Sunday, January 31, 2016
The Communist Family Tree of Valerie Jarrett | Frontpage Mag
The Communist Family Tree of Valerie Jarrett | Frontpage Mag
Barack Obama's closest and most influential adviser, Valerie Jarrett, has never been an enigma. She was, after all, the person most responsible for bringing the revolutionary communist Van Jones into the Administration six years ago, so her bona fides as a radical extremist have long been obvious to anyone who wasn't afraid to notice. But a newly released report from Judicial Watch, which examines key FBI documents related to Jarrett's many family ties to hardcore Communists, brings bold color to what previously were gray areas. The effect is nothing short of breathtaking, when we consider that the twice-elected President of our nation chose this woman—and no one else—to serve, essentially, as his co-president.
Barack Obama's closest and most influential adviser, Valerie Jarrett, has never been an enigma. She was, after all, the person most responsible for bringing the revolutionary communist Van Jones into the Administration six years ago, so her bona fides as a radical extremist have long been obvious to anyone who wasn't afraid to notice. But a newly released report from Judicial Watch, which examines key FBI documents related to Jarrett's many family ties to hardcore Communists, brings bold color to what previously were gray areas. The effect is nothing short of breathtaking, when we consider that the twice-elected President of our nation chose this woman—and no one else—to serve, essentially, as his co-president.
Undercover Video Exposes Common Core - Eagle Forum
Undercover Video Exposes Common Core - Eagle ForumThe Pearson executive, Kim Koerber, declared that “the dead white guys did not create this country.” She further complained that too many people listen to the Fox News Channel.
Koerber stated, “Damn the Second Amendment. I don’t think personal handguns need to be on anyone except the government, the police. What is the purpose of having a gun?”
Koerber complained that “Texas is just unbelievably awful. I did a presentation for AP US History and they wanted founders in it. They want to teach the Constitution. They want to talk about those dead white guys. You’re getting pushback because there’s a bunch of Republican people. Conservative voters are afraid of everything.”
Koerber explained that Islam is covered much more extensively (and favorably) than Christianity, which “is not a core concept at all.” Maybe that’s why some Georgia middle school students were taught that “Allah is the same God worshiped by Jews and Christians” and were penalized if they disagreed with that controversial statement, which expresses a religious belief and not a fact.
Cheryl Chumley -- Luis Gutierrez Goes on Tour to Naturalize Migrants to Vote Against Trump
Cheryl Chumley -- Luis Gutierrez Goes on Tour to Naturalize Migrants to Vote Against TrumpThe people trying to undermine our country and change it into socialist or a Marxist or Leninist country are sometimes right in our government. One of those is Rep Luis Guitierrez and he should be arrested for actions against our Constitution and the patriots of this country. It is a sad day when we cannot call all Americans Patriots.
Think what you will of Trump. Love him or hate him, or regard him somewhere in between. But here's a glance at Gutierrez's compass: "In 1986, Gutierrez was elected alderman [in Chicago] … At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialiist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity.
That is why we need a strong President. We need to rid this country of the enemy within.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Hillary Project on track ‘to take her out’ – 'Nox
Hillary Project on track ‘to take her out’ – 'Nox
“The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively a criminal, money-laundering operation principally established to enrich the founders with political payoff money, including millions from foreign donors,” said Farah. “It’s a racketeering enterprise protected by the Democratic Party dons – including the president of the United States and his attorney general. This project is designed to take her out of contention for the presidency before Election Day.”
Farah added: “The campaign is on fire. I haven’t seen such enthusiasm since the campaign to dump John Boehner earlier this year. That campaign proved successful. I think this one will, too.”
Friday, January 29, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Lee Duigon -- Even Al-Jazeera Knows the Score
Lee Duigon -- Even Al-Jazeera Knows the ScoreThe most serious threat facing the civilized world today is the leaders of the civilized world, as exemplified by our perpetually-smirking president himself.
Aside from importing masses of violent, lawless Muslims into the countries of Western Europe just in time to turn New Year’s Eve in Germany into Public Rape Nite, our leaders are still piling their chips on Global Warming as their best bet to do away with nations and replace them with a global government. It’s a time-honored approach: create a horrendous problem, such as national borders dissolving away and societal chaos breaking out, and then put themselves forward as the only geniuses who can possibly solve it. The Mafia have done this for a hundred years.
See, all that chaos, they say, is not the result of crazy public policies cynically employed, but merely the inevitable result of Climate Change. Just ask any of ‘em.
And the way you solve it, and restore order, is to get rid of nations and impose a global government run by Obama and his friends, take control of every aspect of human life, tax everybody out the wazoo, and there you are—no more Global Warming! And no more racism, war, hate, lust, income inequality, or any other deadly sin that you can think of. Utopia at last!
When nations abandon God, they turn to idols. They worship the work of
Anita Hoge -- Ted Cruz's Federal Education "CHOICE" Kills the America Dream
Anita Hoge -- Ted Cruz's Federal Education "CHOICE" Kills the America DreamSenator Ted Cruz Uses the Words “CHOICE” and “CIVIL RIGHTS,” but Beware. By Dangling Title I Money to ALL Parents, Sen. Ted Cruz Accelerates Federal Control Over All Private, Religious, and Homeschools, and Blankets Common Core Equitably to ALL Schools in America With His Proposed Bill, S 306.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Bradlee Dean -- Let The Hammer Fall
Bradlee Dean -- Let The Hammer FallThese people are engaged in lying, murder, gun running, illegal executive orders and even aiding and abetting the enemies of America, which amounts to nothing less than treason (Article 3, section 3, clause 1 of The United States Constitution).
You need to come to the realization that this government is threatening every aspect of your life, happiness, security and economic wealth.
JB Williams -- GOP On Suicide Watch
JB Williams -- GOP On Suicide WatchIt’s all about eliminating the natural born Citizen requirement of the Oval Office…. It is that simple!
The bi-partisan effort to eliminate the natural born Citizen (NBC) requirement for the Oval Office via constitutional means, failed eight times between 2003 and 2005. Despite eight separate efforts by members of both political parties to erase the NBC clause from Article II, the requirement for the offices of President and Vice President remain… Unless, they can amend the Constitution by electing another unconstitutional usurper, this time from the GOP, Cruz or Rubio.
Despite the country believing that precedence is law, the fact that Barack Obama is serving out a second unconstitutional term as a foreign usurper to the office, does nothing to amend the US Constitution. It only demonstrates that the people have no more regard for the foundations of freedom than their corrupt politicians today.
Earlier this month, the RNC had an opportunity to stand with their voters and donors in support of an Impeachment Resolution that seeks to uphold and enforce the Rule of Constitutional Law, at the RNC winter meeting in Charleston. The nine member resolutions committee voted 9-0 against the resolution, preventing the full RNC body from even having a say on the matter. Talk about obstructing justice…!
Oddly enough, despite all of the suicidal behavior from both congressional Republicans and RNC members, they still can’t figure out why their base constituency is supporting an outsider like Trump… essentially thumbing their nose at RNC and GOP leadership which seems hell-bent upon committing party suicide in 2016.
The RNC is still raising campaign money, but only from big donor insiders, not from the common lifelong GOP voters. The conservative core of the GOP is looking to upset the RNC apple cart in 2016, running away from Senate insiders Rubio, Cruz and Graham, as well as former DC insiders like Gov. John Kasich of Ohio.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Emergency Rooms Short on Lifesaving Drugs
Emergency Rooms Short on Lifesaving Drugs
In short, the 2003 Medicare act slapped price controls on drugs; and as always, price controls lead to shortages. Pharmaceutical companies simply stopped producing drugs on which they could not profit. Sterile injectable drugs — “the majority of drugs on shortage in emergency rooms,” according to the Post — are expensive to produce and store and thus are among the scarcest under the price-control regime.
Moreover, as then-Representative (now Senator) Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and Patrick Cobb, both medical doctors, wrote in a 2012 Wall Street Journal op-ed: “Due to the highly complex and expensive infrastructure required to manufacture and store sterile injectables, there is no incentive for new manufacturers to enter the market in response to a sudden shortage. Thus a single manufacturing glitch can result in an almost immediate shortage with no backup.”
Other federal price controls also contribute to the shortages. One program forces drug makers to give deep discounts to facilities treating a high number of indigent or Medicaid patients. “Furthermore,” penned Herrick, “manufacturers that increase brand-name drug prices faster than the Consumer Price Index are required to rebate the excess amount. This means they have little incentive to purchase new equipment to maintain or improve their manufacturing processes. As a result, some drugs become less and less profitable over time.”
ObamaCare, naturally, exacerbates these problems. First, it vastly increases the number of Americans eligible for Medicaid. Second, it expands the number of facilities that qualify for the discounts. Third, it creates the Independent Payment Advisory Board, whose task is to keep Medicare spending down by recommending reimbursement cuts. As Cassidy and Cobb observed, “One of the few areas the board can cut is drug costs. This will move the market for pharmaceuticals further away from market forces — and until market forces are acknowledged, drug shortages will persist.”
Will America Follow In Icelands Steps? The Establishment Is Afraid, So Much They Are Self Destructing! – THE MARSHALL REPORT
Will America Follow In Icelands Steps? The Establishment Is Afraid, So Much They Are Self Destructing! – THE MARSHALL REPORT
The pots and pans revolution in Iceland was not covered by mainstream U.S.
media. In fact, any information about this revolution is found only on
international newspapers, blogs and online documentaries, not on mainstream
front-page articles as would be expected from news organizations covering a
story of this magnitude. The New York Times published a small handful of
piecemeal stories, blogs and opinion pieces, but mostly glossed over the main
narrative by saying the 2008 financial collapse in Iceland caused “mayhem far
beyond the country’s borders” rather than pointing out that Icelanders took to
the streets with pots and pans and forced their entire government to resign
The pots and pans revolution in Iceland was not covered by mainstream U.S.
media. In fact, any information about this revolution is found only on
international newspapers, blogs and online documentaries, not on mainstream
front-page articles as would be expected from news organizations covering a
story of this magnitude. The New York Times published a small handful of
piecemeal stories, blogs and opinion pieces, but mostly glossed over the main
narrative by saying the 2008 financial collapse in Iceland caused “mayhem far
beyond the country’s borders” rather than pointing out that Icelanders took to
the streets with pots and pans and forced their entire government to resign
Cheryl Chumley -- GOP Controlled Congress Gave Obama Legislative Action Power on Guns
Cheryl Chumley -- GOP Controlled Congress Gave Obama Legislative Action Power on Guns
Loretta Lynch's Mind-Boggling Bend of Truth on Obama's Unilateral Gun Control
Boy, what a neat trick this is.
President Obama tells the American public he's going to bypass Congress on gun control and instead, issue some unilateral commands. One of his leading lying ladies, aide Valerie Jarrett, follows that, to paraphrase, by spinning, 'Oh, don't be silly, Obama's not really bypassing Congress – he's just issuing executive orders.' And now we've got an entirely disingenuous U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch taking to Capitol Hill to say: Obama's taking executive action – true. But it's really not really, truly executive action. Why not? Because Congress already gave him authority, via the Gun Control Act, to take these executive actions – and as ssuch, they're not really, truly executive actions.
Well, shut the front door. Suddenly, Obama's much-hated executive actions on gun control have become legislative actions.
And the added political genius for this far-left White House? They're not just legislative actions. They're Republican legislative actions – since Conngress, after all, is controlled by the GOP.
As the Grateful Dead might say, when it comes to Obama's unconstitutional seizure of powers and his team's subsequent rationalization of said seized powers: What a long, strange trip it's been.
Only scratch the "long." Obama's spin only took a few weeks.
Look at what Lynch just told members of a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, with a straight face: "The Gun Control Act lists the people who are not allowed to have firearms, such as felons, domestic abusers and others. Congress has also required that background checks be conducted as part of sales made by federally licensed firearms dealers to make sure guns stay out of the wrong hands. … The actions announced by the president, which focus on background checks and keeping guns out of the wrong hands, are fully consistent with the laws passed by Congress."
By that logic, the president doesn't need a Congress at all.
Think about it. What Lynch is saying is that if a law exists on a particular topic, then the president of the United States is free to run with that law in whatever direction his (or one day perhaps, her) personal agenda leads. The only standard to abide would be to show the executive action is "consistent" with the previously passed law.
Monday, January 25, 2016
John Marshall -- Constitutional Shakedown in Harney County, Oregon
John Marshall -- Constitutional Shakedown in Harney County, Oregon
This corruption goes all the way to the top of the Clinton white house, the justice dept, BLM, the forestry dept. and includes the sheriff playing his role in the theft of the Hammonds freedom and land by lying on the stand to convict the Hammonds as a BLM thug. The conflict of interest alone should free the Hammonds on the basis of a mistrial. How are the Hammonds to be protected if the sheriff is against them from day one as a BLM agent burning out ranchers and farmers?
Sheriff Ward has also failed to mention or publicly acknowledge his push for excessive use of aggressive police behavior in conducting unnecessary traffic stops of local supporters and PPN members in an attempt to intimidate. Officers have reportedly conducted traffic stops with no probable cause and without having established necessary driving patterns to justify these traffic stops. These instances are professionally inappropriate and can be verified by several local witnesses.
Sheriff David Ward needs to be arrested immediately for collusion, perjury, complicity in the theft of lands and malicious persecution and testimony along with Judge Steve Gratsy.
Many heads should roll for this injustice and the Hammond's lawyer should be getting his clients out of prison for all this immediately. The lawyer has been paid way too much for him to ignore these facts.
The Clinton crime mafia never ceases to amaze me, but then nothing in Satan's world surprises me anymore. In fact, Hitlery is so evil, Satan kicked her out of hell.
While Bonnie and Clyde were in the White House, Bill is slowly implementing agenda 21 in this country and he decided to take advantage of the huge opportunity to make millions and cut a deal unknown to the land owners or public with Russia.
I think the slogan should be Bill and Hillary for prison in 2016 never the white house again.
Early on we knew a BLM agent named David Ward testified against the Hammonds lying on the stand but we hadn't confirmed if they were the same people until now. I will update more as this complicated story as it continues to unfold by the day.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Malheur SITREP: 2200L 23 JAN 2016 | Oath Keepers
Malheur SITREP: 2200L 23 JAN 2016 | Oath Keepers
Some of us like the Constitution. Government hates some of us
Some of us like the Constitution. Government hates some of us
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Friday, January 22, 2016
New Yorkers React After Ted Cruz’s ‘New York Values’ Comment – Not What Trump Was Expecting | Tea Party
New Yorkers React After Ted Cruz’s ‘New York Values’ Comment – Not What Trump Was Expecting | Tea Party Journal.comIn a straw poll conducted by The Metropolitan Republican Club after the comments went viral, Ted Cruz came in first place among New Yorkers.
Ron Edwards -- Don’t Believe The Bigots
Ron Edwards -- Don’t Believe The BigotsDespite the ongoing onslaught of lies the progressives promote against the truth concerning anything, including American history, the United States of America was founded upon Judeo/Christian Ethics. In many circles, there was a heavy emphasis on the blessed leadership, protection, wisdom and mercy of God almighty, through his son Christ Jesus.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Dave Daubenmire -- When Law Breakers Become the Law Makers
Dave Daubenmire -- When Law Breakers Become the Law MakersBrave Tennessee State Representative Mark Pody introduced legislation in the House this month that would have told the tyrannical Federal Government and their out-of-control Supreme Court to go pound sand in regards to homosexual “marriage.” Mark Pody’s bill was the first of its kind in the nation and would have nullified the un-constitutional Obergefell decision forcing sodomy-based marriage on the citizens of Tennessee.
We are living under a powerful unelected oligarchy the likes of which this once- free nation has never seen. The Constitutional Republic under which this nation was founded was designed to keep such tyranny from occurring.
But no nation can survive when the biggest law breakers are the law-makers. This government of, by, and for the people can only survive if we, the people, demand obedience to the law by those who have been elected to serve.
America is a captured nation and those who have sworn to protect and defend our rights are negligent in that duty.
John Marshall -- Constitutional Shakedown in Burns, Oregon, Part 1
John Marshall -- Constitutional Shakedown in Burns, Oregon, Part 1I would like to start by saying the Soros controlled communistic media is lying through their teeth to cover up criminality on part of the Justice dept and the government.
This is not an armed stand-off nor was it an armed takeover. An armed takeover would involve weapons being drawn and forcibly taking over a location or building and persons. No weapons were ever brandished or used, so this was not the case at all. There is also no one that is confronting them, so technically it is not a standoff either. It is just an occupation and restoration of our God given rights.
The Malheur Wildlife Refuge is left open in the winter and is not staffed during that time. The Militia is occupying the refuge center and have renamed it the Resource Center to help the ranchers get back their lands and livelihoods. This is also the location that was used by the BLM to carry out their dastardly deeds.
They are currently working to get a common law judge and a common law grand jury in place to handle this problem and free the Hammonds. They are also cleaning up the place that looks like no one has ever done such a thing. There is a huge rat infestation with droppings everywhere and equipment is just struan about and the place is just filthy.
This is how the government takes care of the buildings and equipment that you paid for.
This refuge, that is kept open and
Washington Loves Donald Trump More Than Ted Cruz | The Resurgent
Washington Loves Donald Trump More Than Ted Cruz | The ResurgentSuddenly, however, the Washington political class is attacking Ted Cruz for being unlikable and the very Trump supporters who love that Trump offends the politically correct now think it is a reason to vote against Ted Cruz that Washington hates him.
Are you people not paying attention?
Former Senator Bob Dole, who ran against Ronald Reagan declaring Reagan would be the death of the GOP, has declared he would rather have Donald Trump than Ted Cruz while endorsing Jeb Bush.
Former Senator Trent Lott, who has regularly attacked the tea party and conservative activists, has declared that Trump is preferable to Ted Cruz.
Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, whose son is an ethanol lobbyist, has declared Cruz must be defeated at all costs.
Lobbyists on K Street are savaging Cruz and declaring Trump to be preferable.
The Republican opinion class declares Ted Cruz satanic while suggesting Trump would be malleable enough on principles to win.
The Washington political establishment would prefer Donald Trump to Ted Cruz because they see Donald Trump is more likely to preserve their access to power and status quo. Suddenly Donald Trump’s campaign thinks being hated by Washington disqualifies Ted Cruz for office after campaigning for months on how much he’d rock Washington’s world. Does it not bear just a little skepticism on the part of his supporters that suddenly being liked by Washington matters?
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Ron Ewart -- The Makings of An American West Rebellion
Ron Ewart -- The Makings of An American West RebellionWe warn those who would light that “brush fire”, be it government, environmentalists, Indians, bird watchers, carnivore lovers, or socialists alike, you are literally playing with fire. Push too hard and you will set off a land war that will sweep across the West like a wind-driven grass fire. People must understand that when a forest fire is lit, there is no telling which way it will go. The question is, what (or who) will set it off? Could it be the takeover of Western private and public lands by the government the Indians and the environmentalists? Could it be Obama Care, illegal aliens getting amnesty, Syrian refugees, Cap and Trade, gun control, foreign terrorism, the one-world-order, radical environmentalism, endangered species law, the fraud that is climate change, the brainwashing of our kids in our public schools, or trashing the Constitution by politicians? Was Jefferson right? Does a society need a revolution every hundred years? Messy, but could it be necessary if freedom is to be defended, maintained and preserved?
Because Americans have lived under the umbrella of freedom for over 230 years, the pilot light of liberty burns in the hearts of most of us. Although slow to ignite after years of in-attention, freedom's flame is rising out of the ashes of neglect and apathy. Spot fires of freedom are erupting all over the nation. Obama has lit many of those spot fires. After years of neglect, America is coming alive like never before. Trump is playing into those spot fires with great success.
Ron Ewart -- The Makings of An American West Rebellion
Ron Ewart -- The Makings of An American West RebellionThe reason is out-of-control, unchecked, irrational national and international radical environmentalism in the form of the UN’s Agenda 21, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA), with government as the enforcer, lobbied and sued constantly by radical environmentalists. To give you a flavor of how much environmentalists hate the rancher, farmer and rural landowner, read the following response to the Oregon standoff by Seattle area, city-born and raised birdwatcher, Peggy Garber: ( and (
Brother Gregory Williams -- The Occupy Refuge Movement
Brother Gregory Williams -- The Occupy Refuge Movements, looking for conflict in order to get headlines and sometimes to promote their own agenda.
Ammon Bundy and some of the people with him are there occupying some tiny part of a huge federal wildlife refuge and have gone in some empty public buildings for shelter in order to get media attention to what they see as a serious problem.
They have already said they would be going home soon.
Was the occupation wise? That depends on what you, the people, do.
No one should be calling them "anti-government" and “aggressors” because you are just playing into the hands of provocateurs. Were they armed? Everyone in Oregon is armed especially on the East side of the Cascades. There are at least 3.4 million guns here in Oregon and only 3.8 million people. Figuring that the babies don’t have guns that is probably enough for every man from the ages of 17 to 45 to be well armed.[1] People still have a right to self defense in this state.[2]
These occupiers are protesters who are complaining about what they see as Federal government abuse by some people who work at the BLM and in the Federal government.
Anyone who reads the Hammond's whole story[3] with an open mind can hardly say otherwise. Congressman Greg Walden spoke on the situation in Harney County, Oregon and he believes that the Federal Government employees often overreach their authority in the West. He is the government and you can hear what he has to say at our website.[4] To some this injustice and abuse is an issue, to others it is a news item, but to people who are the victims it is often their whole lives.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Servando Gonzalez -- Sticks, Stones and Words May Break Some Black Student’s Bones
Servando Gonzalez -- Sticks, Stones and Words May Break Some Black Student’s Bones
Servando Gonzalez, is a Cuban-born American writer, historian, semiologist and intelligence analyst. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. Servando is the author of Historia herética de la revolución fidelista, Observando, The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol, The Nuclear Deception: Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis and La madre de todas las conspiraciones: Una novela de ideas subversivas, all available at
He also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations and Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California, both available at the author's site at
His book, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People is available at Or download a .pdf copy of the book you can read on your computer, iPad, Nook, Kindle or any other tablet. His book, OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters, is available at Servando's book (in Spanish) La CIA, Fidel Castro, el Bogotazo y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, is available at and other bookstores online.
His most recent book, I Dare Call It treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of the America, just appeared and is available at and other bookstores online.
Servando's two most recent books in digital versions only are The Swastika and the Nazis: A Study of the Misuse of the Swastika by the Nazis and the first issue of the political satire series OBSERVANDO: American Inventors.
Their main fighting tool is not an assault rifle, but political correctness. Their fighting strategy is the misuse of democracy. Their battle plan is to conquer “safe spaces” where they can feel protected from the threat of “micro aggressions.”
These young blacks in American colleges and universities apparently have a monomaniac fixation with safety. Their mantra, repeated over and over, is “safety” — they need safe spaces to feel secure. Their concept of “safe spaces” is actually places where nobody can express ideas contrary to their beliefs.
Of late, the battle of these young blacks fighting for “safe spaces” has reached new, alarming heights. Black students at Yale complained about some Halloween costumes they considered offensive. Black students at Amherst College asked the president to apologize for the college’s “institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latin racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cissexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism.”[2]
In November, both the President and Chancellor of the University of Missouri system in Columbia were forced to resign by an angry mob of black students who claimed they were responsible for racist policies on campus.[3] But this is not the most egregious case of young blacks’ aggression against perceived or imagined white “aggression.”
Black students at Amherst College turned on its mascot, Lord Jeff — or Lord Jeffery Amherst, the 18th-century military commander whom this college town is named for. Under pressure, Union College will modify its centuries-old motto, “Under the laws of Minerva, we all become brothers,” to add the word for “sisters.” Georgetown University is renaming two buildings that previously honored slaveholders. Some black students at Harvard University have demanded that administrators replace the law school’s official seal, which they claim is borrowed from the family seal of a slaveholder who helped found it.[4]
Faced with growing pressure from black students, colleges across the U.S. are updating or renaming campus fixtures that have been deemed insensitive or outdated. Inspired by racially-charged protests at the University of Missouri, students have demanded changes of that type among broader calls for improved treatment of minority students.
Just recently, students at a small Pennsylvania college are demanding that administrators rename a building called “Lynch Memorial Hall” because of the racial overtones of the word “lynch.”[5] Princeton students occupied the university president’s office demanding that the name Woodrow Wilson — America’s 28th president and former President of Princeton — be erased from campus. That included the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs, residential halls and a mural of him in the dining hall.[6]Protesters also demanded the immediate implementation of “cultural competency training” to reeducate faculty members and the introduction of mandatory courses on marginalized peoples.[7]
Students at the University of Missouri recently demanded that in two years the faculty will be at least 10 percent black.[8] Some black students are also demanding that anything related to black culture —art, literature, music, history— must be taught by blacks only, not by whites.
All of this is pure, unadulterated racism. There is no other name for it. The color of a person’s skin has nothing to do with his knowledge, experience and ability to be a college professor. Even more important is the fact that these students not only want black professors but also black professors who make them feel safe, that is, professors who fully agree with their political beliefs.
Anyway, the least one can expect is that these racist, separatist blacks may be consistent with their own ideology — lack of consistency is the mark of the opportunist and the liar. Unfortunately, inconsistency is precisely what has characterized the separatist blacks’ discourse. If they really believe what they say, they should ask not only for the banning of Clyde A. Lynch, but also ask Obama to fire Attorney General Loretta Lynch and ban pictures of Che Guevara on campus — Che’s real name is Ernesto Guevara Lynch.
Moreover, they should ask for the erasing of anything honoring Martin Luther King — the name Martin Luther, a guy who defied the Pope, is highly offensive to black Catholics. Even worse, any mention of the word “King,” must be banned, because it is highly offensive to Americans whose ancestors fought a revolutionary war against a king.
Also, it is a shame that many black athletes are football players, a game that can be traced to early versions of rugby football and association football. Both games have their origin in varieties of football exclusively played by whites in Britain in the mid–19th century. Black football players should immediately stop playing a game created by slave traders.
Furthermore, politically correct young black extremists should stop right now using iPhones created by white yuppies in Cupertino and manufactured by yellow semi-slaves in China. They should demand that in two years Apple employees be at least 10 percent black and that iPhones be manufactured in Africa by black semi-slaves — asking Apple to stop using semi-slave workers would be an unrealistic demand.
Likewise, they should stop speaking English, the language of the American white slave masters, and begin speaking the languages of the African black slave masters.
In addition, it is a shame that a city in Georgia whose population is mostly black is named after a mythical island inhabited by a white, blue-eyed, blonde race much admired by the Nazis — Atlantis. I guess that the name Atlanta is very offensive to most American blacks. These politically correct black extremists must demand that the city’s name be changed to something like Africana.
But wait, as black American scholar Nathan Huggins has pointed out, the “identity’ of black Africans is a fiction created by European whites.[8] Actually, most of the so called “Africans” in Africa don’t feel themselves as belonging to a particular geographic area, much less a continent Europeans call Africa, but to a particular tribe, like Ashanti, Watusi, Zulu, Yoruba, Bambará, etc. That perhaps explains why the Black Panthers rightly refused the denomination “African-American” and preferred to call themselves blacks, as evidenced in their assertion “black is beautiful.’
Back to square one.
Also, these young black extremists should stop calling Obama “black,” because he is not. Though his father was black, Obama’s mother was Caucasian. Therefore, he is actually a half-breed, a mulatto. And I would bet that, at the bottom of his heart, he is not too happy about being called black. In most countries mulattos feel highly offended when somebody calls them blacks. Even more important, they should stop calling Obama “African-American” because, despite claims to the contrary, Mr. Obama is not African-American.
The qualification of African-American is applied only to citizens of the United States who have origins in the black peoples of Africa. It is not an ethnographic term but a political one. As many African-American militants have pointed out, it expresses pride in their African origins and solidarity with others of the African Diaspora, particularly the ones brought to America as slaves. As author Debra Dickerson contended, “Black, in our political and social reality, means those descended from West African slaves.”[9]
But Mr. Obama’s ancestors in Kenya were not brought to America as slaves. Actually, there is a remote possibility that some of his ancestors may have been among the blacks in Africa who enriched themselves by making some of their own kin slaves and selling them to the Portuguese and other Europeans. Most of these slaves were acquired through intertribal wars or kidnappings.[10]
In the mid-eighties, one of the CFR-controlled think tanks developed the idea of calling American blacks “African-Americans.”[11] With full support of the CFR-controlled mainstream media and academia, the term was rapidly adopted by most brainwashed blacks. In honor to truth, however, American blacks should call themselves AMERICAN-Africans. Contrary to Brazilian and Cuban blacks, who play African musical instruments, dance African music, speak some African languages and profess some African religions, there is not much African cultural influence in American blacks. Culturally, American blacks are 95 percent white American and 5 percent black African.
Still, now that young black extremists are deeply committed to the name-changing business it would be the right time to change the name of San Francisco’s Castro Street, a name highly offensive both to blacks and gays, and rename it Batista Street. Cuba’s black President Fulgencio Batista, a black man of humble origins, was overthrown in 1959 by white, rich, Jesuit-educated Fidel Castro, who quickly implemented his anti-black racist policies — Cubans say that the Castro government is like Mount Everest: the higher you go the whiter it gets. A few years later the Castro government began a systematic harassing of homosexuals and even created concentration camps where homosexuals were interned for politically correct “reeducation.”[12]
Instead of wasting their tuition money waging political battles they don’t fully understand — indoctrination is the antithesis of education — these young, brainwashed black students should profit by studying Korzybki’s dictum “the map it not the territory.”[13] Words are just signs pointing to things, not the things themselves. You can change the name “torture” and rename it “enhanced interrogation technique,” but it does not change the essential inefficiency and inhumanity of the act. You can change the name “global warming’ and call it “climate change,” but the scientific fact that human behavior does not significantly affect the weather cannot be changed.
Now, the big question is why university and college presidents have not exerted their authority to fight back the black student’s irrationality and madness? Perhaps President Woodrow Wilson offered the answer a century ago.
In 1913, the year he became President, Wilson made a confession in his bookThe New Freedom:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
University presidents are fully aware that there is a big power behind the extremist black student’s claim for “free spaces.” They know, or at least suspect, that behind their demands there is a power they cannot oppose: the power of the Invisible Government of the US. So, they prefer to resign and cash their generous golden parachutes than opposing such a power that can easily destroy their careers and their lives.
There may be, however, more than meets the eye in the current fight of these young black extremists in search for “safe spaces.”
An American Cultural Revolution?
In his December 18, 2015, program, talk radio host Michael Savage devoted some time to express his theory that the current trend of growing political control of black students over colleges and universities is a reenactment of Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China. I think Dr. Savage is onto something.
The Cultural Revolution was launched in May 1966, after China’s dictator Mao Tse-tung declared that bourgeois elements had infiltrated the government and society at large, and were attempting to restore capitalism. Mao told the masses that these “revisionists” must be removed through violent class struggle. China’s youth responded to Mao’s call by forming the infamous Red Guards — groups of young people fully devoted to punishing the politically incorrect citizens. Under the banner of the Cultural Revolution the Red Guards harassed and persecuted millions of people who suffered a wide range of abuses including public humiliation, loss of jobs, arbitrary imprisonment, torture and seizure of property.
Are we in America experiencing the early steps of a Chinese-style Cultural Revolution? It might be. We have to remember that, after a trip to China in 1973, David Rockefeller, one of the key ideologues at the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote a report praising Mao for the great job he had done in China — a job that included the slaughtering of over 40 million people.
In his report, “From a China Traveler,” David shamelessly wrote:
One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony . . . Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution it has obviously succeeded . . . in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive. . . . The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly from the singleness of ideology and purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history.[14]
Most of the black student’s fighting for “safe spaces” would be surprised to discover that, contrary to what they may think, those absurd ideas totally alien to Americans are not of their own, but have been implanted in their feeble, impressionable minds. Contrary to what they may think, political correctness is actually the creation of a few White Old Men specializing in psychological warfare. Most likely it was developed at the Stanford Research Institute, the Hudson Institute, the RAND Corporations or other of the CFR-controlled think tanks.
So, may it be that the growing movement evolving on campuses that is giving more political power to black youth is just another carefully planned PsyOp conceived at one of the CFR-controlled think tanks? Is this another tool to carry out a new social experiment: the destruction of America as a necessary step to implement their New Gay World Order?
Well, it might be.
The November events at the University of Missouri that ended with the resignation of both the President and Chancellor began when black student Jonathan Butler went on a hunger strike to protest what he called “revolting” acts of racism at Missouri. Soon after, black members of the university football team threatened to strike for the rest of the season unless Tim Wolfe, Mizzou’s president, stepped down. Soon after, Wolfe stepped down.
A few days later, though, somebody found out that Butler was not part of the exploited masses of deprived young blacks but the son of a wealthy Union Pacific Railroad executive who made $8.4 million in 2014. It is interesting to know that, almost since the Council on Foreign Relations was created in 1921, there have been close links between the CFR and Union Pacific.
W. Averell Harriman, who joined the CFR in 1923, two years after its founding, was originally an executive with the Union Pacific Railroad. Paul Warburg, another CFR founder and director (1921-1932) was one of the Union Pacific directors. Other Union Pacific executives with close links to the CFR were Robert Lovett, William Rockefeller and Jacob Schiff.
Currently, both James H. Evans, former Chairman and CEO of Union Pacific Corporation and Andrew H. Card, member of the UPC board of directors, are also CFR members. Though Union Pacific does not appear in the current CFR list of corporate members, it is a corporate member of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales), a CFR-controlled organization of the many that have mushroomed in Latin America belonging to what the globalist conspirators at the Harold Pratt House now call the Council on Councils.
Surprised that an organization of old, reactionary white men is backing the activities of young, revolutionary black students? Don’t be so. This is not the only case.
One of the most rabidly anti-American organizations of young Hispanics of Mexican ancestry in the U.S. is the National Council of La Raza. Its ultimate goal is “la reconquista,” or reconquest, of the Southwestern U.S. by Mexico.[15]
The man behind the growth and empowerment of La Raza was Raul Yzaguirre, its president and CEO from 1974 to 2004. Yzaguirre is a proud CFR member. As expected, La Raza survives thanks to generous grants from the CFR-controlled Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations.[16]
Coincidence? Maybe, but I don’t think so. All roads lead to Rome. Of course, CFR-controlled professional conspiracy deniers will strongly oppose those who dare to publicize this fact. The CFR conspirators and their ilk hate “truthers,” and they brand them as “tin hat kooks.”
It is not by chance that, since immemorial times, the elders, not the youth, have been the ones in control of the tribe. The reason is obvious. Old people have lived long and have more experience about life. Even more important, they are less prone to be influenced by apparently revolutionary ideas.
In contrast, the impressionable youth are easily captured by ideas they see as just or revolutionary, without realizing that some of these ideas have been planted in their impressionable minds by reactionary white people who use them as tools to advance their evil policies — something like what is currently happening in colleges and universities in America. After knowing David Rockefellers’ view of Mao’s social experiment in China, I would not discard the possibility that both “revolutions,” the one that almost destroyed China and the one going on in America today, had been conceived by the same people at the same place: the Council on Foreign Relations.
Nevertheless, there is a big difference between China and America. Mao’s Cultural Revolution was implemented at gunpoint over a mass of unarmed citizens — Mao once said that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Here in America, however, the only thing that may prevent a bloody Maoist-style cultural revolution is the existence of an armed, alert and politically savvy mass of citizens.
© 2016 Servando Gonzalez - All Rights Reserved
1. America did not commit suicide, as some claim. America was assassinated. It was a plan carefully conceived by the CFR’s mafia and carried out by their hit men infiltrated into the U.S. government, the mainstream press, academia and the military.2. Roger Kimball, “The Rise of the College Crybullies. The status of victim has been weaponized at campuses across the nation, but there is at least one encouraging sign,” the Wall Street Journal, November 14, 2015.3. Eliott C. McLaughlin, “University of Missouri president and chancellor step down amid race row,” CNN, November 9, 2015.4. Collin Blinkey, “Colleges update mascots, mottos, amid pressure from students,” Associated Press, November 19, 2015.5. The building is named after Clyde A. Lynch, who was president of Lebanon Valley College from 1932 until his death in 1950.6. Actually, Woodrow Wilson should be re-evaluated as a traitor to America. See, Servando Gonzalez, Psychological…7. An indication that the black student’s battle is not racially, but politically motivated is the fact that Condoleezza Rice, former US Secretary of State, was forced to withdraw from a campus event at Rutgers University. According to some militant students, Ms. Rice, a black woman, was a “war criminal” that supported the Iraq invasion.8. Nathan Irving Huggins, Black Odyssey: The African-American Ordeal in Slavery (New York: Pantheon Books, 1990).9. Debra Dickerson, “Colorblind,”, January 22, 2007.10. Contrary to what is taught at U.S. government schools (the ones disingenuously called “public schools”), British, Portuguese, Dutch or Spanish slave traders rarely penetrated far beyond the coasts: they actually bought slaves already captured by other tribes. As the great African-American historian Nathan Huggins pointed out, “virtually all of the enslavement of Africans was carried out by other Africans.” So, “African Americans” who claim for reparations should look at Africa first.11. It is not by chance that Jesse Jackson, a proud member of the Council on Foreign Relations, was the one who popularized the term “African-American”. Fortunately, however, not all American blacks were brainwashed. See, Jesse Washington, “Some Blacks Insist: I’m Not African-American,” AP, March 6, 2012. Another prominent “African-American” belonging to the CFR is Charles Rangel. By the way, none of the prominent “African-American” leaders manifested their support for Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney when she was strongly criticized and eventually sacked after suggesting that George W. Bush knew in advance of the 9/11 events.12. See, Servando Gonzalez, The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol (Oakland, California: InteliBooks, 2001).13. Polish-American independent scholar Alfred Korzybski, the creator of general semantics, coined the expression in “A Non-Aristotelian System and its Necessity for Rigour in Mathematics and Physics,” a paper he presented to the American Mathematical Society at the New Orleans, Louisiana, meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, December 28, 1931. The paper was reprinted in his 1933 book Science and Sanity, pp. 747–61.14. The New York Times, August 10, 1973.15. Charlie Norwood, “Exclusive: The Truth About ‘La Raza,” Human Events, April 7, 2003.16. . Joseph Fallon, “Funding Hate - Foundations and the Radical Hispanic Lobby- Part III,” The Social Contract Press, Vol. II, Number 1 (Fall 2000).
Servando Gonzalez, is a Cuban-born American writer, historian, semiologist and intelligence analyst. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. Servando is the author of Historia herética de la revolución fidelista, Observando, The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol, The Nuclear Deception: Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis and La madre de todas las conspiraciones: Una novela de ideas subversivas, all available at
He also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations and Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California, both available at the author's site at
His book, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People is available at Or download a .pdf copy of the book you can read on your computer, iPad, Nook, Kindle or any other tablet. His book, OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters, is available at Servando's book (in Spanish) La CIA, Fidel Castro, el Bogotazo y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, is available at and other bookstores online.
His most recent book, I Dare Call It treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of the America, just appeared and is available at and other bookstores online.
Servando's two most recent books in digital versions only are The Swastika and the Nazis: A Study of the Misuse of the Swastika by the Nazis and the first issue of the political satire series OBSERVANDO: American Inventors.
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