Sunday, July 31, 2016
Hillary Clinton: A Threat to All Humanity. - YouTube
Hillary Clinton: A Threat to All Humanity. - YouTube
The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet still the leading lights of the so-called "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences of this strategy may well lead directly to nuclear war. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on
The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet still the leading lights of the so-called "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences of this strategy may well lead directly to nuclear war. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Friday, July 22, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Kelleigh Nelson -- Trump's Brilliant VP Choice In Our Globalist Society
Kelleigh Nelson -- Trump's Brilliant VP Choice In Our Globalist Society
It is a god thing Newt did not get the nod.....He is a Globalist totalitarian....he has said our constitution needs to be scrapped. Few know the truth about Gingrich. The Globalists are masters at appearing to be someone they are not.....
It is a god thing Newt did not get the nod.....He is a Globalist totalitarian....he has said our constitution needs to be scrapped. Few know the truth about Gingrich. The Globalists are masters at appearing to be someone they are not.....
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Philando Castile Shooting: More Than Meets the Eye
Philando Castile Shooting: More Than Meets the Eye
There are some similarities — and some differences — in these two shootings and in the lives of the black men who were shot. While the Black Lives Matter (BLM) crowd has focused on only the similarities that serve its purpose (both men were black, while none of the officers involved was black), they have avoided the similarities that are both most obvious and most important:
• Both men were suspects in crimes involving the threat of lethal force.
• Both men were armed.
• Both men refused to comply with officers' commands.
In the previous article mentioned above, this writer detailed each of these points in the shooting of Alton Sterling. What has not been widely reported — and has, in fact, been largely ignored by the mainstream media — is that all of the above points apply equally to Philando Castile.
Bipartisan Group of Reps Creates Caucus to Protect Fourth Amendment
Bipartisan Group of Reps Creates Caucus to Protect Fourth Amendment
Fresh off his successful campaign to keep the House of Representatives from expanding the federal government’s power to violate the rights protected by the Fourth Amendment, Representative Justin Amash (R-Mich.) is cashing in that political capital.
As reported by USA Today on July 13:
An unusual coalition of 13 Republicans and 12 Democrats on Wednesday announced the creation of the House Fourth Amendment Caucus to protect Americans' privacy rights against calls for increased government surveillance in the wake of terrorist attacks.
The group named itself after the Fourth Amendment because the lawmakers fear that the government is increasingly seeking the power to search Americans' electronic data without a warrant. They see that as a threat to the Constitutional amendment's protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.
“A caucus dedicated to defending Americans’ Fourth Amendment-secured rights is needed now more than ever, and its formation illustrates the growing awareness among the American public and their representatives in Congress of the far-reaching implications of the surveillance state,” Amash said in a statement. “In the face of difficult circumstances, some are quick to pursue extreme, unconstitutional measures; the Fourth Amendment Caucus will be a moderating influence that gives voice to countless Americans whose rights are violated by these ill-conceived policies.”
The libertarian-leaning congressman joined Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) and Ted Poe (R-Texas), who formed the caucus that officially launched at an event held on Capitol Hill on July 13.
At the meeting, Lofgren and Poe made statements setting out the purpose of the formation of the caucus and the impetus for its creation.
“Members of the House of Representatives from both parties are eager to debate and vote on privacy and surveillance issues that are far too often drafted in secret and jammed through the legislative process under tight deadlines, restrictive procedures, and little debate,” said Lofgren. “From shutting the backdoor on warrantless spying to leading efforts to protect privacy, this Fourth Amendment Caucus gives members a new, nonpartisan forum for ideas, organization, and strategy as we fight to protect the Constitution and the American people.”
“As technology continues to evolve and improve, Congress must ensure that the Fourth Amendment rights of citizens are protected,” said Poe. “Technology may change, but the Constitution does not.”
One of Amash’s colleagues in the caucus is his friend and fellow constitutionalist Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.).
"Congress has passed, and continues to pass, dangerous legislation without regard for our Constitution,” Massie said. "The Fourth Amendment Caucus presents a nonpartisan opportunity to discuss ways to protect our right to privacy.”
Given the role that rebellion against the unreasonable, unwarranted searches and seizures by government played in igniting the spark that lit the fires of armed resistance in America and the American Revolution, it is remarkable that that liberty now is so threatened that there is a caucus — a small caucus — of congressmen who feel compelled to unite to protect the right not to be subject to such official actions.
James Otis is a name that is almost completely forgotten by contemporary Americans, but he was once the most famous lawyer in the colonies, and it was his renowned recrimination of unreasonable searches in Boston that earned him fame and influenced his countrymen to resist the tyranny of these deprivations.
At a trial challenging the constitutionality of the General Writs of Assistance, Otis spoke eloquently and persuasively in favor of freedom from the unreasonable searches being carried out by 18th-century government agents:
Friday, July 15, 2016
Servando Gonzalez -- Did We Lose the Culture War?
Servando Gonzalez -- Did We Lose the Culture War?
What we are currently experiencing is the final steps of a long, protracted war against the American people. It began a century ago in Woodrow Wilson’s era, or perhaps even before, when the battleship Maine was mysteriously blown up in Havana’s bay, and this war has not abated. This is not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes in conventional battlefields — at least not yet.
It is a secret, insidious type of war whose main battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapons are propaganda and mass brainwashing mostly by using disinformation, deception and lies on a large scale not used against the people of a nation since the end of Nazi Germany. Though important, those elements are just part of a series of carefully planned and executed long and short-term psychological warfare operations.
The reason why the CFR conspirators have resorted to defeat the American people using a much more devious form of war, a PsyWar, is because Americans love freedom and are armed to the teeth to defend their freedom.[5]
Now, what is a PsyWar? According to the U.S. Army’s Joint Strategic Plans Committee, August 2, 1948,
Psychological warfare employs all moral and physical means, other than orthodox military operations, which tend to:destroy the will and the ability of the enemy to fight;
deprive him of the support of his allies and neutrals;
increase in our own troops and allies the will to victory.Psychological warfare employs any weapon to influence the mind of the enemy. The weapons are psychological only in the effect they produce and not because of the nature of the weapons themselves. In this light, overt (white), covert (black), and gray propaganda; subversion; sabotage; special operations; guerrilla warfare; espionage’s political, cultural, economic, and racial pressures are all effective weapons. They are effective because they produce dissention, distrust, fear and hopelessness in the minds of the enemy, not because they originate in the psyche of propaganda or psychological warfare agencies.[6]
Of latel, however, particularly after the 9/11 events and even more after Barry Soetoro moved to the White House,[7] the existence of this conspiracy has become more evident for anybody with eyes to see. This is only because the conspirators were so confident that they were so close to their goal that, in their arrogance, they became careless. They despise us so much that they didn’t care about what we can do to defend ourselves from their devious attack.
Nevertheless, despite that the existence of this conspiracy became obvious and most people suspected that something was very wrong, still a large percentage of the American people were unable to pinpoint the true source of the conspiracy. Most of them had been brainwashed to believe that just by changing the treacherous rascals in Washington D.C. everything would be okay.
That was the mistake made by the Republicans in 2000, when they got rid of Clinton to have Bush, and by the Democrats in 2008, when they trashed Bush to get Obama. But, as the true liberals in the Democratic Party soon found out, just by changing the puppets and leaving the puppet-masters untouched would not solve the problem.
Currently, a powerful psychological warfare operation (PsyOp) is in place to convince diehard Republicans that Trump will not be the solution to the problem. I hope that when the true conservatives among the Republicans discover their mistake it would not be too late to correct it.
What Professor Tushnet seemingly ignores is that the “progressive” (I call them “regressives”) Leftists waging the Culture War against us are not winning because of their cleverness, insight and intelligence, but because of the hidden support of the most reactionary Right, including Republican traitors, is giving them. Proof of it is that the so-called gains of the progressive Left — gay rights, women’s rights, sexual liberation, social justice, pro-abortion laws, open borders, affirmative action, forced integration in schools, free trade, globalization — came hand in hand with huge economic inequality, destruction of the working and farming classes, further obscene enrichment of the one percent, iniquitous exploitation of workers and farmers in Third World countries, corporate crime, pervasive government corruption, massive unemployment, a police state, government-sponsored terrorism, widespread surveillance, loss of personal freedom and unending imperialist wars to protect the interests of bankers and corporations.
This is not the result of happenstance or chance. Unknowingly, Liberal “progressives” became the useful fools manipulated by the corporate and banking elites they claim to hate to implement their communo-fascist New Gay World Order — which is anything but Leftist or progressive by any stretch of the imagination.
Tushnet believes the cultural war is over, and they won it. Apparently he is still immersed in the false reality created by the “progressive” Left. I’ll bet that he faithfully reads the New Yorker and New York Times, listens to NPRNews and watches NBC. So, he ignores that currently there is an awakening of the American people and people all around the world who are sick and tired of being manipulated and lied to. He also seemingly ignores that, if Trump reaches the White House, one of the first things he will do is open an investigation about Barry Soetoro and, once the impostor is proven guilty of his many crimes and sent to jail to join Hillary, all the executives orders he signed will be nullified and the corrupt judges he has appointed will be automatically fired.
The second thing Trump will most likely do is to open a truly impartial investigation of the 9/11 events — which will end up by sending Bush, Cheney and some neocons to join their buddies Barry and Hillary. Hopefully, we will finally find a good use for Guantanamo.
Tushnet is dead wrong. The Culture War is not over; actually it has just begun.
Previously there was no war in the strict sense, because one section of the American people didn’t know there was a war being conducted against them. But now we know, and it is time to launch a devastating PsyWar counterattack to force the conspirators to face reality.
One conclusion one may arrive at after reading Tushnet’s piece is that the communo-fascist “Liberals” don’t see us just as opponents they have to take political power from. Like genocidal war criminal General William Sherman, who advocated the extermination, not the coexistence with Native Americans, the progressive Left sees us as enemies they have to conquer, enslave and destroy.
So, I think that, following Tushnet’s advice, once we win this war we should treat the losers the same way he advises his lefty friends to treat us.
Nobody has won a war on the defensive. It is time to give the communo-fascist elitists a taste of their own medicine.
It takes two to tango.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
NWV News -- Former generals, intelligence experts: Hillary dangerous to our republic
NWV News -- Former generals, intelligence experts: Hillary dangerous to our republic
Despite the FBI and Justice Departments refusal to pursue criminal charges against presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, a number of military leaders who specialize in intelligence gathering and analysis believe Mrs. Clinton is unfit to command the nation's entire military and public safety services.
Despite the FBI and Justice Departments refusal to pursue criminal charges against presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, a number of military leaders who specialize in intelligence gathering and analysis believe Mrs. Clinton is unfit to command the nation's entire military and public safety services.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Dallas: Divide and Conquer
Dallas: Divide and Conquer
So what is the answer? For starters, let's begin with morality. Have we as a nation fell so far from our Judeo-Christian roots that we look at our brother and fellow American as the enemy? So what if we have different political views, different skin color, or hold different religious views? Who are these people who are pointing out the enemy? Who are they connected to? What are their aims? Since 1776, this country has faced opposition to its founding from forces that have longed to untether the foundational moorings of morality. And they have been quite successful in steering the country in the direction it is heading.
Now, more than ever, we need to reclaim the American ideals of morality, service to self, service to family, and service to neighbor. As our motto states, we need less government, more responsibility and -- with God's help -- a better world. Join The John Birch Society today to help make sense of an America gone wrong and to get it back on course to safeguard life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Dallas Shooter Was Member of Huey P. Newton Gun Club
Dallas Shooter Was Member of Huey P. Newton Gun Club
Compared to the New Black Panther Party and BLM, the Huey P. Newton Gun Club is worse. Thus it is not surprising that considering its violent and repugnant ideology, it would be the first to breed among its members, both past and present, the idea of actual mass murder of white police officers. In fact the main banner image on the gun club's official Facebook page(as of the publication time of this article) is a photograph of a club member lying on the ground in a mitiary combat posture, looking through the scope of a sniper rifle (see photo), similar to the weapon used by Micah Johnson to kill the five police officers in Dallas.
No, the Huey P. Newton Gun Club is not pro-gun out of a love or adherence to the U.S. Constitution, but rather as a means to incite and wage revolution. As Chinese communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung famously quipped, “Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun.”
However, neither guns nor the Second Amendment is the problem; rather, it is the violent, racist, and communist Maoist ideology of its namesake that the gun club promotes, which this article will further address below.
The most notable difference, however, between the Huey P. Newton Gun Club and the New Black Panther Party is that the gun club carries and displays their firearms in open-carry states such as Texas, while the New Black Panther Party does not, being primarily based in the north in cities such as Philadelphia, which have stricter gun-control laws. While the two organizations may seem indistinguishable, the gun club comes across as even more militant and hostile with its open talk and chanting about killing the “pigs."
While the Huey P. Newton Gun Club outwardly projects black or “Afro-American” nationalism, the organization encourages its members to read the writings of Huey P. Newton, who was not just a Black nationalist but a radical Maoist communist. Maoism is a form of Marxism-Leninism, as interpreted and espoused by Mao Tse-tung, the brutal dictator and founder of the People’s Republic of China (Communist China). During the four years of Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” radical communization imitative of China, at least 45 million people were killed through executions, beatings, and mass starvation, according to Hong Kong-based historian Frank Dikötter. To put this number into perspective, the worldwide death toll for World War II was 55 million.
In his autobiography Revolutionary Suicide, published in 1973, Huey P. Newton praised and admitted to drawing upon the tenets of Cuban communist revolutionary Che Guevera and Communist Chinese dictator Mao; Newton wrote:
Che and Mao were veterans of people’s wars, and they had worked out successful strategies for liberating their people. We read these men’s works because we saw them as kinsmen; the oppressor who had controlled them was controlling us, both directly and indirectly. We believed it was necessary to know how they gained their freedom in order to go about getting ours. However, we did not want merely to import ideas and strategies; we had to transform what we learned into principles and methods acceptable to the brothers on the block. [Emphasis added.]
Rather than carbon copying the exact methods of Che or Mao, as Newton explained, he stated that he and the Black Panther Party “had to transform what we learned” or adapt it to conform to the domestic/urban enivornment of African-Americans in order to succesfully wage their revolution in the United States. Regarding the use of violence or armed resistance, Newton wrote in his book:
Mao and Fanon and Guevara all saw clearly that the people had been stripped of their birthright and their dignity, not by any philosophy or mere words, but at gunpoint. They had suffered a holdup by gangsters, and rape; for them, the only way to win freedom was to meet force with force. At bottom, this is a form of self-defense.
If any doubts remain as to Newton’s own political leanings or philosophy, he openly admitted the followng in his book:
It was my studying and reading in college that led me to become a socialist. The transformation from a nationalist to a socialist was a slow one, although I was around a lot of Marxists. I even attended a few meetings of the Progressive Labour Party, but nothing was happening there, just a lot of talk and dogmatism, unrelated to the world I knew. It was my life plus independent reading that made me a socialist — nothing else.
In other words, Newton wasn’t just a socialist or Marxist but a far more radical or militant communist than those around him.
In 1964, Newton served a six-month prison sentence for repeatedly stabbing a man named Odell Lee during an altercation. On October 28, 1967, Newton shot and killed Oakland Police Department officer John Frey, after the officer had pulled him over. Newton was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to a two to-15-year prison sentence. In 1970, the California Court of Appeals reversed the charges and ordered a new round of trials, in which his charges were eventually dropped.
Upon his release from prison, Newton visited Communist China following an invitation from the Communist Party-controlled government. During his trip, he met with various high-ranking Communist Party officials including the first Premier of the People's Republic of China Zhou Enlai, Mao’s wife Jiang Qing, the North Korean ambassador to China, as well as representatives from both the Communist Party-controlled government of North Vietnam and the then-provisional communist government of South Vietnam. In his autobiography, Newton described mainland China as “a free and liberated territory with a socialist government.”
This Newton, then, is the namesake of the group to which Dallas shooter Micah Johnson belonged. In fact, on his personal Facebook account, Johnson was a member of various groups including the page of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club. To be clear, we have no evidence, and are not suggesting, that the leadership of the club may have had prior knowledge of or condoned Johnson's murder rampage (which they have not condemned as of this writing). But that is not the issue under discussion here. Rather, it is the violent communist ideology that motivated Johnson to kill the “pigs" (white police officers).
Awareness of the communist background of the radical group to which Johnson belonged is vital to understanding the recent wave of coordinated violence against local law enforcement. It is this communist ideology that spawned the recent demonstrations of Black Lives Matter, the nationwide protests from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (aka RevCom), and now the murder of multiple police officers by a former member of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club.
The police are not the enemy, white people are not the enemy, and black people are not the enemy. The real enemy, however, which is threatening the nation’s communities and pitting race against race, is communism. As Mao Tse-Tung wrote in hisSelected Military Writings, “This protracted war will pass through three stages. The first stage covers the period of the enemy's strategic offensive and our strategic defensive. The second stage will be the period of the enemy's strategic consolidation and our preparation for the counter-offensive. The third stage will be the period of our strategic counter-offensive and the enemy's strategic retreat.” And this is exactly what is now being played out in the streets of America.
Kelleigh Nelson -- Michael Flynn Best Choice For Trump's VP
Kelleigh Nelson -- Michael Flynn Best Choice For Trump's VP
Flynn told about what happened to him. He said, “Two years ago, I was called into a meeting with the undersecretary of defense for intelligence and the director of national intelligence, and after some “niceties,” I was told by the USDI that I was being let go from DIA.”
“I knew then it had more to do with the stand I took on radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaeda and its associated movements. I felt the intel system was way too politicized, especially in the Defense Department. After being fired, I left the meeting thinking, “Here we are in the middle of a war, I had a significant amount of combat experience (nearly five years) against this determined enemy on the battlefield and served at senior levels, and here it was, the bureaucracy was letting me go.” [Link]
We have corroboration of this through Phillip Haney’s recent book, See Something, Say Nothing, where he said that the DHS was ordered by Obama to scrub records of Muslims with terrorist ties, both in 2009 and 2012. These included individuals, organizations, and networks, both across the United States and affiliations within foreign countries.
We are dealing with an administration who has destroyed intelligence, and fired high ranking military who are doing their best to protect our country from Islamic terrorists. As I see it, and as Mr. Trump says he sees it, Islamists are the biggest threat to our culture, liberty, and freedom. It is another reason we truly need a man like Flynn at Trump’s side.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Attacks on Police Part of a National Plan?
Attacks on Police Part of a National Plan?
What is the purpose of this leftist attack upon the police?
Fitzgerald charged that the Justice Department was using something called the Police Data Initiative to achieve “federalization of the local police.” The way this is to be accomplished is through “standards” for local police both created and enforced by the Justice Department.
Fitzgerald asserted that a principal goal of the Left is to nationalize the police function. Fitzgerald offered some examples of nationalized police forces, including the Cheka of the Soviet Union and the Gestapo in National Socialist Germany.
An increase in lawlessness, largely owing to the reluctance of police to confront some criminal activity in minority neighborhoods in such places as Chicago, where the murder rate has spiraled upward, is planned to lead some Americans to believe the local police are not capable of controlling violent crime, Fitzgerald predicted. A nationalized police force will then be presented as the solution, he warned.
Al Sharpton has called for an “end” to local policing, with that function taken over by a nationalized police force.
And, of course, the tragic murders of the police officers in Dallas will be yet another talking point with those who want to disarm law-abiding American citizens.
With a former “community organizer” in residence in the White House, this is not surprising.
Marilyn M. Barnewall -- First The Banks Were Too Big To Fail, Now Hillary is Too Big To Jail
Marilyn M. Barnewall -- First The Banks Were Too Big To Fail, Now Hillary is Too Big To Jail
There are some human behaviors that are part of our nature. For example:
1. Always remember that tyrants will do whatever it takes to achieve their objective. They want to delete the Second Amendment and take the guns of the American people. Until they get what they want, we will likely see more of this kind of violence (with progressive Democrats loudly calling for gun control) until the people find a way to combat it more effectively than the government appears able. This is evident in the behavior of George H.W. Bush’s father, Prescott, who helped finance Hitler. It's all about power.
2. All people – rich and poor, productive and non-productive – struggle to have a meaningful life. We have a strong instinct that drives us to make the time we spend on earth matter. Some people make their lives matter in a positive way; some achieve it in a negative way. No one wants to be a zero. We fight to be either a plus or a minus in the social order.
One of the problems we have today is that the definition of plus and minus has been turned upside down.
What used to be good and positive is now bad and negative... faith in God, being productive, being a patriot, respecting the Constitution and the Rule of Law that flows from it all, according to our political leaders, make us dangerous, negative citizens. What they really mean is that people who seek the truth and do not accept political correctness have figured out that politicians get to define what is or is not politically correct and they always define it as something that hides their unlawful behavior and benefits them and their objective of global governance.
At puberty, both boys and girls face tremendous pressures from their own bodies as previously unknown hormones flood their systems. They are pressured by schools to believe what they are told in class (political correctness, again) versus what they are told by parents in their
Rees Lloyd -- American Freedom-Resistance or Abject Submission to Tyranny?
Rees Lloyd -- American Freedom-Resistance or Abject Submission to Tyranny?
The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver.
"The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resis-tance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.”
BREAKING: Close Ties Between #BlackLivesMatter Protest Organizers & Controversial Mosque #DallasPoliceShootings - GotNews
BREAKING: Close Ties Between #BlackLivesMatter Protest Organizers & Controversial Mosque #DallasPoliceShootings - GotNews
Obama stokes a false narrative for his communist agenda...race. Race has always been used by the communists to break America apart. Revcom.US as well as CAIR and other subversive organizations operate freely our soil. Where is our FBI?
Obama stokes a false narrative for his communist agenda...race. Race has always been used by the communists to break America apart. Revcom.US as well as CAIR and other subversive organizations operate freely our soil. Where is our FBI?
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Be Very Afraid of the Real Newt Gingrich - Capitol Hill Outsider - CHO
Be Very Afraid of the Real Newt Gingrich - Capitol Hill Outsider - CHO
In 1990, he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you’ve never read Richard N. Gardner’s April 1974 article in CFR’s World Affairs, Gardner called for an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece. The CFR was founded in 1921 for world government and eliminating national independence. Henry Kissinger is also a CFR member and actually schooled Newt, and both claim they’re conservatives. Newt is also a fellow at phony conservative think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Hoover Institution, focusing on U.S. politics, world history, national security policy, and environmental policy issues. Trotskyite Irving Kristol was a senior fellow at AEI, and Richard Allen, author of NAFTA while at Heritage Foundation, is a Hoover fellow.
In 1990, he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you’ve never read Richard N. Gardner’s April 1974 article in CFR’s World Affairs, Gardner called for an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece. The CFR was founded in 1921 for world government and eliminating national independence. Henry Kissinger is also a CFR member and actually schooled Newt, and both claim they’re conservatives. Newt is also a fellow at phony conservative think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Hoover Institution, focusing on U.S. politics, world history, national security policy, and environmental policy issues. Trotskyite Irving Kristol was a senior fellow at AEI, and Richard Allen, author of NAFTA while at Heritage Foundation, is a Hoover fellow.
Be Very Afraid of the Real Newt Gingrich - Capitol Hill Outsider - CHO
Be Very Afraid of the Real Newt Gingrich - Capitol Hill Outsider - CHO
In 1990, he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you’ve never read Richard N. Gardner’s April 1974 article in CFR’s World Affairs, Gardner called for an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece. The CFR was founded in 1921 for world government and eliminating national independence. Henry Kissinger is also a CFR member and actually schooled Newt, and both claim they’re conservatives. Newt is also a fellow at phony conservative think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Hoover Institution, focusing on U.S. politics, world history, national security policy, and environmental policy issues. Trotskyite Irving Kristol was a senior fellow at AEI, and Richard Allen, author of NAFTA while at Heritage Foundation, is a Hoover fellow.
In 1990, he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you’ve never read Richard N. Gardner’s April 1974 article in CFR’s World Affairs, Gardner called for an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece. The CFR was founded in 1921 for world government and eliminating national independence. Henry Kissinger is also a CFR member and actually schooled Newt, and both claim they’re conservatives. Newt is also a fellow at phony conservative think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Hoover Institution, focusing on U.S. politics, world history, national security policy, and environmental policy issues. Trotskyite Irving Kristol was a senior fellow at AEI, and Richard Allen, author of NAFTA while at Heritage Foundation, is a Hoover fellow.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Dallas, What They Are Not Telling You – 'Nox & Friends
Dallas, What They Are Not Telling You – 'Nox & Friends
In the wake of last night’s horrific shootings against police in Dallas, CEO of The John Birch Society Art Thompson sheds further light as to why the shootings happened and who or what was behind it. Art also asks the questions that the mainstream media, both conservative and liberal, is not asking. To learn more about why the shootings took place and their intended consequences to liberty, watch and share this video!
In the wake of last night’s horrific shootings against police in Dallas, CEO of The John Birch Society Art Thompson sheds further light as to why the shootings happened and who or what was behind it. Art also asks the questions that the mainstream media, both conservative and liberal, is not asking. To learn more about why the shootings took place and their intended consequences to liberty, watch and share this video!
Senator Sasse on Trust of Government – 'Nox & Friends
Senator Sasse on Trust of Government – 'Nox & Friends
To the Liberal Congress, Men and Women, who objected so strongly from a non-politician who is tired of your rhetoric:
You are not representative our nation.
You are the symptoms of what is wrong with our nation.
You are socialists and progressives and have no place in a republican form of government.
You have sold out your constituents and by your comments on the floor make known to them and the citizens of this nation that only the elite in government matter.
Look those miners, farmers, small business owners, line workers, cafeteria workers, teachers, firemen, healthcare workers, law enforcement and homeless in the EYE and tell THEM who you are really representing because madams and sirs — it is NOT the middle income workers, the displaced, the unemployed, or those who hold legitimate jobs — Not Blacks, Not Women, Not Mexicans, Not Business Owners, Not Military or Enforcement and certainly Not those who are citizens from shore to shore who love our country and do not want to see it destroyed by the likes of you.
You bring shame upon our country with your two-faced whiney lies…
You endanger our citizens from reckless, feckless drivel…
You refuse to acknowledge truth over your grubby elitist attitudes…
You do not deserve to be in a position of power because you have abused it and your privileges…
In fact each of you should be recalled to your state and face your state legislature to explain why you are so unintelligent and disrespectful, as well as wasteful of their time, funds, and efforts…
You endanger our citizens from reckless, feckless drivel…
You refuse to acknowledge truth over your grubby elitist attitudes…
You do not deserve to be in a position of power because you have abused it and your privileges…
In fact each of you should be recalled to your state and face your state legislature to explain why you are so unintelligent and disrespectful, as well as wasteful of their time, funds, and efforts…
Every government worker, middle management, president or cabinet member, elected or un-elected person who believes that Hillary Clinton is above the law and should be able to get away with lying under oath, that uses Air Force One and the presidential seal to create an false image of herself, that can lie to the people in interviews over media waves, that can turn our lands and lives over to other people in other countries all for the sake of personal enrichment ….. You are a cancer….
I am not speaking as a Democrat or Republican or Christian or Atheist or Person of Any Color or Sexual Orientation but as acitizen of a nation founded on
None of you fit that bill if you do not see what is wrong with this woman’s actions and activities.
Get over you partisanship and start acting like you actually give a damn about those you represent in your districts; and, the fulfillment of constitutional laws which you promised in your oaths of office to uphold.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Lee Duigon -- School Teaches White Children They Are Born Racist
Lee Duigon -- School Teaches White Children They Are Born Racist
Our Independence Must be Won Again
Of all the crimes of the Obama regime, the worst of many is its purposeful campaign to stir up racial animosity.
The ideology, of course, is that white Americans are to blame for everything that’s wrong in the world and that they must be punished for it. This is at the core of Obamaism. It’s a big part of what makes most Democrats tick. Besides which, “divide and rule” is a time-tested approach to power politics.
It comes down from the top; but let’s first take a look at some of the people that it lands on.
At the Bank Street School for Children, in Manhattan, the “stick it to Whitey” jihad has advanced so far into actual child abuse that even liberals have begun to question it. Yes, for just $15,000 a year, you can subject your white child to daily mental cruelty at the hands of wicked, racist idiots.
White kids here are “taught,” day in, day out, that because they’re white, and for no other reason but that, they are evil, worthless, and inferior to “kids of color”—who are, by contrast, given “safe space,” cupcakes, and non-stop praise.
Come to think of it, this form of what the perpetrators like to call “diversity and social justice education” is cruel to the non-white children, too. How can it help but teach them to be racists? Worse than that: racists with the full approval of the visible authorities.
Imagine if the shoe were on the other foot: that there was an expensive private school where black kids were set apart for non-stop verbal abuse while the white kids were blatantly favored over them. There would be riots over it. If the school were not shut down, it would be burned down, and teachers and administrators would be charged with every hate crime in the book. Attorney General Loretta Lynch would personally see to it; and Obama himself would surely give another speech about America the racist hell-hole. The tumult would be the biggest thing since Ferguson, Missouri. There would be no end to it.
But this purposely-applied wickedness is cruel to all the children at the school. Having taught in many public school classrooms, many grades, I state for a fact that young children are not naturally racist. They learn racism from their elders. Left alone, they get along just fine. But the moral imbeciles who run the Bank Street School do everything in their power to rob the children of the blessings of amity.
This week we celebrated Independence Day, the birth of the United States of America. I think I would rather not know what they make of it at Bank Street.
Today, 240 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, we find ourselves saddled with another kind of tyranny—one not imposed by a foreign power on its colonies, but by our own elected “leaders” and a perverted education system operated by racist, socialist fools who hate our country and labor ceaselessly to turn it into something else.
And what are we to say of the parents who voluntarily send their children to such schools—and at no small cost, to boot? Are they out of their freakin’ minds? How can they justify subjecting their own children to this wicked folly?
Somehow we must win our independence back. We must allow such people to lord it over us no more. The fact that virtually all of them are Democrats should weigh heavily with us when we vote.
Bradlee Dean -- They are in it together; Hillary, Barack and the Foreigners within
Bradlee Dean -- They are in it together; Hillary, Barack and the Foreigners within
• Where do you stand on charters, vouchers and choice?
• Are you for a Constitutional Convention, a Convention of States, or a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA)?
Have you studied the Constitution and Declaration of Independence?
Yes, I have. There are clearly words written in those documents, that if strictly adhered to, would keep this nation on a straight and narrow path towards prosperity and free from tyranny.
Unfortunately, many of our elected officials believe that they know better than those they were hired to represent, and better than the Framers of both documents. Paul Ryan certainly falls into the group of elected officials who thinks he knows better than we do.
• Where do you stand on the Second Amendment…any restrictions? How about registration? How about CC permits?
I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. It was not written for hunting geese or deer. It was written to ensure we have the ability to defend our freedom. More on my thoughts about the 2nd Amendment here.
• How about the 4th Amendment? The illegal searches and seizures are totally out of control. (Patriot Act, NDAA, etc.) [Link]
Free people are only free if they can live their lives without government intrusion. The 4th Amendment has been gutted with the Patriot Act, and NDAA has flipped Liberty on her head. Our backyard is a battlefield because politicians and political correctness have given many spinal laryngitis - not enough backbone to say the obvious - Islam is the root cause of global terrorism. Narco-terrorists are just as bad.
Dead is dead. It doesn't matter if it's a bullet from ISIS or a $5 heroin pill.
I am for abolishing the US Department of education and any Federal tax dollars for education. This is a local issue. Federal education bureaucrats are a redundant layer of unnecessary spending. I do not want my federal taxes paying for an Islamic school. However, if I want to support a local Christian school, it should be available to students who will say the Pledge of Allegiance and recite the Lord's Prayer.
I am not for a CC or COS. It is a Pandora's box that doesn't need opening. We need an insurgency of upstanding men and women to unseat career politicians across the country.
We tax too much and spend too much. In addition to what this article lays out I would add:
The 10th amendment is pretty clear. The states are sovereign.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
We shouldn't send any tax revenue to Washington where it is essentially money-laundered by federal bureaucrats. Each state participating in un-enumerated federal programs is subsequently extorted by the Federal government to grow the Leviathan.
This is the Progressive / Marxist / Communist agenda unfolding before our eyes (reference The Naked Communist). States that fail their citizenry should suffer the consequences of their voting preferences. Those that choose well will have life, liberty, and property.
The Puerto Rico bailout was a swindle and must be undone before more states like Connecticut and Illinois try it.
• How do you feel about women in the military (in combat)?
I'm not supportive of women in combat, as studies have shown a woman cannot carry a fallen male soldier, and other physical attributes related to strength.
• Your position on homosexuals/transgenders in the military…
It's God's role to judge. I'm supposed to love everyone without condoning behaviors that God has clearly said are unacceptable.
The government has no place in people's bedrooms. That's God's domain.
That said, I do not believe that I should have to alter my relationship with God to accommodate Man. If my conscience says I don't agree with someone, I can love them and pray for them without being disagreeable.
That said, I do not believe that I should have to alter my relationship with God to accommodate Man. If my conscience says I don't agree with someone, I can love them and pray for them without being disagreeable.
• Your position on the Middle East wars
The U.S. should have the strongest military in the world. We should annihilate any who attack us and let them rebuild themselves.
We should most definitely not interject ourselves into Islamic civil wars.
Paul Ryan has abdicated his unique role as Speaker of the house in two key ways and should vacate the Speaker's chair:
Paul Ryan has abdicated his unique role as Speaker of the house in two key ways and should vacate the Speaker's chair:
1. Failure to challenge Obama's war making (that is a unique role for Congress - the Framer's never intended a POTUS could wage war without consent from Congress)
2. Failure to bring debate to the floor on an AUMF (Authorization on Use for Military Force) - and he has been asked in writing twice now to do so.
• Where do you stand on foreign aid?
We should only aid our allies in securing Liberty and safety here at home. I see no reason for our Veterans and active duty service members to suffer sub-standard care and equipment when we dole out billions to those that would do us harm.
• How would you secure our borders?
I would build a wall along many sections of the border and where we need river access for livestock ranching would put increased levels of armed security as inmy video where Sheriff West in Hudspeth County Texas said "Give me 75 men and 24 hours and I can secure Hudspeth County", which has a 100-mile border with Mexico.
• What is your stance on illegal aliens?
Enforce existing immigration law. There is a legal path to citizenship now. Use it.
• What is your stance on Muslim refugees?
We should not take any Muslim refugees. Sharia law is incompatible with The U.S. Constitution and you cannot separate sharia from Islam. We should pray for Muslims to find Jesus Christ.
• Where do you stand on trade? NAFTA to TPP, and fast tracking
TPP is NAFTA on steroids. You can read my whole take on it in Paul Ryans 7 Deadly Sins - TPP.
• Where do you stand on healthcare (Obama Care)?
Abolish it.
• Are you fully pro-life?
I am fully pro-life. I would not have funded planned parenthood as Speaker Ryan did. He should not have funded it in the omnibus and should have instead passed a budget that did not include PP funding. Omnibus isn't a budget. Omnibus is a pile of money.
• What is your stance on H1B Visas?
The H-1B visa program is a metastasized cancer that is spreading across this country.
It was never designed to be utilized the way big businesses have corrupted it.
Companies like Abbott Labs, Intel, New York Life, etc., are replacing American workers with less-skilled H-1B visa holders and the H-1B visa holders are treated like indentured servants. Didn't we fight a war against slavery in this country?
Companies like Abbott Labs, Intel, New York Life, etc., are replacing American workers with less-skilled H-1B visa holders and the H-1B visa holders are treated like indentured servants. Didn't we fight a war against slavery in this country?
• What do you do for a living?
I'm the Senior Vice President of Operations for a water filtration and UV disinfection manufacturing company. We were purchased in April of this year by Evoqua, and I have a runout contract with them through the end of October to transfer technology and continue to publish US patents - the fifth of which will be active in two weeks.
• What faith are you?
I'm a Christian. God picked an imperfect man to challenge Speaker Ryan.
Isaiah 6:8
Vote for Nehlen
It is obvious that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan needs to be replaced. It would be wonderful to see another defeat of the incumbent as we saw with Dave Brat when he ousted Eric Cantor. With the latest polls, Paul Nehlen now leads Speaker Ryan by 47% to 41%. Let’s help him oust Ryan!
Here are the 10 things Paul Nehlen says he’ll do within the 60 days after he’s elected. Congress has, at best, a 5% to 9% approval rating. If we elect more men and women like Paul Nehlen, the ratings will definitely improve. I believe this man will honor the oath of office, and it is why I support him.
Please do all you can to promote Mr. Nehlen’s efforts to unseat Paul Ryan in the August 9th Wisconsin primary. Donations can be made through his website, and an address is included should you wish to send a check.
Please, click on "Mass E-mailing" below and send this article to all your friends.
[P.S. In order to help Mr. Trump we need to increase the hits to reach more people. Please use this material, and call into talk radio programs (like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity etc.) and mention on the air while discussing the content of this article, write letters to newspaper editors, and speak to your friends. Spread the word, and in doing so, we have a chance to save America.]
Kelleigh Nelson -- Patriot Paul Nehlen Challenges Big Government Globalist Paul Ryan
Kelleigh Nelson -- Patriot Paul Nehlen Challenges Big Government Globalist Paul Ryan
• Where do you stand on charters, vouchers and choice?
• Are you for a Constitutional Convention, a Convention of States, or a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA)?
Have you studied the Constitution and Declaration of Independence?
Yes, I have. There are clearly words written in those documents, that if strictly adhered to, would keep this nation on a straight and narrow path towards prosperity and free from tyranny.
Unfortunately, many of our elected officials believe that they know better than those they were hired to represent, and better than the Framers of both documents. Paul Ryan certainly falls into the group of elected officials who thinks he knows better than we do.
• Where do you stand on the Second Amendment…any restrictions? How about registration? How about CC permits?
I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. It was not written for hunting geese or deer. It was written to ensure we have the ability to defend our freedom. More on my thoughts about the 2nd Amendment here.
• How about the 4th Amendment? The illegal searches and seizures are totally out of control. (Patriot Act, NDAA, etc.) [Link]
Free people are only free if they can live their lives without government intrusion. The 4th Amendment has been gutted with the Patriot Act, and NDAA has flipped Liberty on her head. Our backyard is a battlefield because politicians and political correctness have given many spinal laryngitis - not enough backbone to say the obvious - Islam is the root cause of global terrorism. Narco-terrorists are just as bad.
Dead is dead. It doesn't matter if it's a bullet from ISIS or a $5 heroin pill.
I am for abolishing the US Department of education and any Federal tax dollars for education. This is a local issue. Federal education bureaucrats are a redundant layer of unnecessary spending. I do not want my federal taxes paying for an Islamic school. However, if I want to support a local Christian school, it should be available to students who will say the Pledge of Allegiance and recite the Lord's Prayer.
I am not for a CC or COS. It is a Pandora's box that doesn't need opening. We need an insurgency of upstanding men and women to unseat career politicians across the country.
We tax too much and spend too much. In addition to what this article lays out I would add:
The 10th amendment is pretty clear. The states are sovereign.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
We shouldn't send any tax revenue to Washington where it is essentially money-laundered by federal bureaucrats. Each state participating in un-enumerated federal programs is subsequently extorted by the Federal government to grow the Leviathan.
This is the Progressive / Marxist / Communist agenda unfolding before our eyes (reference The Naked Communist). States that fail their citizenry should suffer the consequences of their voting preferences. Those that choose well will have life, liberty, and property.
The Puerto Rico bailout was a swindle and must be undone before more states like Connecticut and Illinois try it.
• How do you feel about women in the military (in combat)?
I'm not supportive of women in combat, as studies have shown a woman cannot carry a fallen male soldier, and other physical attributes related to strength.
• Your position on homosexuals/transgenders in the military…
It's God's role to judge. I'm supposed to love everyone without condoning behaviors that God has clearly said are unacceptable.
The government has no place in people's bedrooms. That's God's domain.
That said, I do not believe that I should have to alter my relationship with God to accommodate Man. If my conscience says I don't agree with someone, I can love them and pray for them without being disagreeable.
That said, I do not believe that I should have to alter my relationship with God to accommodate Man. If my conscience says I don't agree with someone, I can love them and pray for them without being disagreeable.
• Your position on the Middle East wars
The U.S. should have the strongest military in the world. We should annihilate any who attack us and let them rebuild themselves.
We should most definitely not interject ourselves into Islamic civil wars.
Paul Ryan has abdicated his unique role as Speaker of the house in two key ways and should vacate the Speaker's chair:
Paul Ryan has abdicated his unique role as Speaker of the house in two key ways and should vacate the Speaker's chair:
1. Failure to challenge Obama's war making (that is a unique role for Congress - the Framer's never intended a POTUS could wage war without consent from Congress)
2. Failure to bring debate to the floor on an AUMF (Authorization on Use for Military Force) - and he has been asked in writing twice now to do so.
• Where do you stand on foreign aid?
We should only aid our allies in securing Liberty and safety here at home. I see no reason for our Veterans and active duty service members to suffer sub-standard care and equipment when we dole out billions to those that would do us harm.
• How would you secure our borders?
I would build a wall along many sections of the border and where we need river access for livestock ranching would put increased levels of armed security as inmy video where Sheriff West in Hudspeth County Texas said "Give me 75 men and 24 hours and I can secure Hudspeth County", which has a 100-mile border with Mexico.
• What is your stance on illegal aliens?
Enforce existing immigration law. There is a legal path to citizenship now. Use it.
• What is your stance on Muslim refugees?
We should not take any Muslim refugees. Sharia law is incompatible with The U.S. Constitution and you cannot separate sharia from Islam. We should pray for Muslims to find Jesus Christ.
• Where do you stand on trade? NAFTA to TPP, and fast tracking
TPP is NAFTA on steroids. You can read my whole take on it in Paul Ryans 7 Deadly Sins - TPP.
• Where do you stand on healthcare (Obama Care)?
Abolish it.
• Are you fully pro-life?
I am fully pro-life. I would not have funded planned parenthood as Speaker Ryan did. He should not have funded it in the omnibus and should have instead passed a budget that did not include PP funding. Omnibus isn't a budget. Omnibus is a pile of money.
• What is your stance on H1B Visas?
The H-1B visa program is a metastasized cancer that is spreading across this country.
It was never designed to be utilized the way big businesses have corrupted it.
Companies like Abbott Labs, Intel, New York Life, etc., are replacing American workers with less-skilled H-1B visa holders and the H-1B visa holders are treated like indentured servants. Didn't we fight a war against slavery in this country?
Companies like Abbott Labs, Intel, New York Life, etc., are replacing American workers with less-skilled H-1B visa holders and the H-1B visa holders are treated like indentured servants. Didn't we fight a war against slavery in this country?
• What do you do for a living?
I'm the Senior Vice President of Operations for a water filtration and UV disinfection manufacturing company. We were purchased in April of this year by Evoqua, and I have a runout contract with them through the end of October to transfer technology and continue to publish US patents - the fifth of which will be active in two weeks.
• What faith are you?
I'm a Christian. God picked an imperfect man to challenge Speaker Ryan.
Isaiah 6:8
Vote for Nehlen
It is obvious that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan needs to be replaced. It would be wonderful to see another defeat of the incumbent as we saw with Dave Brat when he ousted Eric Cantor. With the latest polls, Paul Nehlen now leads Speaker Ryan by 47% to 41%. Let’s help him oust Ryan!
Here are the 10 things Paul Nehlen says he’ll do within the 60 days after he’s elected. Congress has, at best, a 5% to 9% approval rating. If we elect more men and women like Paul Nehlen, the ratings will definitely improve. I believe this man will honor the oath of office, and it is why I support him.
Please do all you can to promote Mr. Nehlen’s efforts to unseat Paul Ryan in the August 9th Wisconsin primary. Donations can be made through his website, and an address is included should you wish to send a check.
Please, click on "Mass E-mailing" below and send this article to all your friends.
[P.S. In order to help Mr. Trump we need to increase the hits to reach more people. Please use this material, and call into talk radio programs (like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity etc.) and mention on the air while discussing the content of this article, write letters to newspaper editors, and speak to your friends. Spread the word, and in doing so, we have a chance to save America.]
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