Sunday, January 3, 2016

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Truth, or 2016 Consequences

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Truth, or 2016 Consequences

We know Prescott Bush was a Yale skull and bonesman... class of 1917. We know E. Roland Harriman was part of the same class as Bush – 1917. We know Averill Harriman was Roland’s brother and we know Prescott Bush and Averill formed an American investment bank and that they funded the Nazis during World War II. Though their banks were taken from them because of the treason they perpetrated against us, neither was prosecuted – and their losses from the confiscation of their property weren’t really losses because the money was returned to them. The lack of prosecution is a big red flag that these two men were not operating independently.
Some people say the treachery against America started with F. Trubee Davison who graduated from Yale a year after Bush and Harriman... 1918. Yes, Trubee was also a skull and bonesman. He became Assistant U.S. Secretary of War, a State Representative in New York, and, after World War II, the first Personnel Director at the newly-formed CIA. Prescott Bush, a former OSS chief, was heavily involved in structuring the CIA and Prescott's son, George Herbert Walker Bush, became the Agency’s 11th Director just prior to becoming Vice President of the United States.
Ronald Reagan rejected G.H.W. Bush (a Yale grad and skull and bonesman – so is his son, George W.) as his running mate in the 1980 election. The same Republican National Committee that is working so hard today to make you want Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio (neither went to Yale) and to reject electable conservative candidates insisted Reagan accept Bush or do without funds to take the Presidency from Jimmy Carter.
Within months of becoming President of the United States, an assassination attempt badly disabled Reagan. Bill O’Reilly documents this well-researched fact in his book, Killing Reagan. Many of the decisions pushed through the Congress came from Bush, not Reagan. Yes. I refer specifically to the Contra dirty laundry, guns for oil, guns for drugs, the drug routes and air landing sites, etc.. Bill Clinton is a good friend of G.H.W. Bush and the family. Ollie North, now with Fox News, worked for G.H.W. Bush, not President Reagan.
The loss of truth did not begin with the Obama administration. It merely became more apparent during the past 7 years. It began long ago, largely with the Rothschild era, but it has been carried on enthusiastically by those who think of themselves as progressive. It boggles the brain that so many people who think they are intellectually superior to the average American can watch the social order being dragged back to the cave post haste and think their ideas and ideals are “progressive.” What they are doing could not be more regressive!
Being educated has little to do with common sense. Being knowledgeable is quite different from being informed and/or educated. Knowledge requires hands-on experience implementing information and seeing whether it benefits or harms the objective to be achieved. One cannot gain wisdom from ideas and philosophy about what ought to work. That comes only from experience... and from there common sense derives.
We have let them steal our common sense. We didn’t fight very hard to keep it.
When people motivated by power close in on their objective of exercising total world power, they become careless in their arrogance. What pleasure does power offer, after all, if one must wear it with humility... quietly like a shadow sneaking through the darkness? Power brings wealth, but wealth can be boring. There are only so many things you can buy, so many trips you can take, so many cruises on which you can embark... eventually a wealthy ego wants to be recognized for achievements it probably did little to achieve. That is what has happened during the past 7 years. Arrogance now reigns supreme.
Does listening to truth-based common sense make you a racist or a homophone or a religious zealot? No. There is nothing racist or homophobic or religious about the truth and that is the greatest lesson we should all learn from 2015.
Is political correctness everyone else’s fault? No. It is the fault of people who are afraid of being thought racist or homophobic or religious fanatics. When your common sense tells you that you are not a homophobe, stand up at your next school board meeting and object to teachers who want your third graders to be told how wonderful the homosexual lifestyle is. Those who think you are homophobic or anti-religious or racist in the obvious face of opposing logic are the ones with a problem, not you. Do your research and object on reasons of common sense, not opinion.

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