell
The video below shows how some city councils appear to be confronting refugee issues after liberals, Obama, Lynch and the others have ranted, censored, and threatened people. It’s thirty minutes long but worth listening to.  Perhaps others will recognize the same level of arrogant stupidity.  I bet Hitler would be proud of these methods being forced upon us.
In the video, while politely stated, the obvious note was “move along – we know nothing and want to hear nothing that is contrary our prepared script on the influx and settlement of Obama’s people.”  They are under our protection even though the citizens have been given not one clue on how many, safety concerns, or any other item that might settle fears.
Folks this is happening in our country from rural to large city.  Obama is within his rights according to the law (thanks to congressional zombies) to settle a reasonable number of refugees by Immigration Law so not even congressmen have a right to question or object.
This is wrong on so many levels given that these people are being moved into areas without much, if any, vetting. It also appears every drop-off has far more Muslims than Christians. Those pictured also suggest that most are able-bodied healthy men in the 20-50’s, not women, children, or infirm.  Given the heightened fears and tragedies across the country from attacks on our soil, it is reasonable if you are a decent leader to at least speak up, gain control and give assurances.  
Where does the emergency alert code stand right now?   Elevated Threat.   What part of elevated do liberal government authorities not get?  We should not be admitting a single refugee right now, especially ones coming from areas of the world that have already stated that terrorists are infiltrating groups.  We have not thoroughly adhered to our vetting standards or lessons learned here and abroad.  Obama’s attitude and directives along with actions of his tightly controlled agencies leave no doubt after Orlando that they are deliberately turning a blind eye and refusing to keeping us safe and secure.
To have the Twin Falls council say they are not aware of issues in their community is idiotic. So are they like the three monkeys–so long as the city receives its portion and they are not specifically targeted nothing is wrong?  Get real.  Twin Falls is not that big an area.  From their own statistics we know that farming and a modest uptick in incoming businesses are their chief claims to fame. 

Ron Ewart -- Why Have RINO’s Jumped on Obama’s Wagon?

Ron Ewart -- Why Have RINO’s Jumped on Obama’s Wagon?

The entire Democrat ideology has been institutionalized at every level ofgovernment. Every single Democrat-sponsored program, from Social Security forward, is broke or going broke and sending America deeper into irrecoverable debt. The Democrat’s Obama Care just accelerated the path to insolvency.
With the tools of propaganda, hype, lies and distortions, the Democrats have been successful in painting conservatives as racists, misogynists, bigots, haters, extremists and anti-American, all the while promoting their own anti-freedom policies of the collective, dependency, multi-culturalism, political correctness, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order. Individual freedom is the farthest thing from their minds. Individual freedom doesn’t buy votes from the millions of Americans that have become wholly dependent on government, at the expense of those who work.Democrats have taken compassion to the irrational and carried it to the point of insanity, for votes, on the backs of the taxpayers.
Most of the news media has aided and abetted this century-long mindset shift in the body politic. Our public schools and colleges are infiltrated with this socialist dung. Parents of the last two to three generations have been immersed in it. Our children are being brainwashed in it at home and at school. When they grow up they get jobs in government or education, thereby perpetuating and propagating this radical, un-American image. The officers and employees of powerful corporations, like Google, Facebook and Twitter, are carriers of the Democrat disease that punctuates and influences everything they do, including censuring conservative speech using computer algorithms, or editorial boards.
Democrats won’t be happy until we are all in chains, dependent on and subservient to an ever-growing government, with them in control of the political power, as well as our land, our water, our food, our energy, the Internet, our communications, our health care and our money. Spying on us everywhere, will become ubiquitous and Orwellian, as they weed out the patriots, mavericks and malcontents among us. If you challenge their words or authority, you will just disappear.
The hard truth is, Democrats go after votes with promises of money or benefits and then deliver on those promises at the expense of America’s financial security. Republicans go after votes based on fundamental constitutional principles. The Republicans are right, but that won’t help them 

Holly Swanson -- Teaching Communism In Public Schools

Holly Swanson -- Teaching Communism In Public Schools

Portland Public Schools, the largest school district in Oregon, passed a Resolution on April 19, 2016 that ought to be called ‘How to brainwash 49,000 students and force teachers to teach communism’.
The objectives laid out in this Resolution are startling, revealing and directly aligned with the Green movement’s national plan, now underway, to politically indoctrinate America’s children.
The Portland Public Schools (PPS) Resolution No. 5272 is a “Resolution to Develop an Implementation Plan for Climate Literacy”. This Resolution gained national attention for banning books that question the val

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

NavyJack – Understanding the Campaign to Destabilize the United States | Oath Keepers

NavyJack – Understanding the Campaign to Destabilize the United States | Oath Keepers

George Soros admits being involved in the Muslim migrant crisis in Europe and backing the "open border" activists who are creating horrific misery ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

George Soros admits being involved in the Muslim migrant crisis in Europe and backing the "open border" activists who are creating horrific misery ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

JB Williams -- Radical Islam and the leftist Gun Grab

JB Williams -- Radical Islam and the leftist Gun Grab

The guns used in the Orlando night club mass murder were as innocent in the crime as the victims themselves. The weapons themselves committed no crimes. For the record, all weapons are inanimate objects. They are incapable of harming anyone on their own. Only when a weapon is in the hands of the wrong person are they a threat to anyone.
When an individual or group of individuals, let’s say jihadists, is intent upon harming others, the choice of weapon used to accomplish that goal is irrelevant. The Boston bombers used pressure cookers from the kitchen to kill six and injure 280 others and the common thread between that incident and dozens of others like it is not the pressure cookers, it is the Muslim’s who were intent upon attacking unsuspecting innocent, defenseless Americans in a soft target “gun free zone.”
Yet, no one is calling for new laws regulating pressure cookers or suggesting that all Americans should register their pressure cookers with the federal government. According to FBI final reports, the Boston bombers were “motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs,” and they learned how to build their bombs from an online Al Qaeda web site based out of Yemen.

JB Williams -- Radical Islam and the leftist Gun Grab

JB Williams -- Radical Islam and the leftist Gun Grab

Most of us should know and probably do, that terror is being used against America by the establishment in order to meld us into the borderless dictatorial New World Order. In order to do this our rights must be stripped.
Trump is the only candidate who is fighting this . Hillary and many others are part of the Globalists, Bilderbergers plan for world control. Many our our past Presidents have been members of the CFR and have also attended the Bilderbergs annual meeting. This word needs to get to all people in America.
Before Americans will be able to successfully combat the enemy now operating from within, they will first have to properly identify their enemy, understand their agenda and mode of operations and develop of comprehensive strategy of their own.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Donald J. Trump Addresses Terrorism, Immigration, and National Security | Donald J Trump for President

Donald J. Trump Addresses Terrorism, Immigration, and National Security | Donald J Trump for President

In fact, Clinton's State Department was in charge of the admissions process for people applying to enter from overseas.
Having learned nothing from these attacks, she now plans to massively increase admissions without a screening plan, including a 500% increase in Syrian refugees.
This could be a better, bigger version of the legendary Trojan Horse.
We can't let this happen.
Altogether, under the Clinton plan, you'd be admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East with no system to vet them, or to prevent the radicalization of their children.
The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why she believes immigration from these dangerous countries should be increased without any effective system to screen who we are bringing in.
The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why we should admit anyone into our country who supports violence of any kind against gay and lesbian Americans.
The burden is also on Hillary Clinton to tell us how she will pay for it. Her plan will cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars long-term.
Wouldn't this money be better spent on rebuilding America for our current population, including the many poor people already living here?
We have to stop the tremendous flow of Syrian refugees into the United States – we don't know who they are, they have no documentation, and we don't know what they're planning.
What I want is common sense. I want a mainstream immigration policy that promotes American values.
That is the choice I put before the American people: a mainstream immigration policy designed to benefit America, or Hillary Clinton's radical immigration policy designed to benefit politically-correct special interests.
We've got to get smart, and tough, and vigilant, and we've got to do it now, because later is too late.
Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community, Donald Trump with his actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? Clinton wants to allow Radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country—they enslave women, and murder gays.
I don’t want them in our country.
The terrorist attack on the Pulse Night Club demands a full and complete investigation into every aspect of the assault.
In San Bernardino, as an example, people knew what was going on, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it.
We need to know what the killer discussed with his relatives, parents, friends and associates.
We need to know if he was affiliated with any radical Mosques or radical activists and what, if any, is their immigration status.
We need to know if he travelled anywhere, and who he travelled with.
We need to make sure every single last person involved in this plan – including anyone who knew something but didn't tell us – is brought to justice.
If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time .
America must do more – much more – to protect its citizens, especially people who are potential victims of crimes based on their backgrounds or sexual orientations.
It also means we must change our foreign policy.
The decision to overthrow the regime in Libya, then pushing for the overthrow of the regime in Syria, among other things, without plans for the day after, have created space for ISIS to expand and grow.
These actions, along with our disastrous Iran deal, have also reduced our ability to work in partnership with our Muslim allies in the region.
That is why our new goal must be to defeat Islamic terrorism, not nation-building.
For instance, the last major NATO mission was Hillary Clinton's war in Libya. That mission helped unleash ISIS on a new continent.
I've said NATO needs to change its focus to stopping terrorism. Since I've raised that criticism, NATO has since announced a new initiative focused on just that.
America must unite the whole civilized world in the fight against Islamic terrorism, just like we did against communism in the Cold War.
We've tried it President Obama's way. He gave the world his apology tour, we got ISIS, and many other problems, in return.
I'd like to conclude my remarks today by again expressing our solidarity with the people of Orlando who have come under attack.
When I am President, I pledge to protect and defend all Americans who live inside of our borders. Wherever they come from, wherever they were born, all Americans living here and following our laws will be protected.
America will be a tolerant and open society.
America will also be a safe society.
We will protect our borders at home.
We will defeat ISIS overseas.
We will ensure every parent can raise their children in peace and safety.
We will make America rich again.
We will make America safe again.
We will make American Great Again.
Thank you.
The media talks about “homegrown,” terrorism, but Islamic radicalism, and the networks that nurture it, are imports from overseas.
Yes, there are many radicalized people already inside our country as a result of the poor policies of the past. But the whole point is that it will be much, much easier to deal with our current problem if we don’t keep on bringing in people who add to the problem.
For instance, the controversial Mosque attended by the Boston Bombers had as its founder an immigrant from overseas charged in an assassination plot.
This shooter in Orlando was the child of an immigrant father who supported one of the most repressive regimes on Earth. Why would we admit people who support violent hatred?
Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views.
She can’t have it both ways. She can’t claim to be supportive of these communities while trying to increase the number of people coming in who want to oppress them.
How does this kind of immigration make our life better? How does this kind of immigration make our country better?
Why does Hillary Clinton want to bring people here—in vast numbers—who reject our values?
Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities – all of our communities.
America has already admitted four times more immigrants than any country on earth, and we continue to admit millions more with no real checks or scrutiny.
Not surprisingly, wages for our workers haven’t budged in many years.
So whether it’s matter of national security, or financial security, we can’t afford to keep on going like this. We owe $19 trillion in debt, and no longer have options.
All our communities, from all backgrounds, are ready for some relief. This is not an act of offense against anyone; it is an act of defense.
I want us all to work together, including in partnership with our Muslim communities. But Muslim communities must cooperate with law enforcement and turn in the people who they know are bad – and they do know where they are.
I want to fix our schools, roads, bridges and job market. I want every American to succeed. Hillary Clinton wants to empty out the Treasury to bring people into the country that include individuals who preach hate against our own citizens.
I want to protect our citizens – all of our citizens.