Sunday, March 13, 2016

Chicago Protests Not About Trump – 'Nox & Friends

Chicago Protests Not About Trump – 'Nox & Friends

Anti-Trump protesters, some violent, pretty much all of them calling The Donald a racist, or chanting “Black Lives Matter,” had nothing to do about Trump, and everything to do about the culture of intolerance and divide created by the Obama administration.  Donald Trump is the Republican Party front-runner, so he was the target.  If it had been Cruz in the lead, the same thing would have happened, but instead at a Cruz rally.  These people believe the propaganda they are being fed by the leftist establishment, and the tilted media coverage, which tells them that all Republicans are evil racist bigots . . . despite the fact that the argument is based on lies, bad politics, and is in reality a projection of Democrat Party candidate attributes.
Let me clarify a little more.  These people were taught to be agitators, in the style of Saul Alinsky, by the most famous Alinsky community organizer of all time, Barack Obama.  Obama has created division in this country, and if anyone dares disagree with the leftists, the result is violence, intolerance, and a call to silence those w

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