Monday, February 29, 2016

Soros and CFR Exploit Refugee Crisis for New World Order

Soros and CFR Exploit Refugee Crisis for New World Order

After having literally created the refugee crisis from start to finish — destroying multiple Middle Eastern nations and then demanding that Europe accept the millions of displaced victims — the internationalist establishment is now exploiting the chaos it unleashed to push more globalism and statism. Europe, Africa, and the Middle East are all in the cross-hairs of billionaire George Soros (shown), the global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations, and other key globalist forces. Among other efforts, the refugee-crisis instigators are using the horror they unleashed as a pretext to erode what remains of national sovereignty in those regions — all while further empowering supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the European Union, the African Union, and even a globalist-backed “Middle East Union” yet to be formally unveiled. A new “Marshall Plan” and even an EU paramilitary force with unprecedented powers are also on the agenda, all on the road toward what establishment voices regularly refer to as a "New World Order." 

Kelleigh Nelson -- Two Boys and A Man Running For President

Kelleigh Nelson -- Two Boys and A Man Running For President

The difference between the men and the boys in politics is, and always has been, that the boys want to be something, while the men want to do something. —Eric Sevareid
To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth. —Theodore Roosevelt
Think there wasn't collusion going on at the latest CNN debate? Think again. The two second and third place candidates were in cahoots to do as their GOP establishment puppeteers told them to do. Bring down Trump! But again, it didn't work, did it boys? They looked so childish and immature, like high school teens...foolish. Do they really think that plays well with the voters?

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- Obama: A Friend of Totalitarianism, Not Civil Liberty

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- Obama: A Friend of Totalitarianism, Not Civil Liberty

The new America Obama is creating does not pay any price, endure any hardship, defend any friend, and oppose any foe to ensure the survival and success of liberty. Rather, it pays any price, endures any hardship, defends any enemy, and opposes any friend to ensure that those who oppose us know that a new humbled America will no longer stand in their way.

Servando Gonzalez -- Is Donald Trump's Life in Danger?

Servando Gonzalez -- Is Donald Trump's Life in Danger?

In the CFR-controlled America, political assassination has become a common occurrence. The CFR conspirators have been very successful in assassinating anybody they see as a potential threat to their globalist designs.
CFR psychopaths inside the U.S. government have actively participated in the assassination of foreign leaders, among them Colombia’s leader Jorge Gaitán, Italy’s oil executive Enrico Mattei and Prime Minister Aldo Moro, the Dominican Republic’s President Rafael Trujillo, Panama’s Omar Torrijos, Chile’s President Salvador Allende, Congo’s Patrice Lumumba, South Vietnam’s Ngo Dinh Diem, Sweden’s Olof Palme, Pakistan’s Ali Bhutto and, more recently, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,[3] and Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski.
They also planned and carried out the assassination of American leaders, such as General George S. Patton, Admiral James Forrestal, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, and probably even FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.[4]
They also carried out the assassinations of people who, for one or another reason, they have considered a potential threat to their plans. Among them are singer John Lennon, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, ex-CIA director William Colby, Clinton’s secretary of commerce Ron Brown,San Jose Mercury News’ journalist Gary Webb, George W. Bush’s biographer J.H. Hatfield, editor of George magazine and presidential hopeful John F. Kennedy, Jr., U.S. Army corporal and football star Pat Tillman, computer hacker and activist Aaron Swartz, journalist Michael Hastings, publisher Andrew Breitbart, members of SEAL Team 6, comedian Joan Rivers, and perhaps even authors Tom Clancy and Michael Crichton, just to mention a few.
The CFR globalist conspirators have always use assassination as a tool to control U.S foreign and domestic policy, and the CIA has been their main executor. Proof of this is that in 1976 President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11905 banning assassinations. It clearly stated: “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”
The assassination of General Patton
In the spring of 1944, General George S. Patton crossed the Rhine and pushed his victorious Third Army right up to the heart of Germany. His goal was to take Berlin before the Russians arrived. But CFR secret agents Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Marshall ordered Patton to back a hundred miles to await the arrival of the Red Army so that the Russians could capture Berlin and eastern Germany.
Finally, fearing that Patton may disobey their orders and try to take Berlin, the CFR conspirators cut the Third Army’s fuel and ammo lines and th

Thursday, February 25, 2016

CLUES UNLOCK OBAMA I.D. MYSTERY: FBI Soviet spy files, SUBUD cult, and a dead body - The American Report

CLUES UNLOCK OBAMA I.D. MYSTERY: FBI Soviet spy files, SUBUD cult, and a dead body - The American Report

The Game Changed in Venezuela Last Night - and the International Media Is Asleep At the Switch | Caracas Chronicles

The Game Changed in Venezuela Last Night - and the International Media Is Asleep At the Switch | Caracas Chronicles

To all voting for Hillary or Bernie or Rubio, This is what we will have with Bernie, Hillary, or Marco. Venezuela.....and we are close to it now....socialism kills a nation , dictatorship kills a nation. WE are different in America. Our laws and constitution are based on individual rights.....not government rights....Our rights come from our reflected in the Bill of Rights. Vote for liberty, freedom of the individual, enforcement of our laws, ridding ourselves of unnecessary regulations hurting this country, not allowing immigration of our enemies and scale back immigration of all; fiscal sense as we are almost at a tipping point in terms of financial affairs, against corruption and fraud in; Vote for America not for people such as Hillary or Rubio, whom will bring this country into the NWO..via progressive socialism/communism. Vote For America.. ...Not for our enemies dressed and talking like Americans.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Laura Ingraham Says Rubio Campaign Effectively All But Over Now That He’s Gone to War with ICE Officer - Tea Party News

Laura Ingraham Says Rubio Campaign Effectively All But Over Now That He’s Gone to War with ICE Officer 

Throughout the election cycle, the bulwark of Rubio’s campaign has been Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News network. Conservative commentators, as well as other GOPcandidates, have observed that Fox has given Rubio an overwhelming amount of free positive promotion—allowing the candidate to remain in contention for the nomination despite his dismal third, fifth, and second place showings in the first three primary states. 
The extent to which Fox News may be willing to bias its coverage in favor of Rubio will perhaps be tested based on whether or not the network chooses to cover the Crane scandal — and in what level of detail it chooses to do so.
If Fox News does not cover the Crane scandal in depth—i.e. examining Rubio’s record on immigration, his lack of coordination with ICE officers, the provisions of his immigration bill as it related to criminal aliens, as well as the backroom deals that were cut with corporations and special interests groups—then questions will necessarily be asked about Rupert Murdoch’s lobbying efforts—and whether Murdoch’s conflict of interests, which has gone undisclosed thus far, has affected the network’s coverage.
For instance, it was CNN—not FOX—which recently published a story documenting concerns about how a former Rubio’s staffer potentially enriched his corporate clients through backroom deals in the Gang of Eight legislation.
Immediately following Rubio’s implicit attack of Chris Crane, prominent sheriffs from around the country—such as Sheriff Paul Babeu of Arizona, Sheriff Tom Hodgson of Massachusetts, and Sheriff Sam Page of North Carolina— vocally backed Crane against Rubio.
Rubio now seems to be in the uncomfortable position of having to either retract his statement and apologize to Chris Crane, or broadening his fight to include not only ICE officers, but America’s sheriffs as well.
“Historically, I don’t think attacking law enforcement has been a path to the Republican nomination,” Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller said in a deliberate understatement of the road that lies ahead of Sen. Rubio now that t
- See more at:

ICE Officer To Rubio- ‘You Lied To American Public On FOX News! – THE MARSHALL REPORT

ICE Officer To Rubio- ‘You Lied To American Public On FOX News! – THE MARSHALL REPORT

Rubio is certainly not to be trusted for many reasons. He is as slick as they come....He should not even be running for office let alone for President. I wish people would check him out....He is not whom he says he is....



Ron Ewart -- FEDS Are Determined to Bury the Bundy Movement

Ron Ewart -- FEDS Are Determined to Bury the Bundy Movement

But today the straw man has become the infallibility of the environment. It supersedes and takes priority over unalienable individual rights, by almost any means, including enforcement by the law and guns. That this environmental infallibility would come in conflict with individual unalienable rights, especially here in America, was not only not hard to predict, it was pre-ordained. We now live in worldwide environmental fascism. The international climate initiatives to limit CO2 to allegedly protect the planet from MAN-CAUSED GLOBAL WARMING, that came out of the Paris Climate Summit last December, is just another tentacle of that fascism. It is not about the environment ladies and gentlemen. It is about control of the masses and the transfer of America’s wealth and so is this land battle raging in the West. How dare we challenge government’s orders and their vast“ wisdom!” Of course, they are never wrong and they never make mistakes. In a pig’s eye!
Environmentalists, foreign interests, (yes foreign interests) the Indians and government have conspired together to drive man out of the rural areas of America, in preference to plants and animals. The following quote is an example of the environmentalist’s mentality:
"I put animals over peoples feelings ANYDAY. I would gladly step over a dying human to get to an injured animal. That’s how I am

Kelleigh Nelson -- Marco Rubio, The Aspen Institute, and The CFR

Kelleigh Nelson -- Marco Rubio, The Aspen Institute, and The CFR

Rubio is no different than Obama or Hillary....His background stinks and so do his beliefs about America.. He is for all of the leftist policies and it is high time we started to talk about his beliefs.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Marco Rubio mimics Hillary Clinton’s anti-cop pandering for black votes – Conservative Base

Marco Rubio mimics Hillary Clinton’s anti-cop pandering for black votes – Conservative Base

During a CNN televised Townhall event, Rubio was asked about his opinion on U.S. race relations in the wake of Americans electing the nation’s first black president. “You talk about race relations, it’s a difficult issue in this country,” Rubio replied, “And I know a lot if it is centered around law enforcement and police departments.”
According to former police Detective Nelson Basquez, “Rubio should have taken the opportunity to slam how the media have created such a  division between police and the people they are serving. “The old ‘if it bleeds it leads’ news media slogan is being tweaked to mean if the bleeder is black and the ‘assailant’ is wearing blue, it’s prima facie of a racially-motivated killing,” Basquez said.  
Many observers claim that Rubio missed an opportunity demonstrated the real difference between conservatives and progressives. He failed to point out that the relationship between the neighborhood residents and the police has focused on the negative rather than the positive that every cop has noticed when “working the streets.”
Rubio’s statements could easily be taken for those of a left-wing Democrat such as Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders:  “In this country, a significant number particularly of young African-American males feel as if they are treated differently than the rest of society. And here’s the bottom line: Whether you agree with them or not – I happen to have seen this happen – but whether you agree or not, if a significant percentage of the American family believes that they are being treated differently than everyone else, we have a problem, and we have to address it as a society and as a country. I do not believe we can fulfill our potential as a nation unless we address that.”
Republicans should fear having a national law enforcement figure denigrating their presidential candidate as they have done with statements by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other progressives.
“Mrs. Clinton, who is the subject of an FBI corruption investigation, appears ready to continue President Barack Obama’s cop-bashing that began almost immediately when he was inaugurated. It helps to create division between the races which helps the Democrats to win elections,” said former police detective and U.S. Marine Sid Franes, one of the nation’s first African American major-city police detectives.

Stop China Buyout of Chicago Stock Exchange: Congressmen to Obama

Stop China Buyout of Chicago Stock Exchange: Congressmen to Obama

However, not everyone is so nonchalant regarding the pending sale. “It is outrageous that a communist Chinese company — a front for the communist Chinese government — will be given access to trillions of dollars in the struggling US economy and secure information about US businesses,” says Congressman Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican. “I strongly urge the Obama administration to investigate this firm and stop this purchase,” Rep. Jones said in a press statement released last week. Acquisition of the Chicago Stock Exchange by the Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group (CCEG) of China means, says Jones, that “a firm with ties to the communist Chinese government will have access to trillions of dollars in the US economy.  This access raises financial, economic, and cyber-security concerns.”

Justice Dept. favors ban on proof of citizenship for voter registration -

Justice Dept. favors ban on proof of citizenship for voter registration -

The states involved need not do her dastardly bidding. They again rig an election or try...that disenfranchises my vote to allow illegals to vote...Proof of citizenship should be necessary, for it takes the votes away from citizens.



The death of a Nation by its leaders

Patriot Two – More From The Archives – Trump Knows… – THE MARSHALL REPORT

Patriot Two – More From The Archives – Trump Knows… – THE MARSHALL REPORT

Monday, February 22, 2016

Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- "Homeland Security" -- For What and For Whom?

Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- "Homeland Security" -- For What and For Whom?

Make no mistake about it: To maintain its own economic and political positions, the Establishment will sacrifice the economic welfare and the constitutional rights of everyone else. And to succeed it will be compelled to crack down: first, on people's resistance to its propaganda, agitation, disinformation, and other techniques of psycho-political manipulation; then on refractory dissent; then on rebellion at the polls; then on mass refusals to obey its oppressive "statutes", "regulations", and "judicial decisions"; and, at length, on revolt against every aspect of its misrule. The Establishment is building a domestic police state today for the purpose of deterring, cowing, and if necessary smashing this opposition tomorrow. So, even if the supposed threat from Islamic terrorists were to disappear today, the Department of Homeland Security would continue to grow tomorrow. Also, the breakneck speed at which the Department of Homeland Security is being constructed should warn America how much the Establishment fears that monetary and banking crises of serious proportions cannot be long delayed.

Tyranny Rising | The Daily Rant

Tyranny Rising | The Daily Rant

To be sure, there is a trend in America. A trend where liberty is being adjudicated away and tyranny is rising to fill in the gap. But my guess is that as long as America exists, there will be Americans that will resist the strong arm of tyranny. Whether the death of Scalia was truly the result of natural causes or whether the government is sending another message to conservatives, as long as there are Americans, there will be resistance to such bold-faced aggression. We see it every time gun control advocates raise their silly little voices and there is a flood of law-abiding citizens emptying the supplies of armament. We see it in the militia that gathers to defend a rancher in Nevada or Oregon that they never met. We see it every time a parent shows up at a Board of Education meeting to protest Common Core and PARCC testing. Americans will not go quietly into that good night. And if the powers that be think that intimidation will silence the voice of our patriots, they are sadly mistaken.

THE AMERICANS - The American Report

THE AMERICANS - The American Report

The AMERICANS strongly believe that life, liberty, citizenship and the pursuit of happiness are the unalienable RIGHTS of every American Citizen that cannot be taken or transferred. However, not until We the People become brutally frank with ourselves and with each other will the Constitution be taken off the shelf and once again become operational. Only then can the Republic can be restored and preserved in its original ordained Constitutional Power and form.
We The People have suffered enormously since 1913 under the combined rule of two domineering political parties of 536 elected politicians along with those they have appointed. Tax and Spend, along with whatever it takes to rule, is the quest of one of the domineering parties. In the opposing party, weak backbones, failing to stand up and lead for what a majority of citizen voters want, coupled with the elite of the party stealthfully blending in with the tax and spend party, have destructively allowed the confiscation of far too much of the wages and retirement incomes from the citizens who pay income taxes.
These facts are now becoming more recognized with the most recent dastardly additions of: countless political deceptions, lies, national economic destruction, purposeful job-killing, the stealthful demise of America’s middle class, no Administration help for the massive unemployment of Black Americans  plus the politically purposeful illegal alien invasion of the United States. Along with forty percent of the people within the fifty state borders who are receiving food stamps. This all is treason to each separate state and to the citizens within the several states and it is perpetuated by the elected and appointed inside the Washington DC beltway.
The Constitution requires that all laws must be faithfully executed, but far too many are not and have not been – – – specifically by the Executive Branch. Nor has the Oversight Power of Congress been exercised to ensure Executive Leadership enforcement of United States laws.  These self-serving political failures have become destructive to the well-being, liberty and happiness of most American citizens. It must be recognized that “New Guards” for future personal safety and National Security must peacefully be put into place by citizens beginning with votes at the ballot box. Failed leadership can no longer stand if the Constitution and the Republic are to be preserved for our children and all future generations.
A deep look has been taken into the several national crises by “The Americans” leadership who care greatly about the Republic, the People and the Constitution. Necessary and workable solutions have been developed to help solve and fix what has without question stunted our Nation’s ability to clearly, legally and peacefully function as a Constitutional Republic.
KEY NATIONAL ISSUES that must be solved if the separate and collective States of The United States of America are to become economically solvent, remain peaceful and nationally secure are:
  • The Constitution of the United States as originally established and amended will remain in absolute and total effect. The original XIII Amendment as written and ratified is an operational Amendment and will be adhered to immediately. (The original XIII Amendment was falsely hidden by less than honorable men of the times). Congress shall make all laws necessary for carrying into execution the Powers authorized in the Constitution and that all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. Constant Congressional leadership oversight will be maintained at all times. All Laws requiring Executive action will be faithfully executed upon receipt from Congress by the President and appropriate departments and selected agencies of Government under the President’s sworn responsibility and authority.
  • A strong National Defense of well-trained Active Duty, Guard and Reserve Forces maintained with proper equipment that can deter any enemy activism, or fight and win if deterrence fails will be assured by both the House and Senate of the US Congress for the protection of “We the People” and the preservation of the Constitution and the Republic. Readiness at all times will include a nuclear capability to win if Congress declares war against an enemy aggressor. The United States Military will in no way be used against United States Citizens. To do so will trigger expeditious Congressional actions to immediately and permanently remove anyone exercising such orders from elected or appointed office.
  • The United States Government cannot rebound from the man-made economic crises without satisfactory employment for a majority of American citizens. In turn, satisfactory and sustainable employment for American citizens simply cannot be achieved with the excessive tax rates that now exist for US businesses and the American people. All political plundering of the people’s wealth via taxation will be stopped. Our banking system and wealth management has been corrupted with the 1913 establishment of the Federal Reserve System, placing monetary and economic control in the hands of a few (now partisan) individuals. The Federal Reserve System will be abolished and all US Government financial and economic functions will be turned over to the US Treasury including the coining and printing of currency and the issuing of currency. US green-back bills will be printed and a one –for- one exchange to replace Federal Reserve notes will take place.
  • The IRS will immediately be abolished and that form of US government taxation will cease and desist. A zero-interest National Debt will be established at the US Treasury and a GDP annual growth limit not to exceed 3% will be tied to the previous year GDP growth.  A transition to a “fair or flat” tax must be accomplished as a priority.
  • The Illegal Alien Invasion of the United States will be stopped with a Secured Borders Double Fence on The US Southern Border and more Border Guards stationed on the Northern Border. All US borders will be further controlled and severe penalties (financial and incarceration) for employers who hire illegal aliens. Foreign countries will have named financial and trade restriction obligations to the United States for all of their citizens who come over US Borders illegally. There will be absolutely no jobs, no social services, no welfare nor medical services allowed to be provided to illegal alien invaders. (Emergency medical care only will be provided until they deported to home from which departed). American jobs are for US citizens, returning military veterans, part time high school students and the elderly. When US employers cannot find workers and can fully justify seeking foreign workers, Government permission will be granted for hiring temporary foreign workers.
  • The DHS with functions for national security and FEMA for emergencies have both grown far beyond the intentions of reasonable and responsible leadership control, budgeting, manpower, equipment and facilities. Deceptive political intentions for the potential use of facilities, weapons, massive purchases of ammunition plus military-type vehicles and railroad cars are greatly objectionable to American citizens and an insult to the economic deficit of the Nation. America’s leadership needs to be well-versed with the Active Military, County Sheriffs, Local Law Enforcement and National Guard overall capabilities within the continental limits of the United States that can handle any and all emergency situations, foreign or domestic, that might be faced. The DHS will be disbanded and certain functions will be merged into the Department Of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Interior (DOI). The FEMA name will be changed to “The National Emergency Agency” (TNEA) and manpower will be greatly reduced and merged into the DOI to be used for national emergency situations only. Their budget and emergency dispatch activities in the east, central and western parts of the country will be managed through the three numbered Air Forces of the Air Force Reserve Command.  All weapons, munitions and military-type vehicles will be transferred to the DOD immediately. All holding and or compound-type facilities will be closed and transferred permanently to local governments for non-detention uses only.
  • The Department of Energy will be abolished and certain specified oversight functions would be moved to the Department of Commerce.
  • The Department of Education will be abolished and its functions and all funding responsibility will be returned to each individual state, territory and the District of Columbia.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be abolished with responsibilities and functions removed to each individual state. Conflicts will be resolved at the Department of Commerce while working with the states.
  • In addition, selected Agencies will be moved from the National Capitol area and disbursed into the interior for cost-effective and long-term security reasons as well as seeking more diversified hiring of high quality civilian personnel throughout a larger portion of the Nation. (Rust-belt areas of high unemployment in the mid-west and other locations of far greater physical expansion capability will be given priority consideration for these moves and jobs.
  • The partisan and destructive Democrat Affordable Health Care Plan will be repealed and pre-2009 Medicare Programs will be fully reconstituted. Necessary changes and revisions to the existing Social Security System to ensure self-funding.
  • The Executive order that allows unions to exist in government and do collective bargaining in any and all tax-payer funded government jobs will be rescinded.
  • It will be the policy and understanding within the entire Republic to recognize each County Sheriff as the Elected Senior Law Enforcement Officer in each respective County and that a well-regulated militia, if formed, will be responsive to his Constitutional Sworn Oath as necessary requirements for security of a free state.
  • The United Nations will be defunded from the excessive monetary proportions US taxpayers have been forced to fund and a strong effort will be made to move this overbearing activity out of the United States. Politicians must come to realize that no United Nations deliberations can override the US Constitution.
  • Education, kindergarten through grade twelve, is a fundamental right for American school-age children and is a responsibility of county or city taxpayers to insure funding for that right. Citizen school children in far too many public schools have been denied that fundamental right to an education due to handicaps in classroom and interferences caused by countless non-English speaking children plus overcrowding and scarce tax dollars used to accommodate illegal alien school children. In addition to US Borders becoming secure, the 5 to 4 decision by the Burger Supreme Court that allowed all who choose to attend American taxpayer-funded schools regardless of citizenship will be revisited using Chief Justice Burger’s dissenting opinion as grounds for new litigation.
  • Defund the United Nations and have moved from New York to a location such as Athens, Greece, where the original nation-state was established.
  • Begin a systematic process to reorganize the Department of Defense into an organization of National Security that can prepare us for today and tomorrow with “forward strategies” that secure America.
It is the general consensus of The Americans Project that If the Republican Party does not hold the line in the US House of Representatives to secure the Southern US Border, plus demand existing immigration laws be faithfully executed by the Executive Branch, then stop all Senate Immigration Reform and also stand firm for defunding Obama-care, the results will be the demise of the Republican Party in the 2014 and 2016 elections. The 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections were lost because many Republican and Independent voters stayed home. There must be Honest National Leadership in place for the America First voters who care about the Constitution, the Republic and a secure future for their children.
Independent Constitutional Leadership selected by The Americans Project will be that Leadership. It will also become more evident to the voters that the course the Democrats have planned for America is destructive far beyond the imagination. This nation is being torn apart daily as the crises facts become known. Also most disturbing to Americans who care is the fact many are not confident We the People have a Constitutional Government in place because to this date absolutely no one has seen one document verifying Constitutional qualification of the person occupying the White House. Congress ignores all petitions for a redress of grievances and the Judiciaries at all levels of government have dismissed every attempt at addressing a legal option. The Democrat Party leadership signed two separate and different documents certifying eligibility to run for office as well as re-election eligibility. This is pure and simple elected and appointed sworn politicians run amuck. Enough is enough. If the United States of America and the separate states are to survive these greedy self-serving destructive political onslaughts, new leadership in existing elective offices is a must for every citizen.
Our government (all branches) of, by and for the people has lost control and has led us down a very destructive path of tyranny, corruption, cover-ups and deceit. We have to a degree lost the necessary checks and balances designed to provide an essential balance of power. That has led to a far-reaching federal government and an infringement on states’ rights. We must save the Republic and the country before we get to the point of no return. A National Call to Action is required by all of us to get our country on track! God save the Republic!
Paul Vallely
Major General, US Army (Ret)
Charles Jones
Brigadier General US Air Force (Ret)

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- The Anti-Establishment Vote

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- The Anti-Establishment Vote

The enemy of freedom is the establishment. It is a cabal of bosses in and out of government serving themselves to the point of the demise of the USA. If one looks around and he does not have to look very hard, he will see financial woes, moral woes, employment woes, loss of liberty through attacking free speech, gun control, no due process, a government of the government for the government....people be damned......immigration woes, fiscal woes,health care woes, regulation woes, EPA and FED woes...the list is so long it is sick!. All foistered upon America by way of the Cabal of the establishment...both Dems and Repubs.....does not matter...establishment is the same....
Trump supporters variously favor him because he is not of the Washington establishment, because he is politically incorrect, because he is unafraid to call it as he sees it, and because he is beholden to no one, to no Republican, to no Democrat, to no media icon, and to no conservative intellectual. Trump supporters reject groomed politicians who, together with their advisors, weigh the meaning of every word spoken and fear offense.
Trump supporters do believe in limited government, a strong national defense, and free enterprise. They reject government solutions to economic problems and favor a restoration of a vibrant, free enterprise economy unfettered by excessive government regulation. They reject a foreign policy stymied by advocates of social justice who will not allow this nation to annihilate its terrorist enemies, to revoke the appeasement deal with Iran, and to rebuild American military might and alliances. They reject international trade bargains built on concepts of “managed trade” where select industry insiders with political clout are favored in lieu of a true free trade arrangement. They want to secure America’s borders and ensure that the United States does not become a haven for terrorists.
Rhetoric from Republican candidates other than Trump consistently falls flat when it reaches the ears of Trump supporters because Trump’s supporters are a new breed. They are comprised of all of the disaffected Republicans, conservative Democrats, and conservative-leaning Independents. Trump is the voice for many who abandoned voting altogether out of disgust over all things Washington. He has caused them to come back into politics in droves. That factor is one that raises the most fear among Democrats. Trump is unpredictable in all respects but one, i.e., his ability to inspire those outside of the electorate to become a part of his political movement and vote for the first time in years, if not for the first time ever.
Fundamentally Trump’s supporters are fed up with all things characteristics of the Washington establishment. They do not want a candidate who can eloquently articulate viewpoints pleasing to their ears because they have watched politician after politician do that, then assume elected office only to betray the promises made. They want someone who has neither financial nor political ties to those in power, who will restore American greatness by courageously and unrelentingly breaking down all barriers to that greatness erected by those now in power and their cronies in the market. In short, they mean to take down the protectionist government that is, unleash the power of the private sector to restore American greatness, erect immigration limits and border security capable of stemming the flow of illegal aliens and terrorists, and rebuild American military might and power in the world. For that revolution, they seek a private sector titan not beholden to the Washington establishment. Trump perfectly fits that bill.
In Trump, they find a person who speaks his mind fearlessly; who stands toe to toe with those tied to the Washington establishment and has no problem directly exposing their duplicity and weakness; who promises to shake things up in Washington such that barriers to economic growth, border protection, and a strong national defense are eliminated; who promises lower tax rates for corporations and individuals; and who plans to free the market rather than regulate it in politically preferred directions.
At root, Trump supporters are not ignorant, as their opponents like to believe they are. Rather, they have a very cogent reason for supporting Donald Trump, one that entirely eludes the media. They know that Trump appreciates well that America is in dire straits and will continue to lose its stature and its economic and military power unless major changes are implemented immediately. They know that Trump will bring about that major change by using the same meat cleaver approach in Washington that he has used successfully in business and in his presidential campaign. If you are in Trump’s way, he will bulldoze you down. If you attack America under Trump, you are attacking him personally, and he will make you pay for it. He appreciates the significance of the nation’s massive debt, of its prolific regulation that stifles competition, of its abandonment of America’s defenses and vital interests in the world, and of its refusal to annihilate its terrorist foes. He promises to make America great again, and he means to do it whether the Washington establishment agrees with his approach or not. He intends to overcome opposition not by violating the Constitution (not by issuing executive orders that trench on the law making power of Congress) but by using the bully pulpit of the Presidency to brow beat into submission anyone in Congress or in the administrative agencies who stands in his way. He will work with Congress by working to defeat those in Congress who will stand in the way of restoring American greatness. He is dead serious, not a carnival barker or superficial actor as his opponents are fond of describing him.
Trump’s supporters realize that the only way to save the nation from the corruption, the abuse of power, and the self-aggrandizement that characterizes the Washington that is, the Washington now maintained by Democrats and Republicans alike, is to bring into the presidency an outsider not beholden to anyone in power who can lead a movement to create a new power structure. To do that requires a very strong leader, one not beholden to those who have either promoted or condoned the existence of corrupt government and one who does not care what the media or anyone else thinks of him.
The more politicians claim Trump to be a closet liberal, a brat with a temper, or a person woefully lacking in political experience, the more they reveal how strong Trump’s Teflon is. Each attack gives way to a lambasting from Trump against the attacker, a lambasting which, by contrast with the original attack, is blunt and direct, an unvarnished reflection of what Trump really thinks. It is the tough and direct persona of Trump that engenders support, not the extent to which he is accurate, representative of conservative thinking, or versed in every nuance of law and policy. The amazing fact is that Trump supporters often do not agree with everything he says but credit him for speaking his mind rather than engaging in tortured and illogical rhetoric that appeases critics. His supporters understand him to be a tough, no-nonsense executive who will force change in Washington, bringing about a reduction in regulation essential for the restoration of a free market and the resuscitation of the rule of law.
Trump is viewed as unapologetic, strong, and sincere, a man who gets things done rather than prattles on about what he will do without a sincere interest in doing what he says and without the stamina required to withstand stiff opposition. Trump is the antithesis of political correctness. Trump supporters are fed up with groomed politicians who profess to be possessed of an elite knowledge and skill but who do nothing consequential in office. They want to remove government from the control of the political class and vest it in those who are from outside the realm of politics, who are citizen politicians. They do not accept the legitimacy of the campaigners who hail from the political class and, so, they place little credence in the attacks they level against Trump.



Zika isn’t fatal but it does cause birth defects after infecting pregnant women. What I am wondering is this. When will Reuters or any news outlet announce that the Zika virus was patented in 1947 by the Rockefeller Foundation and now the patent rights belong to Bill Gates? (see link below)
What I want to know is why is the virus sold to other nations? Especially since there is presently no vaccine or treatment for Zika. Are these nations working on a vaccine for a patented virus? Or is there something else going on?
There are others who look for something far different as the cause of the Zika virus.  Will they send troops out to fight Monsanto?
“The Physicians added that the Pyriproxyfen is manufactured by Sumimoto Chemical, a Japanese subsidiary of Monsanto. Pyriproxyfen is a growth inhibitor of mosquito larvae, which alters the development process from larva to pupa to adult, thus generating malformations in developing mosquitoes and killing or disabling them. It acts as an insect juvenile hormone or juvenoid, and has the effect of inhibiting the development of adult insect characteristics (for example, wings and mature external genitalia) and reproductive development. It is an endocrine disruptor and is teratogenic (causes birth defects).
The Argentine Physicians commented: “Malformations detected in thousands of children from pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian state added Pyriproxyfen to drinking water are not a coincidence, even though the Ministry of Health places a direct blame on the Zika virus for this damage.”
They also noted that Zika has traditionally been held to be a relatively benign disease that has never before been associated with birth defects, even in areas where it infects 75% of the population.”

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Pope Francis Vs. Donald Trump

Marilyn M. Barnewall -- Pope Francis Vs. Donald TrumpI will add that the popes views of the world are not Biblical...not what Jesus taught....

The media is insulated from the true and deep anger of the American people. They do not understand that when Trump says “There were no weapons of mass destruction,” many millions of Americans believe he’s right. Journalists do not have the slightest idea that those millions of Americans also believe the U.S. Government is somehow complicit in 9/11; so when someone mentions it, journalists think it’s being said by a conspiracy nut. They don’t understand that when the Pope says all people who believe we need a wall to secure our nation are not Christians, it upsets more than a little bit those who believe themselves to be Christians but think we need to stop illegal immigration.
“You have people coming in, and I’m not just saying Mexicans – I’m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they’re coming into this country,” Trump told Jake Tapper at CNN last June. It is a message that resonates with the American people because it is true. Trump has previously stated that the Pope has no understanding of the dangers of America’s open border with Mexico. He is right.
Prior to the Pope’s departure for Mexico, Trump called the Pope “a very political person.” Frankly, I think the Pope should return to the Vatican and straighten out all of the money laundering and other banking problems in the country where he controls policies before he tells America how to run ours and defines for us who is a Christian and who is not.
Bear in mind as you read this material, there is no nation-state in the world with higher walls around it than the Vatican. Those walls kept the Nazis out of the Vatican during World War II just as they would keep drug-dealing criminals out of America today.
When, Pope Francis, will you open your doors... or, at the very least, use your influence to get governments around the world to open buildings owned by the Catholic Church so Muslim immigrants can move in and enjoy freedom and Muslim worship services?
When will the Vatican begin accepting immigrants who run away from chaos and tyranny, from death and destruction, to seek asylum in a country safer than the war-torn piece of land they seek to leave? Surely the Pope would not suggest other nations make sacrifices that are unacceptable to him? That, too, would be hypocritical. What will the Papal reaction be when Muslims – most of the ones departing the Middle East appear to be young men, not families – demand “their part of the Vatican” (or Detroit or London or Paris) be governed by Sharia Law?
I may be wrong, but wasn't it the hypocrisy of the highest-ranking Jewish authorities that allowed (or even perhaps encouraged) the purchase of doves and "soul-saving" memorabilia to be sold on the steps of God's Temple in Jerusalem? It caused Jesus Christ to display righteous anger and throw the merchants who would market the Lord as if He were a product made by Proctor and Gamble or Microsoft from their Temple lemonade stands. "Oh, ye hypocrites!" were, I believe, Christ's exact words.
Since the Pope spoke words about anyone who builds walls rather than bridges not being a Christian, and since the Vatican has some of the highest walls around it I’ve ever seen, and since the Pope isn’t inviting the starving masses from the Middle East into the Vatican – there can be no other definition of the Pope regarding this matter: “Hypocrite!”
As a former Catholic, I find those words difficult to say. They are, however, the truth.
Unfortunately, by supporting people who flee tyranny rather than supporting them to effectively fight it, the Catholic church supports a lack of responsibility for fighting tyranny and the tyrants who seek to enslave us all – politically, spiritually, and economically. I believe that is not only wrong, but immoral.
We all need to ponder the words “legal immigration” and “illegal immigration” and the negative impact of illegals on the lawful citizens of all nations... often threatening the survival of the lawful so the unlawful can survive. Is that the Catholic objective? If so, the Pope should make clear his views on this issue so Catholics can, as all members of all religious sects do, re-evaluate whether the Catholic church represents their beliefs.
Do the Pope’s views represent the views of all Catholics? Or, just the Jesuits?
In all humility, the Pope should stop telling others to do that which he is not prepared to do. It damages his and the church’s credibility.
All of the above is based on facts, not opinions... yes, even the use of the word “hypocrite.” One is defined by what one does. But here’s a bit of a conspiracy theory for you to ponder.
Remember St. Malachi? What if St. Malachi’s dream is true? He said there would be 112 more Popes and that the final Pope would lead the Catholic church into apostasy -- meaning the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. Pope Francis is the 112th Pope since St. Malachi had that dream.
What are the necessary elements of a New World Order?
First, the establishment of an international monetary system (the central banks are working hard on that one). Second, some form of international “currency;” (I don’t believe it will be a currency, I believe a system of non-currency will be visited on us worldwide – more on that in another article). Third, an international religion is needed. As the communists once said, religion is an opiate for the masses.
Could it be that Pope Francis is leading the church to apostasy? Does he support illegal immigration and a North American Union as step one in forming an international church and does he envision himself at the head of this “church”?
Pope Francis has certainly raised some interesting questions, some well-deserved anger, some strange judgments about who is and who is not a Christian, and what his possible motives for raising such issues are

Rev. David Whitney -- The Burns Oregon Report from a Pastor

Rev. David Whitney -- The Burns Oregon Report from a PastorTHE BURNS OREGON REPORT FROM A PASTOR

By Reverend David Whitney
February 21, 2016
I was blessed this week to spend time with patriots in Burns Oregon. The morning after arriving the encampment at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge came to an end. So that night there were still TV trucks at the building where I was to speak. What sparked all these events is the essential issue of who owns the land.
As you know if you’ve watched my Federal Land Grab video, the Federal Government has no business in owning or controlling any of that land, it has no constitutional authority from We the People to regulate, control, let alone own any of it at all. So all the actions on the part of the Federals are plain and simple - criminal acts on the part of a lawless regime which cares nothing but for the increase of its raw power as it steals more and more land. And quite clearly it is willing to falsely imprison and even kill to accomplish its evil agenda.
I met with some precious people there, some ranchers whose families have been working the land for more than a century. We met with family members of Steve and Dwight Hammond - the two ranchers in prison for five years for a supposed Federal crime. They were charged with arson, but as I shared with the crowd Thursday evening there in Burns, there is no Federal crime of arson. As Thomas Jefferson clearly wrote in the Kentucky Resolves, our Constitution only allows five Federal crimes, actions for which the Federal government can prosecute someone, and arson is not on the list.
One thing is clear to everyone there in Burns, a grave injustice has been done to the Hammonds. They were not tried by a jury of their peers, the citizens of Burns, but way off in the far Northeast corner of the State by a jury who didn’t understand the challenges of life on the range, nor the character of the Hammonds.

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In addition the the jury were misinformed, they were not properly instructed by the judge that as a true American jury they are to judge the law as well as the facts and if they find the law defective then they are to acquit the accused. In addition American juries are to judge of the justice of the punishment; if the punishment did not fit the crime (eg. 5 years for setting a back fire to protect your property) then they are also to acquit. They could look at the punishment and determine if a greater injustice would be done by the over reaching punishment than just to simply let the accused go free.
What took place there is a travesty, a gross miscarriage of justice. And a Christians we ought to be very concerned when our government goes about the land committing grave acts of injustice. If this is a government of the people, by the people and for that people and we allow injustice to go unchallenged, then we’ve become part of that system of injustice.
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Devvy Kidd -- Texas Republican Party, Cruz, and Rubio Commit Election Fraud

Devvy Kidd -- Texas Republican Party, Cruz, and Rubio Commit Election FraudAs I covered in my last several columns, the issue of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio's constitutional ineligibility continues to be ignored by a corrupt 'mainstream' media as well as cable 'news' networks. Reporting on the definition of a 'natural born citizen' seems to be beyond the understanding of reporters and other 'experts' like gas bag, Bill O'Reilly, sounding off. But they all, including FOX, have agendas so why let truth or the U.S. Constitution get in the way?

Any suggestion that Ted Cruz is ineligible - Rubio mysteriously being left out of the equation 95% of the time - is nothing more than conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz is the final authority while Rubio breathes a sigh of relief the spotlight hasn't been focused on him - except by those of us who demand the U.S. Constitution be upheld.
This is the same garbage from the media we saw in 2008 & 2012 when the appropriate question came up regarding the fraud in the White House and his eligibility:

Kelleigh Nelson -- Anchor Baby, Marco Rubeo Armed Benghazi Rebels

Kelleigh Nelson -- Anchor Baby, Marco Rubeo Armed Benghazi RebelsHere is Marco Rubio record.....not on just eligibility , but on immigration and other issues....and a record a leftist would be proud of....he is same as Hillary or Obama....the facts make that apparent....There is a video attached also.....

Marco Rubio was born to parents who were both Cuban citizens. As such, he is not considered a natural born citizen. If you want the truth from a Constitutional scholar, watch this short video. Thus, just like Cruz, he is ineligible to hold the position of president or vice-president. Unfortunately, we're living in the age where laws and the Constitution are trampled, and few people truly understand the original law set down by our founders. Both Cruz and Rubio are lawyers, and they certainly know the truth, but disregard the law.
Marco Rubio is another globalist who wants to be an elitist. He is not fit to be president, and lied to the people of Florida to get elected. Let's look at his record.
The Record Rubio Wants Forgotten
Arming Libyan Rebels
Back in 2005 Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi had dismantled his WMD program and was lauded by the international community. Thus relations between Libya and the US were improving. However, in 2011, Rubio hoped to polish his foreign policy credentials for an eventual president campaign, and so he thoroughly backed Hillary Clinton's War on Libya. Following the murder of Gaddafi, Rubio, McCain and Graham celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.
Rubio and H-1B Visas
Dena Moore, a constituent of Marco Rubio, is endorsing Donald Trump for President. Who is Dena Moore? She is the woman who has filed a discrimination lawsuit against Disney, stating that, "You can't let a bully continue to be a bully." She was one of the Disney workers who was laid off after being forced to train her low wage foreign H-1B replacement. [Link] Moore says Trump is the only one who is standing up to bullies. Dena Moore never realized the laws which were being passed bringing in low wage foreigners to replace American's jobs.
In 2015, Rubio introduced a bill to triple the number of H-1B visas. This bill—known as the I-Squared bill— was endorsed by Disney CEO, Bob Iger, via his immigration lobbying firm. Disney is also one of Sen. Rubio’s biggest financial boosters– having donated more than $2 million according to Open Secrets.
Donald Trump has taken the opposite stand, exposing what Rubio has done to American workers and calling on Disney to rehire the Americans.
Like Marco Rubio, Sen. Ted Cruz similarly came under fire for pushing to quintuple the issuances of H-1Bs in 2013, before Cruz eventually introduced a bill to crackdown on the program just a few months obvious flip-flop once he was running for President.
Rubio Loves Amnesty
To win in the 2010 Tea Party Wave, Rubio ran as the anti-amnesty candidate despite an aggressive pro-amnesty record. Politico reports:
"Arturo Vargas, the executive director for the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, said Rubio, the son of Cuban exiles born in Miami, blocked 'scorched-earth' legislation that sought to clamp down on illegal immigration. 'He, as speaker, kept many of those from coming up to a vote,' Vargas said. 'We were very proud of his work as speaker of the House.' "
"In 2006, Rubio even voted for a bill that would have allowed the children of illegal immigrants to pay the same tuition rates at Florida colleges as residents. Vargas now says Rubio, the candidate, takes a more pointed, less nuanced tone as he stresses border enforcement and his opposition to amnesty. 'He’s become your typical candidate in terms of playing to his primary election base…'"
Rubio is well known as the champion of Amnesty, something he was allegedly "against" when campaigning to become Florida's Senator. However, once elected he rushed into Chuckie Schumer's arms and co-authored the "Gang of Eight" bill which was amnesty on steroids. It wasn't surprising, and every single Democrat and liberal in Congress voted for it. However, if the Florida voters had been listening closely prior to electing Marco, they'd have heard him slamming Arizona's SB 1070 anti-amnesty bill of 2010. Rubio actually likened the bill to creating a "police state."
Marco also went on Univision in Spanish, and said he would not rescind President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty on his first day in office. He had actually told Univision that Obama’s DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] is important. He added "At some point it’s going to have to end," but then spelled out when and why: "it’s going to end because immigration reform is going to pass." In other words, Obama’s illegal executive action would stay in place into an indefinite future time when legislation enacts a legal version of it anyway.
Doesn't this just thrill you? Here is an anchor baby, not a natural born citizen of the United States, who is now running for president, who in 2010 wanted to throw the doors open to every foreigner crossing our borders. Rubio is a lawyer, he knows the laws, but disregards them.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
I'm of the belief that we need far more border agents than we have today. Several years back, I read where the southern agents were cut in half. I wrote to both my senators, not receiving a reasonable answer from either of them. So I wrote again. And guess what kind of a response I got from leftist Republican Senator Lamar Alexander? He said he would foreword my letters to the DHS..(scare tactic), so every time I write to him now, I tell him I've yet to hear from the DHS. He doesn't respond.
Chris Crane is ICE Council President, he is a former Marine, and has served with ICE for 13 years. In a recent Breitbart article, Crane tells of his dealings with Gang of Eight, Rubio. Crane was actually ejected from a Gang of Eight press conference, where he tried to ask questions.
He was integral in stopping this legislation from passing, and Sen. Jeff Sessions says it was a near miss.
The Gang of Eight reached out to big business and amnesty lobbyists in writing this horrendous bill, but never reached out to law enforcement. Crane said he never called on law enforcement personnel to tell what is needed and what they go through day after day.
Finally Crane was allowed to meet with Rubio and told him the changes which needed to be made, and Rubio stated he would make those changes. Not one of the changes suggested by law enforcement made it into the bill before Rubio introduced it.
Much more happened when Officer Crane tried to ask questions of the Gang of Eight, at a press conference, and was booed down by pro-amnesty people and ushered out by law enforcement with nary a word from Rubio or any of the other politicians.
Senator Jacob Howardwho introduced the 14th Amendment's citizenship clause, said its grant of…