"The first of the job and sovereignty killing treaties so innocently called an agreement was NAFTA. Official title: North American Free Trade Agreement. In reality: No American Factories Taking Applications. That unconstitutional tool of the global elite was pushed through by globalist Newt Gingrich with enormous help from Rush Limbaugh. Marxist Bill Clinton signed it into "law" in December 1993. Then began the massive destruction of the three job sectors that made America the most prosperous nation on the face of this earth: manufacturing, industrial and agriculture.
"A bill was introduced in 2011 to finally get us out. It got zero attention from the old media. Forget FOX. Too many Americans pay little to no attention to bills sitting in the biggest whore house on the planet- except for hot button issues like abortion; it went no where. There were too few of us to make it happen.
"NAFTA was also supposed to usher in a new age of prosperity among the American people as thousands upon thousands of good-paying jobs were to be created through the increase in trade surplus that never quite came to fruition. As you can imagine, just the opposite happened. Each and every year more and more jobs are outsourced to Mexico where labor is incredibly cheap and environmental concerns are a mere afterthought. The raft of jobs outsourced to Mexico forced American workers into direct competition with one another and drove down wages for all.
"Now Americans are forced to compete, not only with one another, but also with Mexican workers who are willing to work for much less than the average American. In the U.S., the average factory worker makes roughly $18 per hour while his Mexican counterpart earns just $3 per hour. This has encouraged a “race to the bottom” in which American companies are frequently relocating production facilities across the border. Iconic American companies such as Coca Cola, Ford, RCA, General Motors, General Electric and Nokia have all opened up assembly plants in Mexico. In fact, GE employs 30,000 Mexicans in 35 factories in the country.
"This race to the bottom has had a devastating effect on America's manufacturing base. Pre-NAFTA, the U.S. had 16.8 million people employed in the manufacturing field. By 2007, that number was down to just 13.9 million. That accounts for over 20 percent of America's manufacturing jobs over the past 14 years. Those good-paying manufacturing jobs have been replaced by low-paying service sector jobs with little or no benefits."
"In 2000, the Outlaw Congress had the chance to get us out of GATT/WTO. The effort was killed by John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi. Since the impostor president has been squatting in the White House, John Boehner has given Barry Soetoro aka Obama every damn "free" trade treaty or "agreement" he's pushed for; sleeping with America's enemy, Johnny boy. Do have another glass of the red wine you're so fond of.
"On June 9, 2005, the House voted 338-86 to reject a motion to withdraw congressional approval of the 1994 agreement establishing the WTO and governing body, GATT.
"One book that stands out on this issue is America's Projectionist Takeoff 1815- 1914: The Neglected American School of Political Economy by Michael Hudson. I invite you to read the comments about Hudson's book; it really is a must read. What made us a power house has been destroyed since 1994 and yet, every two years the American people who have suffered so badly because of all those treaties continue to reelect the same scum bags back to the House of Representatives and Senate who have taken us to poverty with more in the works. "
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