Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Trump is drawing America’s enemies ‘out of shadows’

Trump is drawing America’s enemies ‘out of shadows’

These pro-illegal immigration thugs are extremely violent and have been victimizing Americans for decades. In 1996, members of my nonprofit, BOND, and other pro-America activists faced off against illegals and their supporters in Los Angeles. Many of the people on our side were beaten with sticks, and one of our members was hit in the face with a frozen soda can.
Americans have been asking their government to build a wall around our southern border for decades, yet Republicans and Democrats have refused to stop the invasion. Democrats created sanctuary cities to protect illegals, many of whom have come into the U.S and committed crimes, and in some cases even killed Americans. We owe it to Jamiel ShawKate Steinle and others killed and victimized by illegals to build the wall and enforce common-sense laws.
According to data compiled by FoxNews.com, illegals are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population would suggest. Statistics show the estimated 11.7 million (many estimates are far higher) illegal aliens in the U.S. account for 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed here. Twelve percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences and 16 percent of drug trafficking sentences are handed out to illegal aliens.
ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens at large in the U.S.
Many illegals are now coming to the U.S. to work in drug houses and run prostitution rings for the Mexican cartels. They import drugs, violence and crime into cities like Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago.
In Los Angeles, illegal aliens have overrun black communities. In some neighborhoods, rival Blood and Crip gang members have joined forces to fight the large Hispanic gangs backed by the Mexican Mafia. The public schools spend more money and time teaching English to the children of illegals than they do educating American kids. The quality of care and service in Los Angeles County hospitals and facilities is dire.
For the past 26 years, my nonprofit has helped place people into various jobs across Southern California, but it’s nearly impossible to help blacks get entry-level work in Los Angeles now because illegals are flooding the labor pool. Some of the men we help need immediate work, so we try to get them hired for day jobs doing construction, but they’re outnumbered by illegals. Currently, more than 50 percent of working-age black adults are either unemployed or under employed in L.A. County.
In the ’90s, with the help of people like the late Barbara Coe, founder of CCIR (California Coalition for Immigration Reform), Terry Anderson, an outspoken black activist from South Central, and many others, California voters passed Proposition 187, a ballot initiative to make illegal aliens ineligible for non-emergency taxpayer-funded public benefits and services. Unfortunately, the law was challenged by Democrats and the ACLU and was overturned by a federal court.
Politicians in both parties have ignored our voices. Then, when someone like Donald Trump comes along and tells Mexico that America will no longer tolerate it sending its rapists and murderers across the border and that it will have to pay for the wall – the political elite want to shut him down.
Illegals and their supporters in both parties are only going after Trump because they know he’s serious. They’re not trying to stop Ted Cruz or John Kasich because they know that those two don’t have what it takes to make real change. Cruz and Kasich say little about illegal immigration, Black Lives Matter, or anything controversial having to do with minorities because they’re afraid of the backlash. The illegal alien crisis will never be resolved as long as we keep electing spineless politicians.
There are many important issues during this presidential election cycle, but none more urgent than the need to build the border wall and create jobs and opportunities for the American people. Now is the time for sensible Americans to unite for the future of our nation. Unless we do this, we won’t have a country left worth fighting for.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/05/trump-is-drawing-americas-enemies-out-of-shadows/#BoUcPl3mPS0KqZz3.99

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