By Nelson Hultberg
September 10, 2016
September 10, 2016
Mr. Jackson, you have been involved in "civil rights" since the early 1960s and have convinced many Americans that you stand for freedom and justice. This article will challenge such a view. Unfortunately your way of thinking has been forged by the radical collectivist agenda for America, which has a totally different idea of freedom and justice than that which created America. Your view of these concepts is Marxist, and incompatible with our basic ideals. The following will explain why.
To get at the real essence of "freedom and justice" that you and the Civil Rights movement profess to stand for, let's first ask some important questions. Do you believe government should be able to tell the editors ofCosmopolitan that they must give equal attention to homely girls when determining who will grace the cover of their magazine? Do Caucasian basketball players have a right to be equally represented on NBA teams? Do women have the right to be equally considered for employment as lumberjacks?
Rather ridiculous questions, you say? Not really; they are the outgrowth of a major dilemma that confronts our society today: Does the Federal Government have the right to force Americans to choose an equal balance of men and women race-wise, sex-wise, age-wise and beauty-wise for all jobs, schools, scholarships, teams, associations, memberships, sales, leases, loans, etc?
Our dilemma is that a "yes" answer to the above is the only way our present interpretation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 can be implemented consistently. If racial minorities are to receive special quotas and legislation from the government to aid their advancement and social acceptance because of their uniqueness as a group, why not women because of their femininity? Why not the disabled because of their disabilities? The elderly because of their age? Homely people because of their unsightliness? Overweight people because of their obesity?
Once government assumes the power to intervene into the millions and millions of inevitable, private discriminations that take place continuously between normal human beings in all the daily interactions of living, there is no end to the absurdities that will be perpetrated in the name of "equality."
For example, observe that the Civil Rights movement has now mushroomed to include women, homosexuals, old people, handicapped people, alcoholics, drug addicts, obese people, and even a recent attempt by ugly people – all claiming their "right" to receive special government legislation mandating their unconditional acceptance in all the socio-economic interactions of life.
But, of course, this was inevitable, for once racial minorities are granted the "right" to mandate their acceptance through government coercion because of their uniqueness as a group, Pandora's Box is opened. Every human group imaginable will then leap into the arena to claim its "right" to also use government coercion in gaining more acceptance.
This is the nature of humans, Mr. Jackson. They are always looking for a means to circumvent the vicissitudes of freedom in an imperfect world. If they are informed by society's authorities that they now have a right tolegislate their acceptance in the marketplace because they belong to a specific group, they will quite readily form into protest factions to demand such legislation. The fact that such special legislation requires the violation of other people's rights is conveniently overlooked.
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