Remaining Free....The shackles placed on we the people, are becoming more numerous with each passing year. There are so many so called conservatives who are hypocrites, which means they are either full blown liberal as in Government must have all power or are liberal lite types that try to fool everyone, such as Bill Kristol, Karl Rove, numerous media types, and politicians ad infinitum. There are many more in the shadows so we the people, have a difficult task, since these men and women have had a 50 to 80 year head start. These people will do everything including lie, cheat, steal, to keep our country on the path to the socialist utopia....which really is one of the greatest lies on the planet.
Will be ever get out of the UN? Will we ever get the government back on the path it was intended for as in the Constitution? Will we ever get rid of the New World Order crowd that favors abolition of the US borders; free traders who give away our jobs and infiltration of our country with people who have never lived free? Will ever get rid of the cancer that is ruining the moral fiber?
Will be ever get out of the UN? Will we ever get the government back on the path it was intended for as in the Constitution? Will we ever get rid of the New World Order crowd that favors abolition of the US borders; free traders who give away our jobs and infiltration of our country with people who have never lived free? Will ever get rid of the cancer that is ruining the moral fiber?
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