No, the Huey P. Newton Gun Club is not pro-gun out of a love or adherence to the U.S. Constitution, but rather as a means to incite and wage revolution. As Chinese communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung famously quipped, “Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun.”
However, neither guns nor the Second Amendment is the problem; rather, it is the violent, racist, and communist Maoist ideology of its namesake that the gun club promotes, which this article will further address below.
The most notable difference, however, between the Huey P. Newton Gun Club and the New Black Panther Party is that the gun club carries and displays their firearms in open-carry states such as Texas, while the New Black Panther Party does not, being primarily based in the north in cities such as Philadelphia, which have stricter gun-control laws. While the two organizations may seem indistinguishable, the gun club comes across as even more militant and hostile with its open talk and chanting about killing the “pigs."
While the Huey P. Newton Gun Club outwardly projects black or “Afro-American” nationalism, the organization encourages its members to read the writings of Huey P. Newton, who was not just a Black nationalist but a radical Maoist communist. Maoism is a form of Marxism-Leninism, as interpreted and espoused by Mao Tse-tung, the brutal dictator and founder of the People’s Republic of China (Communist China). During the four years of Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” radical communization imitative of China, at least 45 million people were killed through executions, beatings, and mass starvation, according to Hong Kong-based historian Frank Dikötter. To put this number into perspective, the worldwide death toll for World War II was 55 million.
In his autobiography Revolutionary Suicide, published in 1973, Huey P. Newton praised and admitted to drawing upon the tenets of Cuban communist revolutionary Che Guevera and Communist Chinese dictator Mao; Newton wrote:
Che and Mao were veterans of people’s wars, and they had worked out successful strategies for liberating their people. We read these men’s works because we saw them as kinsmen; the oppressor who had controlled them was controlling us, both directly and indirectly. We believed it was necessary to know how they gained their freedom in order to go about getting ours. However, we did not want merely to import ideas and strategies; we had to transform what we learned into principles and methods acceptable to the brothers on the block. [Emphasis added.]
Rather than carbon copying the exact methods of Che or Mao, as Newton explained, he stated that he and the Black Panther Party “had to transform what we learned” or adapt it to conform to the domestic/urban enivornment of African-Americans in order to succesfully wage their revolution in the United States. Regarding the use of violence or armed resistance, Newton wrote in his book:
Mao and Fanon and Guevara all saw clearly that the people had been stripped of their birthright and their dignity, not by any philosophy or mere words, but at gunpoint. They had suffered a holdup by gangsters, and rape; for them, the only way to win freedom was to meet force with force. At bottom, this is a form of self-defense.
If any doubts remain as to Newton’s own political leanings or philosophy, he openly admitted the followng in his book:
It was my studying and reading in college that led me to become a socialist. The transformation from a nationalist to a socialist was a slow one, although I was around a lot of Marxists. I even attended a few meetings of the Progressive Labour Party, but nothing was happening there, just a lot of talk and dogmatism, unrelated to the world I knew. It was my life plus independent reading that made me a socialist — nothing else.
In other words, Newton wasn’t just a socialist or Marxist but a far more radical or militant communist than those around him.
In 1964, Newton served a six-month prison sentence for repeatedly stabbing a man named Odell Lee during an altercation. On October 28, 1967, Newton shot and killed Oakland Police Department officer John Frey, after the officer had pulled him over. Newton was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to a two to-15-year prison sentence. In 1970, the California Court of Appeals reversed the charges and ordered a new round of trials, in which his charges were eventually dropped.
Upon his release from prison, Newton visited Communist China following an invitation from the Communist Party-controlled government. During his trip, he met with various high-ranking Communist Party officials including the first Premier of the People's Republic of China Zhou Enlai, Mao’s wife Jiang Qing, the North Korean ambassador to China, as well as representatives from both the Communist Party-controlled government of North Vietnam and the then-provisional communist government of South Vietnam. In his autobiography, Newton described mainland China as “a free and liberated territory with a socialist government.”
This Newton, then, is the namesake of the group to which Dallas shooter Micah Johnson belonged. In fact, on his personal Facebook account, Johnson was a member of various groups including the page of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club. To be clear, we have no evidence, and are not suggesting, that the leadership of the club may have had prior knowledge of or condoned Johnson's murder rampage (which they have not condemned as of this writing). But that is not the issue under discussion here. Rather, it is the violent communist ideology that motivated Johnson to kill the “pigs" (white police officers).
Awareness of the communist background of the radical group to which Johnson belonged is vital to understanding the recent wave of coordinated violence against local law enforcement. It is this communist ideology that spawned the recent demonstrations of Black Lives Matter, the nationwide protests from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (aka RevCom), and now the murder of multiple police officers by a former member of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club.
The police are not the enemy, white people are not the enemy, and black people are not the enemy. The real enemy, however, which is threatening the nation’s communities and pitting race against race, is communism. As Mao Tse-Tung wrote in hisSelected Military Writings, “This protracted war will pass through three stages. The first stage covers the period of the enemy's strategic offensive and our strategic defensive. The second stage will be the period of the enemy's strategic consolidation and our preparation for the counter-offensive. The third stage will be the period of our strategic counter-offensive and the enemy's strategic retreat.” And this is exactly what is now being played out in the streets of America.
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