Sunday, March 13, 2016

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- George Soros and Staged Chicago Violence

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- George Soros and Staged Chicago Violence

Do you now understand why no anti-establishment candidates run for political office?
Do you understand why there is so much criminal and perverse behavior among elected officials? Many of those we elect to office are people the establishment can manipulate into voting to support the interests of the elite against the interests of the people. The establishment cannot stand the threat of a non-establishment candidate they can’t buy or bribe with pictures of vile behavior or threats to members of their families.
As I was writing an article to provide answers to the many questions I received via email this week, I watched the Fox News coverage of the Chicago violence. The first thing that told me I wasn’t going to get an accurate view of the news was when Megyn Kelly suggested there were as many as ten thousand protestors who might be facing ten thousand Trump Rally attendees inside the University of Chicago auditorium. A short time before that statement by Kelly, an on-sight news reporter was asked how many protestors there were and he said “several hundred perhaps...” It is now Saturday – and the number of people has increased to 30,000.
The camera pulled back to show a view from the air and if there were more than 500 protestors, I would be surprised. There were, however, 15,000 Trump supporters standing outside of the University of Chicago who could not get in... Trump had made arrangements for them to hear what was going on inside via special microphones. Fox News never corrected Kelly's error.

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