Trump's personal Boeing 757 -- which he jokingly christened his own official Air Force One -- was on its way to Little Rock, Arkansas, from New York, but his pilots had to make the emergency detour and landed at Nashville International Airport. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials released a statement claiming that Trump's plane landed safely at 4:40 p.m. (Central Time) after the plane's captain reported he was experiencing problems with the jet engine. The FAA investigators responding to the incident said they will investigate the incident with an "open mind."
The Secret Service's protection bureau details information about possible offenders’ planning behavior, motives, and other concerning behaviors they exhibited prior to the attacks. Although the strategy addresses attacks on federal targets, the report is designed to offer guidance to federal, state, and local law enforcement officials in their efforts to identify, assess, and manage a range of potential threats when they protect VIPs (Very Important Persons).
“The reports released by National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) provide front line law enforcement and public safety professionals with in depth analysis into targeted violence incidents throughout the United States,” stated Kelly Nee, Deputy Superintendent of Boston Police Department’s Regional Intelligence Center. “This information is invaluable to local law enforcement in our mission to keep our citizens safe.”
While the Secret Service and Trump's security people get reports about "crazies" and "madmen" making death threats against the GOP's most controversial candidate, even some of the nation's top political minions are making violence-prone statements.
For example, Pat Brady, the co-chairman of the John Kasich for President Campaign, said in an interview that the only way to beat Donald Trump is with a “head shot,” a term used to describe a single-bullet killing. Once he realized the ramifications of what he said, Brady then claimed that his head shot comment regarding Trump wasn't referring to a literal gunshot to the head. See Youtube video.
Not to be outdone by Brady, Republican political consultant Rick Wilson appeared on MSNBC and was more direct when he said the GOP political establishment has to “put a bullet” in Trump’s head.
According to conservative firebrand and Trump supporter Ann Coulter, "FOX News is ignoring these death threats against Donald Trump. Disgusting." And NRA firearms instructor Rick Smith noted, "Never thought it would be possible, but Fox now makes MSNBC look like a professionally run news
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