Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Open letter to America from Colonel Harry Riley: "IT'S TRUMP OR AMERICA GOES TO THE GRAVEYARD...It's that critical" ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Open letter to America from Colonel Harry Riley: "IT'S TRUMP OR AMERICA GOES TO THE GRAVEYARD...It's that critical" ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Trump is right. Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president.

Trump is right. Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president.

JB Williams -- Texas Refuses to Answer Cruz Question

JB Williams -- Texas Refuses to Answer Cruz Question

It is no secret that Ted Cruz is not eligible for the Oval Office. What remains a secret to many, is why the Republican Party is allowing known frauds to appear on the Republican presidential ballot.

Kelleigh Nelson -- Cruz and His Media Try To Bring Down Trump

Kelleigh Nelson -- Cruz and His Media Try To Bring Down Trump

Please America, you are being suckered by Cruz and Co. the same way you were suckered with Obama's Hope and Change. Please, may God wake you up before it's too late.

NALC Lead Attorney: Documents Obtained From Canada on Ted Cruz | The Post & Email

NALC Lead Attorney: Documents Obtained From Canada on Ted Cruz | The Post & Email

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter Bombing by Taliban in Pakistan Targeted Christians

Easter Bombing by Taliban in Pakistan Targeted Christians

Only Donald J. Trump has the capacity both on our soil and overseas, to stop this quickly ....he will. Leaders get results. Lawyers talk a good game and do the opposite....they always play both sides and choose carefully crafted words.

Globalists Exploit Brussels Terror to Push Police State

Globalists Exploit Brussels Terror to Push Police State

The blood after last week's terror attack in Brussels, Belgium, was not even dry yet when globalists and anti-sovereignty extremists, in typical fashion, began demanding more assaults on liberty and more power for themselves under the guise of “protecting” people from terrorism. At the top of the agenda: exploiting the crisis to impose a “Security Union” on Europeans that would consolidate the emerging continental police state.
The self-styled “president” of the European Union, for example, joined other radical politicians and bureaucrats in arguing that it was time for the EU super-state to have its own “intelligence” agency. Other European leaders pushed a scheme for a EU military force with powers to intervene in member states — even against their will, if Brussels claims the situation is urgent.  
Democrats in the United States, including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, seized the opportunity to launch a fresh jihad on digital encryption, privacy rights, and national sovereignty. At the global level, Interpol, a self-styled planetary “law-enforcement” agency once controlled by Germany's National Socialists (Nazis), wanted everyone to know that it was working on the Brussels case, too.

The Uniparty (D&R) Tries To Carpet Bomb The Donald – 'Nox & Friends

The Uniparty (D&R) Tries To Carpet Bomb The Donald – 'Nox & Friends

It is amazing that The Donald is fighting against not only the Democrat Nazi Party, owned and operated by and for George Soros – Nazi collaborator and fugitive from justice, (how appropos for the DNC to have a criminal as the boss) but the entire DC Cartel as well. The reality of the War on Trump is that the full weight of the GOPe scumbags, the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street crooks, K/L/M Street lobbyists, the Dems and their Useful Idiots, the Liberal Lapdog Lickspittle Media, clowns like David “the crease in Obama’s trousers gave me a chubby” Brooks, other nitwits who kiss GOPe ass in the professional political pundit cocktail party class, and of course the two communists, The Hildabeast and Grandpa Depends the Welfare Grub.
Why the attack? Because Trump and the American people are working to kick over the apple cart that these maggots have been feasting on for over 50 years. The GOPe and the DNC are two sides of the same counterfeit coin. Trump threatens the Entitlement Crowd, which includes but is not limited to, the GOPe and DNC who line their pockets at our expense, welfare leeches, special snowflakes in the college crowd (when they’re not running for their “safe spaces,” and the rest of the Cocktail Party crowd inside the Beltway.
Can these idiots in DC get anymore disconnected from the American people? Hell no. Which is why Trump is stepping on their necks and grinding his heel in and why we dig it.
As Patton put it:  “Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big-league ball players and the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time.”(And that is something the GOPe gave up doing long ago).
Again, why Trump has such a large following. He doesn’t tolerate the bullshit that we’ve been getting fed from DC for the last 50+ years. How many times were we in the US Military put in harm’s way not for American interests but the interests of the elite? Vietnam? The elites banked mucho coin while the poor/middle class got slaughtered and THEN the DC elites cut and run and left us holding the bag! Bush 41 left us with another war to fight after letting an affirmative action idiot (Colin Powell) negotiate a cheesedick peace treaty that was a joke. We knew it. Saddam knew it. Who voted for Iraq and Afghanistan? The elites. Who went? The usual. Who died? The usual. Who did the VA piss on? The usual. BTW, let it be noted that Welfare Leech Grandpa Depends Sanders was the Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee as vets were treated like shit for years and years and Grandpa Sanders did nothing.
The bombardment by the enemy (DC Cartel) on The Donald is staggering. They GOPe and their allies in the DNC have thrown off their masks and cut loose with an intense personal assault against Donald Trump, the likes we’ve never seen before, even against Bush 43. Case-in-Point: Huma Weiner nee Abedin, Hillary’s longtime gay lover, literally shoved another woman who got to close to The Clot and nothing was said or done about it (that was a case of Assault and Battery) yet Trump’s guy, Lewandowski, is now Public Enemy #1 because he grabbed Field’s wrist! THE. HORROR. He actually left a bruise! OH THE HUMANITY!

The status quo DC establishment is doing all it can to defeat Trump in a brokered convention. Only We the People can stop them! ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

The status quo DC establishment is doing all it can to defeat Trump in a brokered convention. Only We the People can stop them! ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Communist Party USA Recruits 1100 Priests to Join Catholic Church

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Communist Party USA Recruits 1100 Priests to Join Catholic Church

The book School of Darkness was published in 1954. It was written by Bella Dodd, from 1932 - 1948 an organizer for the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). For four years, she sat on the CPUSA’s National Council. Bella Dodd says: “In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” In a Fordham University lecture, in 1950, she said: “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church.”

HORROR: Terror Group Rallies American Muslims In Effort To End Donald Trump

HORROR: Terror Group Rallies American Muslims In Effort To End Donald Trump

Strong Cities Network Plan for Globally Controlled Police

Strong Cities Network Plan for Globally Controlled Police

Monday, March 28, 2016

Kelleigh Nelson -- Ted Cruz, Kasich, Bush and George Soros - Partners in Globalism

Kelleigh Nelson -- Ted Cruz, Kasich, Bush and George Soros - Partners in Globalism

Donald J. Trump is the New World Order globalists’ worst nightmare. Now even Sunday sermons are being disrupted by the Obamanistas. Many people believe the right is joining hands with the left, only to destroy the Trump candidacy, but the right has been in bed with the left and with the left’s agenda for over a century now. Today’s Obamanistas are the Soros communists as well as the false friends on the right.
It really became visible in the 1960s when Goldwater ran against LBJ in 1964, and his own party worked to destroy him, including George Romney, father of Willard Mitt. Yes, the entire Romney family voted for LBJ because they were so angry that Goldwater got the nomination instead of George Romney. The latter was a moderate who leaned left, and of course Goldwater was still representing old right Constitutional conservatives.
The avalanche against Trump shows the knowledgeable electorate just exactly who has been in bed with the left for so very long. When so-called conservative pundits tell you they’ll vote for Hillary if Trump wins the Republican nomination, then you know they are in the bag with the leftists. They prefer another globalist NWO agenda president rather than someone who will bring America back to her glory days. It is so obvious that I’m astonished at the lack of discernment by Christians and even secular voters. The hatred and lies against this man are so overt. The Democratic and Republican parties are just two heads of the same snake, and by now, even the politically uninterested should see it.
Cruz and Kasich on Free Trade

Saturday, March 26, 2016

John Spring -- Heidi Cruz: Her Evil Past is Now Being Revealed

John Spring -- Heidi Cruz: Her Evil Past is Now Being Revealed

 But based upon her own record, she has contributed to one of the repressive administrations and also an organization that is attempting to destroy our nation's sovereignty as well as our former standard of living, which has plummeted since NAFTA

Kelleigh Nelson -- Lying Ted Cruz Attacks Trump's Wife Melania

Kelleigh Nelson -- Lying Ted Cruz Attacks Trump's Wife Melania

Ted claims he wasn’t responsible, but if his own Super Pac did it, why isn’t he responsible? If he's truly not responsible as he claims, shouldn't he, as a good christian that he professes to be, call Mr. Trump and apologize and demand that the super pack pull the provocative ad? But he didn't. Why? Because he's in agreement with it.

Friday, March 25, 2016

All Ducks in a Row’….. Be Alarmed!!! | Maine Republic Email Alert

All Ducks in a Row’….. Be Alarmed!!! | Maine Republic Email Alert

Ted the Ruse

Meet the Ted Cruz / Ted is not who he says he is folks. He is running a ruse.
Ted Cruz’s campaign chairman, is a former CIA officer. Michael Chertoff, George W. Bush’s former Secretary of Homeland Security, hired Sweet from Goldman Sachs to restructure and optimize the flow of information between the CIA, FBI and other members of the national security community and DHS. Chertoff and Sweet co-founded the Chertoff Group upon leaving the administration.
A known tactic of the intelligence community is the use of strategic communications as a “soft power” weapon against it adversaries — the creation of false narratives by the effective use of all media — social, digital, newspaper, print, etc. Combined with denial and deception, it can be a potent force. Glenn Beck and Mark Levin are abetting this.
Despite his ability to lie with a straight face (sadly Nixonian) on his support for amnesty and TPP, he got nailed by Senator Marco Rubio on the debate. Acting like a prick in the U.S. Senate was the core of Ted’s disciplined effort to bury his old school ties and reinvent himself as a modern-day Jesse Helms and supposed Conservative outsider. It’s a ruse.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Charlotte Iserbyt -- A Day Late And A Dollar Short

Charlotte Iserbyt -- A Day Late And A Dollar Short

P.I.E (Parents Involved in Education) is a recently established organization to, among other things, abolish the Federal Department of Education. ABOLISHING THE U.S. DEPT. OF EDUCATION WILL NOT STOP THE EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT (ESSA) OR THE EDUCATION AGENDA!!!
Read all about P.I.E, who they are, their program, and why it will not work:
" Why won’t abolishing the U. S. Department of Education eliminate the provisions of ESSA that are now law?
Even if PIE is successful in 2-3 years (which is very unlikely due to majority of Republicans who voted for and enabled passage of the communist ESSA); even if funding ceases from the federal level, the multi-billion dollar corporations, whose lifelong school-to-work/non-academic Skinnerian/TQM workforce training agenda must be implemented at the local level, will pick up the multi billion dollar tab and get tax-exemptions for doing so.
All the educational controlling mechanisms at the Federal Level are now at the State level.
It is the states that fund 93% of all education in America. “What’s the source of these funds? In most states, it’s sales and income taxes (both corporate and personal). But on a local level, these funds usually come from property taxes, which are set by the school board, local officials or citizens."
In addition, the corporate fascist takeover of public education is on the move. Here's how:
There is a growing movement across the country to establish state tax creditsfor corporations who fund school choice. Nineteen states already participate in this program In the year 2007-2008, $76,708,207 was issued to Choice Scholarship tax credits in just Florida.
If the Department of Education is abolished, will that stop attempts of state pooling of district tax monies to fund state education?
If the U.S. Department of Education is abolished, will that prevent legislation abolishing the present property tax system in order to place the funding and control of our local schools in the State Departments of Education? This kind of legislation was narrowly defeated in Pennsylvania in 2015. "The legislation would have imposed a multibillion-dollar state takeover of public school funding from school boards and a monumental change in state taxation."
If the U.S. Department of Education is abolished, will that prevent "teacher leaders" trained with all the Skinnerian/Pavlovian bells and whistles of "progressive 21st Century" education from moving into leadership positions and taking over all our local schools? This is according to the plans of Linda Darling Hammond, those from the Council of Chief State Schools Officers, and others.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Holly Swanson -- Stop the Political Indoctrination of America’s Children

Holly Swanson -- Stop the Political Indoctrination of America’s Children

Extensive documentation in the book Training for Treason confirms the beliefs and goals attached to environmental education and environmental literacy are directly aligned with the political agenda of the Education for Sustainability movement and that agenda mirrors Green Party goals and communism.
This is the political agenda of the movement behind environmental education. This movement is on a fast track to slip their communist model of education into place by making their political agenda, their definition of environmental literacy and environmental education, the new foundation of all learning and practice in America’s schools. Is this the purpose of American education?
We Have a Choice:
Environmental literacy plans (developed or being developed in 48 states) are a key part of this movement’s strategy. The purpose of convincing every state to adopt an environmental literacy plan is to 1) make this movement’s definition of environmental literacy the focus of education in every state, 2) use this movement’s definition of environmental literacy to establish graduation requirements, 3) use the school system in every state to es

Monday, March 21, 2016

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- The First Amendment and Political Speech

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- The First Amendment and Political Speech

The First Amendment protects a person’s right to communicate ideas, information, and opinions free of government restraint, but it does not protect a person who wishes to incite riot, commit assault, or destroy the property of others nor does it authorize trespass or deprivation of the rights of others. Individuals affiliated with and Black Lives Matter are engaged in criminal incitement and are countenancing physical assaults and deprivation of and destruction of private property at Donald Trump rallies. Those are criminal actions, not protected speech.

Trump under attack by 187 organizations directly funded by George Soros - Dr. Rich Swier

Trump under attack by 187 organizations directly funded by George Soros - Dr. Rich Swier

Kelleigh Nelson -- Resurrecting Sixties Radicalism To Silence Trump

Kelleigh Nelson -- Resurrecting Sixties Radicalism To Silence TrumpWhat so few of the ignorant and brainwashed commie protestors don’t know is that the entire Trump family is not only generous to a fault, but gives more to society than any of the other candidates. Remember Cruz hasn’t even given 1% of his income to charity. The Eric Trump Foundation alone has given over $20 million to St. Jude’s, the children’s cancer hospital who does not charge the parents, and who treat youngsters with the toughest cases. Often times they find cures.

The 60’s Commies Are Back!
Dr. Rich Swier had an article out today that exposed the 187 organizations directly funded by George Soros who are attacking Trump. Take a look at this amazing article.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cliff Kincaid -- Sanders Exposes Himself on National TV

Cliff Kincaid -- Sanders Exposes Himself on National TV

The answer is that some people, like Sanders, deliberately try to separate socialism from communism, despite the fact that the father of both is Karl Marx. Analyst Trevor Loudon notes that so-called “democratic socialism,” as preached by Sanders, is simply a euphemism for socialism. “Socialism is the last stop on the road to Communism,” he notes. The Marxist dialectic is said to produce the final stage of communism through struggle or conflict.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Arizona Sheriff Can’t Take It Anymore, Spills Obama’s Deep Dark Border Patrol Secret | EndingFed News Network

Arizona Sheriff Can’t Take It Anymore, Spills Obama’s Deep Dark Border Patrol Secret | EndingFed News Network

Trump Calls Out George Soros In New Ad – 'Nox

Trump Calls Out George Soros In New Ad – 'Nox



Dr. Ed Berry -- Donald Trump will be our next President

Dr. Ed Berry -- Donald Trump will be our next President

The GOP’s attack on Donald Trump has nothing to do with his platform. It has everything to do with who controls Washington DC. The elite are scared Donald Trump will end their power over America.
They are right. Trump will return the power back to the American people where it belongs. As more Americans catch on to this fact, they will support Donald Trump.
The GOP elite, led by Mitt Romney, spent more money trying to stop Donald Trump than they did to try to stop Obama from winning in 2012. Makes you wonder whose side they are on.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Paul Ryan and House GOP Continue to Push for Spending Increases

Paul Ryan and House GOP Continue to Push for Spending Increases

Kelleigh Nelson -- Trump, The Candidate Who Listens to Americans

Kelleigh Nelson -- Trump, The Candidate Who Listens to Americans

The latest article in the Reno Gazette Journal is Trump: Nevada, US Needs a President Who Obeys the Law. Here is part of what Donald Trump states in this article:
The United States of America is a land of laws, and Americans value the rule of law above all. Why, then, has our Congress allowed the president and the executive branch to take on near-dictatorial power? How is it that we have a president who will not enforce some laws and who encourages faceless, nameless bureaucrats to manage public lands as if the millions of acres were owned by agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Energy? In Nevada, the lack of enforcement of immigration laws and the draconian rule of the BLM are damaging the economy, lowering the standard of living and inhibiting natural economic growth. The only way to change these circumstances is to bring to Washington a president who will rein in the federal government and get Congress to do its job. It’s not that we don’t have talented people in D.C. It’s that we have no leadership there.
The BLM controls over 85 percent of the land in Nevada. In the rural areas, those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the D.C. rule-making and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians. Far removed from the beautiful wide open spaces of Nevada, bureaucrats bend to the influence that is closest to them. Honest, hardworking citizens who seek freedom and economic independence must beg for deference from a federal government that is more intent on power and control than it is in serving the citizens of the nation. In and around Clark County, the situation is even worse.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

GOP Senate Confirms Obama's Pro-Common Core Education Secretary

GOP Senate Confirms Obama's Pro-Common Core Education Secretary

The Truth About the Anti-Trump Chicago Riot - YouTube

The Truth About the Anti-Trump Chicago Riot - YouTube

Passports to Become National ID Cards?

Passports to Become National ID Cards?

More totalitarian government. Saw this coming years ago. Must have papers to go on vacation in the US. Totalitarian govt keeps moving ahead. Time to halt this madness. This is meant to limit travel.

Evidence Mounts for U.S. Recession in 2016

Evidence Mounts for U.S. Recession in 2016

8 years of left wing policy, a war fought in Iraq by George Bush Sr., and Jr, and a host of other programs only run by socialist nations, and congressmen that waste money like it grew on trees, have left us in financial ruin.....debt and recession again....This time is worse.....Fed has expanded money supply way to fast....Fed must be audited.....corruption in Washington DC. Plan to fold US into NWO. Establishment needs to be uprooted for ruining a Nation.

LaVoy Finicum’s Family: New Video Release Shows Police/FBI Shooting Was “Murder”

LaVoy Finicum’s Family: New Video Release Shows Police/FBI Shooting Was “Murder”

The semi totalitarian US government kills its own.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Kelleigh Nelson -- John Kasich Loves NAFTA, TPP, Common Core, Amnesty and Clinton's Gun Ban

Kelleigh Nelson -- John Kasich Loves NAFTA, TPP, Common Core, Amnesty and Clinton's Gun Ban

One of the biggest challenges facing the American economy is that we lack a domestic manufacturing base. Simply put we do not produce anything anymore. We buy tons of foreign goods and then wonder why we are lacking jobs. We import most of our goods which has resulted in a huge trade deficit and industrial job losses. Our economy has transitioned from an agricultural society to an industrial society to a service economy.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Civil War In America 2016 | kazmierskireport

Civil War In America 2016 | kazmierskireport

I have written this article, not to incite violence, but, rather to educate those that are not aware of the very real threat to the sovereignty of the United States, our home land. And, also, to make voters in the upcoming elections understand the importance of electing Donald J Trump as our 45th President. If we fail to do this, there may not be a 45th President.
America, please pray for the safety of Donald Trump. This is a man, who is, literally, putting his life on the line to preserve and protect this great country that the vast majority of America dearly loves. This man foresaw the calamity that is befalling this great nation, and he has risen up, to try and prevent it. Let us all, please, unite and stand not behind him, but, beside him. We The People will determine if our country has a future. Please, reflect back to our forefathers and the many warnings that they handed down to us, regarding the necessity to protect and preserve our freedom.
May God, forever, have mercy and protect us all.

Dr. Ed Berry -- Scientists use Cargo Cult science to promote Global Warming agenda

Dr. Ed Berry -- Scientists use Cargo Cult science to promote Global Warming agenda

Another fraud perpetrated on the people of the US....climate....
Do you now understand why no anti-establishment candidates run for political office?
Do you understand why there is so much criminal and perverse behavior among elected officials? Many of those we elect to office are people the establishment can manipulate into voting to support the interests of the elite against the interests of the people. The establishment cannot stand the threat of a non-establishment candidate they can’t buy or bribe with pictures of vile behavior or threats to members of their families.
As I was writing an article to provide answers to the many questions I received via email this week, I watched the Fox News coverage of the Chicago violence. The first thing that told me I wasn’t going to get an accurate view of the news was when Megyn Kelly suggested there were as many as ten thousand protestors who might be facing ten thousand Trump Rally attendees inside the University of Chicago auditorium. A short time before that statement by Kelly, an on-sight news reporter was asked how many protestors there were and he said “several hundred perhaps...” It is now Saturday – and the number of people has increased to 30,000.
The camera pulled back to show a view from the air and if there were more than 500 protestors, I would be surprised. There were, however, 15,000 Trump supporters standing outside of the University of Chicago who could not get in... Trump had made arrangements for them to hear what was going on inside via special microphones. Fox News never corrected Kelly's error.

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- George Soros and Staged Chicago Violence

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- George Soros and Staged Chicago Violence

Do you now understand why no anti-establishment candidates run for political office?
Do you understand why there is so much criminal and perverse behavior among elected officials? Many of those we elect to office are people the establishment can manipulate into voting to support the interests of the elite against the interests of the people. The establishment cannot stand the threat of a non-establishment candidate they can’t buy or bribe with pictures of vile behavior or threats to members of their families.
As I was writing an article to provide answers to the many questions I received via email this week, I watched the Fox News coverage of the Chicago violence. The first thing that told me I wasn’t going to get an accurate view of the news was when Megyn Kelly suggested there were as many as ten thousand protestors who might be facing ten thousand Trump Rally attendees inside the University of Chicago auditorium. A short time before that statement by Kelly, an on-sight news reporter was asked how many protestors there were and he said “several hundred perhaps...” It is now Saturday – and the number of people has increased to 30,000.
The camera pulled back to show a view from the air and if there were more than 500 protestors, I would be surprised. There were, however, 15,000 Trump supporters standing outside of the University of Chicago who could not get in... Trump had made arrangements for them to hear what was going on inside via special microphones. Fox News never corrected Kelly's error.



Chicago Protests Not About Trump – 'Nox & Friends

Chicago Protests Not About Trump – 'Nox & Friends

Anti-Trump protesters, some violent, pretty much all of them calling The Donald a racist, or chanting “Black Lives Matter,” had nothing to do about Trump, and everything to do about the culture of intolerance and divide created by the Obama administration.  Donald Trump is the Republican Party front-runner, so he was the target.  If it had been Cruz in the lead, the same thing would have happened, but instead at a Cruz rally.  These people believe the propaganda they are being fed by the leftist establishment, and the tilted media coverage, which tells them that all Republicans are evil racist bigots . . . despite the fact that the argument is based on lies, bad politics, and is in reality a projection of Democrat Party candidate attributes.
Let me clarify a little more.  These people were taught to be agitators, in the style of Saul Alinsky, by the most famous Alinsky community organizer of all time, Barack Obama.  Obama has created division in this country, and if anyone dares disagree with the leftists, the result is violence, intolerance, and a call to silence those w

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Altering the Republican Party: Marco Rubio - YouTube

Altering the Republican Party: Marco Rubio - YouTube



Not to mention the voter machines that seem to have a mind of their own voting for their own favorites.  This is the low, corrupt state of affairs America is in.  It will be interesting to see how America reacts to the corruption as this so called election continues on.
Stand with Trump or welcome one of the ones who are sponsored by all the corruption you are witnessing.  You will get the liar, cheater, corrupt puppet of the establishment- and they don’t care which one – if we do not stand up and demand these election violations cease!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Obama’s Double Migration “Surge”: Muslim “Refugees” and Unaccompanied Children

Obama’s Double Migration “Surge”: Muslim “Refugees” and Unaccompanied Children

Establishment is doing what it does best...weakening our country financially , morally, criminally and is bypassing the will of the people...our opinion does not count! UN us running us. Only Trump will fight the establishment has decided to Increase the numbers.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Trading Away Your Freedom by Foreign Entanglements - YouTube

Trading Away Your Freedom by Foreign Entanglements - YouTube

Obama-GOP “Trade” Scheme Includes “Unrestricted Immigration”

Obama-GOP “Trade” Scheme Includes “Unrestricted Immigration”

Lou Dobbs: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are DESPICABLE - ABSOLUTELY DISHONEST! (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Lou Dobbs: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are DESPICABLE - ABSOLUTELY DISHONEST! (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Kelleigh Nelson -- GOP Spreads Vicious Lies About Trump

Kelleigh Nelson -- GOP Spreads Vicious Lies About Trump

The establishment has had a foothold on American for a number of years...These are globalists aligning the US with the UN via agenda 21 , Immigration rules, and many other programs. This also fits in with the plan to do away with our type of government, a Constitution Republic and phase our country into the NWO which is a world government run by a few is an evil empire they are trying to usher in....we cannot allow this to happen....we are losing our country and its freedoms fast.....we are broke, lost, no jobs, no fiscal restraint, poor education through common core, etc....and a government by a few called the establishment. They could give a hoot about our opinions and that is causing them to force their way onto America. We cab see this every day. Do as they say or else!
It is time for all Americans to pull together to save our Republic. It can only be done if we are together; for our enemy is powerful and evil.
The GOP says, "Donald Trump is not a Conservative." This is code for saying, "Donald Trump is not a globalist like us." Obviously the GOP, who is in bed with the left's agenda, wanted to run Jeb Bush on the ticket. Since Jeb is out of the picture, they'll destroy their own top candidate to get Hillary in the White House so the New World Order plans will continue. Donald has totally upset their apple cart.
A GOP consulting firm has been hired to research an independent presidential bid in case Trump wins the nomination, and that's why Willard Romney is waiting in the wings. The independent ballot document, stamped "confidential," was authored by staff at Data Targeting, a Republican firm based in Gainesville, Florida. The memo notes that "it is possible to mount an independent candidacy but will require immediate action on the part of this core of key funding and strategic players." [Link]
This is how much the GOPe hates Trump....they'd rather throw the election to Hillary than allow the GOP front runner to win. Remember, they have been planning this NWO for decades and they're not about to let Donald destroy it.
The Media's David Duke KKK Lies

Exclusive: FBI Whistleblower and Teacher Expose Islamic Gülen Movement Infiltrating U.S. Through Charter Schools

Exclusive: FBI Whistleblower and Teacher Expose Islamic Gülen Movement Infiltrating U.S. Through Charter Schools

Thursday, March 3, 2016





As documented in the stunning March 2016 Whistleblower issue – “DEMOCRATS UNMASKED: A once-great political party has morphed into madness” – Barack Obama has dragged his party so far leftward during his two terms as president that today’s Democratic Party has become almost indistinguishable from today’s Communist Party!

Chuck Baldwin -- A Federal Judge Got It Right For A Change

Chuck Baldwin -- A Federal Judge Got It Right For A Change

Perhaps most devastating to the FBI’s case is Orenstein’s recognition that the purpose of the FBI’s request is not simply to obtain evidence in one particular case, but rather to grant the government broad, precedential authority to force Apple and other tech companies to take affirmative technological steps to cooperate with criminal investigations generally. That the FBI is seeking to establish broad precedent is a key argument made by Apple and its supporters in the San Bernardino case. To accept that the U.S. government has this power, ruled the court, is to vest law enforcement agencies with statutory authority that Congress itself never enacted.”
And again, “The judge also accused the government of trying to manipulate secret judicial proceedings to obtain powers for itself against Apple that public debate and Congress would never permit. It is, Orenstein wrote, ‘clear that the government has made the considered decision that it is better off securing such crypto-legislative authority from the courts (in proceedings that had always been, at the time it filed the instant Application, shielded from public scrutiny) rather than taking the chance that open legislative debate might produce a result less to its liking.’ Because the government wants the courts rather than Congress to grant this power, the ‘government’s interpretation of the breadth of authority the AWA confers on courts of limited jurisdiction … raises serious doubts about how such a statute could withstand constitutional scrutiny under the separation-of-powers doctrine.’”

Kelleigh Nelson -- Why Cruz and Rubio Lie to Donald Trump and Their Globalist Agenda

Kelleigh Nelson -- Why Cruz and Rubio Lie to Donald Trump and Their Globalist Agenda

Ted Cruz is a puppet for the New World Order's UN Agenda 21. Yes, Cruz is pushing the Wildlands Project. From The Marshall Report, "He is coming in through a partial truth - that states want their federal confiscated lands returned. He then is on your side. Then he says - states have to maintain these, and if they can't, they can sell them. So the land will be sold to foreign entities for minerals and logging, etc. We the people lose our resources and our land. This is all part of the Wildlands Project to aggregate the land into NWO globalists' hands and steal it from the people. Read the article here and Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson.
Heidi a Cruz sits on the advisory board of the faith based, Living Waters International. It is funded by the United Nations. [Link]
On the CFR website, Ted's wife, Heidi Cruz, is listed as one of 31 members of the Task Force on the Future of North America. She helped to write the sovereignty destroying North American Union. Ted said she was the lone dissenting author, however on page 33-34 of the Task Force's report, Heidi writes, "I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America." [Link]
Politico confirmed with an unnamed CFR official that Heidi Cruz was an active CFR member at the time under a five-year “term membership," even though Ted Cruz has stated the CFR is a pit of vipers. [Link]
Watch Rick Well's video on the NAU, and SPP.
Cruz joined the George W. Bush presidential campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser, advising then-Governor George W. Bush on many topics.
After Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department and as the director of policy planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Cruz is a Bush establishment candidate.
Ted Cruz met his wife, Heidi, while both were working on the George W. Bushpresidential campaign of 2000. She worked for CFR member and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.
Ted Cruz is bashing Supreme Court Justice, John Roberts, after years of praising him. "As an individual, John Roberts is undoubtedly a principled conservative, as is the president (George W. Bush) who appointed him," Cruz wrote at the time in the National Review. According to a 2005 Sun-Sentinel report, Cruz once praised Roberts as "one of the best constitutional minds in the country." With the decisions of the Supremes, Cruz is now back peddling big time on his support of Roberts. [Link]
Two years ago, Cruz proposed amendments to a bill sponsored by four Republican senators—Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake—and four Democrats. The bill would have tightened border security and employee screening. But it also would have allowed undocumented immigrants to apply, eventually, for legal status. [Link]
Cruz has been described by the Cato Institute's Center for Trade Policy Studies as a "free trader" [Link] and as a "free-trade advocate" by the Wall Street Journal. [Link] All these trade deals have destroyed America's jobs and middle class.
Why is the alleged conservative Cruz in support of TPP, otherwise known as Obamatrade? [Link], [Link]
Cruz supported giving Fast Track to President Obama for Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Here's the video.
Here's what Sen. Sessions says about Fast Track and the TPP.According to Sessions: “The predictable and surely desired result of the TPP is to put greater distance between the governed and those who govern. It puts those who make the rules out of reach of those who live under them, empowering unelected regulators who cannot be recalled or voted out of office. In turn, it diminishes the power of the people’s bulwark: their constitutionally-formed Congress.” Shocking, this is what this phony Christian (Cruz) supports. [Link]
Cruz has stated he's against amnesty, but even visited the southern border with Glenn Beck to welcome illegal aliens. [Link] He has flip flopped and lied about where he really stands on amnesty. [Link] Watch Megyn Kelly question him in the January 28, 2016 debate sans Donald Trump. Video

Kelleigh Nelson -- Why Cruz and Rubio Lie to Donald Trump and Their Globalist Agenda

Kelleigh Nelson -- Why Cruz and Rubio Lie to Donald Trump and Their Globalist Agenda

Ted Cruz is a puppet for the New World Order's UN Agenda 21. Yes, Cruz is pushing the Wildlands Project. From The Marshall Report, "He is coming in through a partial truth - that states want their federal confiscated lands returned. He then is on your side. Then he says - states have to maintain these, and if they can't, they can sell them. So the land will be sold to foreign entities for minerals and logging, etc. We the people lose our resources and our land. This is all part of the Wildlands Project to aggregate the land into NWO globalists' hands and steal it from the people. Read the article here and Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson.
Heidi a Cruz sits on the advisory board of the faith based, Living Waters International. It is funded by the United Nations. [Link]
On the CFR website, Ted's wife, Heidi Cruz, is listed as one of 31 members of the Task Force on the Future of North America. She helped to write the sovereignty destroying North American Union. Ted said she was the lone dissenting author, however on page 33-34 of the Task Force's report, Heidi writes, "I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America." [Link]
Politico confirmed with an unnamed CFR official that Heidi Cruz was an active CFR member at the time under a five-year “term membership," even though Ted Cruz has stated the CFR is a pit of vipers. [Link]
Watch Rick Well's video on the NAU, and SPP.
Cruz joined the George W. Bush presidential campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser, advising then-Governor George W. Bush on many topics.
After Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department and as the director of policy planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Cruz is a Bush establishment candidate.
Ted Cruz met his wife, Heidi, while both were working on the George W. Bushpresidential campaign of 2000. She worked for CFR member and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.
Ted Cruz is bashing Supreme Court Justice, John Roberts, after years of praising him. "As an individual, John Roberts is undoubtedly a principled conservative, as is the president (George W. Bush) who appointed him," Cruz wrote at the time in the National Review. According to a 2005 Sun-Sentinel report, Cruz once praised Roberts as "one of the best constitutional minds in the country." With the decisions of the Supremes, Cruz is now back peddling big time on his support of Roberts. [Link]
Two years ago, Cruz proposed amendments to a bill sponsored by four Republican senators—Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake—and four Democrats. The bill would have tightened border security and employee screening. But it also would have allowed undocumented immigrants to apply, eventually, for legal status. [Link]
Cruz has been described by the Cato Institute's Center for Trade Policy Studies as a "free trader" [Link] and as a "free-trade advocate" by the Wall Street Journal. [Link] All these trade deals have destroyed America's jobs and middle class.
Why is the alleged conservative Cruz in support of TPP, otherwise known as Obamatrade? [Link], [Link]
Cruz supported giving Fast Track to President Obama for Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Here's the video.
Here's what Sen. Sessions says about Fast Track and the TPP.According to Sessions: “The predictable and surely desired result of the TPP is to put greater distance between the governed and those who govern. It puts those who make the rules out of reach of those who live under them, empowering unelected regulators who cannot be recalled or voted out of office. In turn, it diminishes the power of the people’s bulwark: their constitutionally-formed Congress.” Shocking, this is what this phony Christian (Cruz) supports. [Link]
Cruz has stated he's against amnesty, but even visited the southern border with Glenn Beck to welcome illegal aliens. [Link] He has flip flopped and lied about where he really stands on amnesty. [Link] Watch Megyn Kelly question him in the January 28, 2016 debate sans Donald Trump. Video

Lee Duigon -- They're Making Us Mad

Lee Duigon -- They're Making Us Mad

Normal people are enraged against their leaders and their thinkers for screwing up the country. The fact that after a hard day of sticking it to America, the big shots can relax on the golf course with the president, or even hop aboard a private jet and wind up sipping sissy drinks at Davos in the shadow of the Alps, really doesn’t sit too well with normal people. One is inevitably drawn to remember Marie Antoinette and “Let them eat cake.”

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So far Donald Trump has taken the lead in tapping into this deep, hot, burning anger. It propels his presidential campaign. Those candidates who try to remain oblivious to it are falling by the wayside.
Whatever happens with the politics, the anger is not going to go away. Why should it? The things that cause it, and the individuals who cause it, aren’t going anywhere. It’s going to grow more intense.
The people have a message for their rulers, for the smart set, for the big cheeses.
“You have screwed us for the last time, and we are not going to take it anymore. Stop trashing our country!”
Those who refuse to listen are playing with fire.