Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dallas: Divide and Conquer

Dallas: Divide and Conquer

So what is the answer? For starters, let's begin with morality. Have we as a nation fell so far from our Judeo-Christian roots that we look at our brother and fellow American as the enemy? So what if we have different political views, different skin color, or hold different religious views? Who are these people who are pointing out the enemy? Who are they connected to? What are their aims? Since 1776, this country has faced opposition to its founding from forces that have longed to untether the foundational moorings of morality. And they have been quite successful in steering the country in the direction it is heading.
Now, more than ever, we need to reclaim the American ideals of morality, service to self, service to family, and service to neighbor. As our motto states, we need less government, more responsibility and -- with God's help -- a better world. Join The John Birch Society today to help make sense of an America gone wrong and to get it back on course to safeguard life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.

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